Advanced Build

In this section, we provide the gory details that may be handy to know if you are contributing to or developing for Redox.

(Don't forget to read this page to know our build system organization and how it works)

Setup Your Environment

Although it's recommended to read the Building Redox or Podman Build pages instead of the process described here, advanced users may accomplish the same as the script with the following steps, which are provided by way of example for Pop!_OS/Ubuntu/Debian. For other platforms, have a look at the file to help determine what packages to install for your Unix-like system.

The steps to perform are:

Clone The Repository

  • Create a directory and clone the repository
mkdir -p ~/tryredox
cd ~/tryredox
git clone --origin upstream --recursive
cd redox
make pull

Please be patient, this can take minutes to hours depending on the hardware and network you're using.

In addition to installing the various packages needed for building Redox, and both clone the repository, so if you used either script, you have completed Step 1.

Install The Necessary Packages and Emulator

If you cloned the sources before running, you can use:

cd ~/tryredox/redox
./ -d

If you can't use script, you can attempt to install the necessary packages below.

Pop!_OS/Ubuntu/Debian Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo apt-get install ant autoconf automake autopoint bison \
build-essential clang cmake curl dos2unix doxygen file flex \
fuse3 g++ genisoimage git gperf intltool libexpat-dev libfuse-dev \
libgmp-dev libhtml-parser-perl libjpeg-dev libmpfr-dev libpng-dev \
libsdl1.2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libtool llvm lua5.4 m4 make meson nasm \
ninja-build patch perl pkg-config po4a protobuf-compiler python3 \
python3-mako rsync scons texinfo unzip wget xdg-utils xxd zip zstd
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86 qemu-kvm
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo apt-get install virtualbox

Fedora Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo dnf install autoconf vim bison flex genisoimage gperf \
glibc-devel.i686 expat expat-devel fuse-devel fuse3-devel gmp-devel \
libpng-devel perl perl-HTML-Parser libtool libjpeg-turbo-devel
SDL2_ttf-devel sdl12-compat-devel m4 nasm po4a syslinux \
texinfo ninja-build meson waf python3-mako make gcc gcc-c++ \
openssl patch automake perl-Pod-Html perl-FindBin gperf curl \
gettext-devel perl-Pod-Xhtml pkgconf-pkg-config cmake llvm zip \
unzip lua luajit make clang doxygen ant protobuf-compiler zstd
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo dnf install qemu-system-x86 qemu-kvm
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, install from VirtualBox Linux Downloads page.

Arch Linux Users

Install the build system dependencies:

pacman -S --needed cmake fuse git gperf perl-html-parser nasm \
wget texinfo bison flex po4a autoconf curl file patch automake \
scons waf expat gmp libtool libpng libjpeg-turbo sdl12-compat \
m4 pkgconf po4a syslinux meson python python-mako make xdg-utils \
zip unzip llvm clang perl doxygen lua ant protobuf
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo pacman -S qemu
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo pacman -S virtualbox

OpenSUSE Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo zypper install gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel-32bit nasm make fuse-devel \
cmake openssl automake gettext-tools libtool po4a patch flex gperf autoconf \
bison curl wget file libexpat-devel gmp-devel libpng16-devel libjpeg8-devel \
perl perl-HTML-Parser m4 patch scons pkgconf syslinux-utils ninja meson python-Mako \
xdg-utils zip unzip llvm clang doxygen lua54 ant protobuf
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo zypper install qemu-x86 qemu-kvm

Gentoo Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo emerge dev-lang/nasm dev-vcs/git sys-fs/fuse
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo emerge app-emulation/qemu
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, install from VirtualBox Linux Downloads page.

FreeBSD Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo pkg install coreutils findutils gcc nasm pkgconf fusefs-libs3 \
cmake gmake wget openssl texinfo python automake gettext bison gperf \
autoconf curl file flex expat2 gmp png libjpeg-turbo sdl12 sdl2_ttf \
perl5.36 p5-HTML-Parser libtool m4 po4a syslinux ninja meson xdg-utils \
zip unzip llvm doxygen patch automake scons lua54 py-protobuf-compiler
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo pkg install qemu qemu-system-x86_64
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo pkg install virtualbox

MacOS Users

The MacOSX require workarounds because the Redox toolchain don't support ARM64 as host and MacOSX don't allow FUSE to work while SIP is enabled.

This is what you can do:

  • Install QEMU and create a x86-64 VM for a Linux distribution
  • Install VirtualBox and create a VM for a Linux distribution (only works with Apple computers using Intel CPUs)
  • Install UTM and create a x86-64 VM for a Linux distribution
  • Disable SIP (Not recommended, only if you know what you are doing)
  • Install a Linux distribution


Install the build system dependencies:

sudo port install coreutils findutils gcc49 gcc-4.9 nasm pkgconfig \
osxfuse x86_64-elf-gcc cmake ninja po4a findutils texinfo autoconf \
openssl3 openssl11 bison curl wget file flex gperf expat gmp libpng \
jpeg libsdl12 libsdl2_ttf libtool m4 ninja meson python311 py37-mako \
xdg-utils zip unzip llvm-16 clang-16 perl5.24 p5-html-parser doxygen \
gpatch automake scons gmake lua protobuf-c
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo port install qemu qemu-system-x86_64
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo port install virtualbox

If you have some problem, try to install this Perl module:

cpan install HTML::Entities


Install the build system dependencies:

brew install automake bison gettext libtool make nasm gcc@7 \
gcc-7 pkg-config cmake ninja po4a macfuse findutils texinfo \
openssl@1.1 openssl@3.0 autoconf curl wget flex gperf expat \
gmp libpng jpeg sdl12-compat sdl2_ttf perl libtool m4 ninja \
meson python@3.11 zip unzip llvm doxygen gpatch automake scons \
lua ant protobuf redox-os/gcc_cross_compilers/x86_64-elf-gcc x86_64-elf-gcc
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
brew install qemu qemu-system-x86_64
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
brew install virtualbox

If you have some problem, try to install this Perl module:

cpan install HTML::Entities

Install Rust Stable And Nightly

Install Rust, make the nightly version your default toolchain, then list the installed toolchains:

curl -sSf | sh


source ~/.cargo/env
rustup default nightly
rustup toolchain list
cargo install --force --version 0.1.1 cargo-config

NOTE: ~/.cargo/bin has been added to your PATH environment variable for the running session.

The . "$HOME/.cargo/env command (equivalent to source ~/.cargo/env) have been added to your shell start-up file, ~/.bashrc, but you may wish to add it elsewhere or modify it according to your own environment.


The tools that build Redox are specific to each CPU architecture. These tools are located in the directory prefix, in a subdirectory named for the architecture, e.g. prefix/x86_64-unknown-redox. If you have problems with these tools, you can remove the subdirectory or even the whole prefix directory, which will cause the tools to be re-downloaded or rebuilt. The variable PREFIX_BINARY in mk/ controls whether they are downloaded or built.


The Cookbook system is an essential part of the Redox build system. Each Redox component package is built and managed by the Cookbook toolset. The variable REPO_BINARY in mk/ controls if the recipes are compiled from sources or use binary packages from Redox CI server, read the section REPO_BINARY for more details. See Including Programs in Redox for examples of using the Cookbook toolset. If you will be developing recipes to include in Redox, it is worthwhile to have a look at the tools in the cookbook directory.

Creating a Build Environment Shell

If you are working on specific components of the system, and will be using some of the tools in the cookbook directory and bypassing make, you may wish to create a build environment shell. This shell includes the prefix tools in your PATH. You can do this with:

make env

This command also works with a Podman Build, creating a shell in Podman and setting PATH to include the necessary build tools.

Updating The Sources

If you want to update the build system or if some of the recipes have changed, you can update those parts of the system with make pull. However, this will not update the sources of the recipes.

cd ~/tryredox/redox
make pull

If you want to update the source for the recipes, use make rebuild, or remove the file $(BUILD)/fetch.tag and run make fetch.

Changing the Filesystem Size and Contents

You can modify the size and contents of the filesystem for emulation and livedisk as described in Configuration Settings.

Next Steps

Once this is all set up, we can finally build! See Compiling Redox.