An example.

Enough theory! Time for an example.

We will implement a scheme which holds a vector. The scheme will push elements to the vector when it receives writes, and pop them when it is read. Let's call it vec.

The complete source for this example can be found at redox-os/vec_scheme_example.

TODO the example has not been saved to the repo


In order to build and run this example in a Redox environment, you'll need to be set up to compile the OS from source. The process for getting a program included in a local Redox build is laid out in Including Programs. Pause here and follow the helloworld example in that guide if you want to get this example running.

This example assumes that vec was used as the name of the crate instead of helloworld. The crate should therefore be located at cookbook/recipes/vec/source.

Modify the Cargo.toml for the vec crate so that it looks something like this:

name = "vec"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

name = "vec_scheme"
path = "src/"

name = "vec"
path = "src/"

redox_syscall = "^0.2.6"

Notice that there are two binaries here. We'll need another program to interact with our scheme, since CLI tools like cat use more operations than we strictly need to implement for our scheme. The client uses only the standard library.

The Scheme Daemon

Create src/ in the crate. Start by useing a couple of symbols.

use std::cmp::min;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};

use syscall::Packet;
use syscall::scheme::SchemeMut;
use syscall::error::Result;

We start by defining our mutable scheme struct, which will implement the SchemeMut trait and hold the state of the scheme.

struct VecScheme {
    vec: Vec<u8>,

impl VecScheme {
    fn new() -> VecScheme {
        VecScheme {
            vec: Vec::new(),

Before implementing the scheme operations on our scheme struct, let's breifly discuss the way that this struct will be used. Our program (vec_scheme) will create the vec scheme by opening the corresponding scheme handler in the root scheme (:vec). Let's implement a main() that intializes our scheme struct and registers the new scheme:

fn main() {
    let mut scheme = VecScheme::new();

    let mut handler = File::create(":vec")
        .expect("Failed to create the vec scheme");

When other programs open/read/write/etc against our scheme, the Redox kernel will make those requests available to our program via this scheme handler. Our scheme will read that data, handle the requests, and send responses back to the kernel by writing to the scheme handler. The kernel will then pass the results of operations back to the caller.

fn main() {
    // ...

    let mut packet = Packet::default();

    loop {
        // Wait for the kernel to send us requests
        let read_bytes = packet)
            .expect("vec: failed to read event from vec scheme handler");

        if read_bytes == 0 {
            // Exit cleanly

        // Scheme::handle passes off the info from the packet to the individual
        // scheme methods and writes back to it any information returned by
        // those methods.
        scheme.handle(&mut packet);

            .expect("vec: failed to write response to vec scheme handler");

Now let's deal with the specific operations on our scheme. The scheme.handle(...) call dispatches requests to these methods, so that we don't need to worry about the gory details of the Packet struct.

In most Unix systems (Redox included!), a program needs to open a file before it can do very much with it. Since our scheme is just a "virtual filesystem", programs call open with the path to the "file" they want to interact with when they want to start a conversation with our scheme.

For our vec scheme, let's push whatever path we're given to the vec:

impl SchemeMut for VecScheme {
    fn open(&mut self, path: &str, _flags: usize, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result<usize> {

Say a program calls open("vec:/hello"). That call will work it's way through the kernel and end up being dispatched to this function through our Scheme::handle call.

The usize that we return here will be passed back to us as the id parameter of the other scheme operations. This way we can keep track of different open files. In this case, we won't make a distinction between two different programs talking to us and simply return zero.

Similarly, when a process opens a file, the kernel returns a number (the file descriptor) that the process can use to read and write to that file. Now let's implement the read and write operations for VecScheme.

impl SchemeMut for VecScheme {
    // ...

    // Fill up buf with the contents of self.vec, starting from self.buf[0].
    // Note that this reverses the contents of the Vec.
    fn read(&mut self, _id: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> {
        let num_written = min(buf.len(), self.vec.len());

        for b in buf {
            if let Some(x) = self.vec.pop() {
                *b = x;
            } else {


    // Simply push any bytes we are given to self.vec
    fn write(&mut self, _id: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
        for i in buf {


Note that each of the methods of the SchemeMut trait provide a default implementation. These will all return errors since they are essentially unimplemented. There's one more method we need to implement in order to prevent errors for users of our scheme:

impl SchemeMut for VecScheme {
    // ...

    fn close(&mut self, _id: usize) -> Result<usize> {

Most languages' standard libraries call close automatically when a file object is destroyed, and Rust is no exception.

To see all the possitble operations on schemes, check out the API docs.

TODO There is no scheme documentation at this link

A Simple Client

As mentioned earlier, we need to create a very simple client in order to use our scheme, since some command line tools (like cat) use operations other than open, read, write, and close. Put this code into src/

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};

fn main() {
    let mut vec_file = File::open("/scheme/vec/hi")
        .expect("Failed to open vec file");

    vec_file.write(b" Hello")
        .expect("Failed to write to vec");

    let mut read_into = String::new();
    vec_file.read_to_string(&mut read_into)
        .expect("Failed to read from vec");

    println!("{}", read_into); // olleH ih/

We simply open some "file" in our scheme, write some bytes to it, read some bytes from it, and then spit those bytes out on stdout. Remember, it doesn't matter what path we use, since all our scheme does is add that path to the vec. In this sense, the vec scheme implements a global vector.

Running the Scheme

Since we've already set up the program to build and run in QEMU, simply run:

make r.scheme-name image qemu

We'll need multiple terminal windows open in the QEMU window for this step. Notice that both binaries we defined in our Cargo.toml can now be found in /usr/bin (vec_scheme and vec). In one terminal window, run sudo vec_scheme. A program needs to run as root in order to register a new scheme. In another terminal, run vec and observe the output.

Exercises for the reader

  • Make the vec scheme print out something whenever it gets events. For example, print out the user and group ids of the user who tries to open a file in the scheme.
  • Create a unique vec for each opened file in your scheme. You might find a hashmap useful for this.
  • Write a scheme that can run code for your favorite esoteric programming language.