Coding and Building

(Before reading this page you must read the Build System page)

This page covers common development tasks on the Redox build system.

Working with Git

Before starting the development, read the Creating Proper Pull Requests page, which describes how the Redox team uses Git.

In this example, we will discuss how to create a fork of the games recipe, pretending you are going to create a Merge Request for your changes. Don't actually do this. Only create a fork when you have changes that you want to send to Redox upstream.

Anonymous commits

If you are new to Git, it request your username and email before the first commit on some offline repository, if you don't want to insert your personal information, run:

  • Repository
cd your-repository-folder
git config 'Anonymous'
git config '<>'

This command will make you anonymous only on this repository.

  • Global
git config --global 'Anonymous'
git config --global '<>'

This command will make you anonymous in all repositories of your user.

Using Multiple Windows

For clarity and easy of use, we will be using two terminal tabs on your system, each running a different GNU Bash shell instance.

  1. The Build shell, normally at ~/tryredox/redox or where your base redox directory is.
  2. The Coding shell, at cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/source.

Setup your Configuration

To get started, follow the steps in the Including Programs page to include the games package on your myfiles configuration file. In your terminal window, go to your redox base directory and run:

make qemu

On Redox, run minesweeper as described in the link above. Type the letter f and you will see F appear on your screen. Use Ctrl-Alt-G to regain control of your cursor, and click the upper right corner to exit QEMU.

Keep the terminal window open. That will be your Build shell.

The Recipe

Let's walk through contributing to the recipe redox-games, which is a collection of terminal games. We are going to modify minesweeper to display P instead of F on flagged spots.

The redox-games recipe is built in the folder cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games. When you download the redox base package, it includes a file cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/recipe.toml. The recipe tells the build system how to get the source and how to build it.

When you build the system and include the redox-games recipe, the toolchain does a git clone into the directory cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/source. Then it builds the recipe in the directory cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/target.

Edit the recipe so it does not try to automatically download the sources.

  • Create a Terminal window running bash on your system, which we will call your Coding shell.
  • Change to the redox-games directory.
  • Open recipe.toml in a text editor.
cd ~/tryredox/redox/cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games
nano recipe.toml
  • Comment out the [source] section at the top of the file.
# [source]
# git = ""
  • Save your changes.

Git Clone

To setup this recipe for contributing, do the following in your Coding shell.

  • Delete the source and target directories in cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games.
  • Clone the package into the source directory, either specifying it in the git clone or by moving it after clone.
rm -rf source target
git clone --origin upstream --recursive
mv games source
  • If you are making a change that you want to contribute, (you are not, don't actually do this) at this point you should follow the instructions in Creating Proper Pull Requests, replacing redox.git with games.git. Make sure you fork the correct repository, in this case redox-os/games. Remember to create a new branch before you make any changes.

  • If you want to Git Clone a remote repoitory (main repoitory/your fork), you can add these sections on your recipe.toml:

git = your-git-link
branch = your-branch # optional

Edit your Code

  • Using your favorite code editor, make your changes. We use nano in this example, from your Coding shell. You can also use VS Code.
cd source
nano src/minesweeper/
  • Search for the line containing the definition of the FLAGGED constant (around line 36), and change it to P.
const FLAGGED: &'static str = "P";

Verify Your Code on Linux

Most Redox programs are source-compatible with Linux without being modified. You can (and should) build and test your program on Linux.

  • From within the Coding shell, go to the source directory and use the Linux version of cargo to check for errors.
cargo check

(Since much of the code in redox-games is older (pre-2018 Rust), you will get several warnings. They can be ignored)

You could also use cargo clippy, but minesweeper is not clean enough to pass.

  • The redox-games recipe creates more than one executable, so to test minesweeper on Linux, you need to specify it to cargo. In the source directory, do:
cargo run --bin minesweeper

The Full Rebuild

After making changes to your recipe, you can use the make rebuild command, which will check for any changes to recipe and make a new Redox image. make all and make qemu do not check for recipes that need to be rebuilt, so if you use them, your changes may not be included in the system. Once you are comfortable with this process, you can try some tricks to save time.

  • Within your Build shell, in your redox directory, do:
make rebuild 2>&1 | tee build.log
  • You can now scan through build.log to check for errors. The file is large and contains many ANSI Escape Sequences, so it can be hard to read. However, if you encountered a fatal build error, it will be at the end of the log, so skip to the bottom and scan upwards.

Test Your Changes

In the Redox instance started by make qemu, test your changes to minesweeper.

  • Log in with user user and no password.
  • Open a Terminal window.
  • Type minesweeper.
  • Use your arrow keys or WSAD to move to a square and type f to set a flag. The character P will appear.

Congratulations! You have modified a program and built the system! Next, create a bootable image with your change.

  • If you are still running QEMU, type Ctrl-Alt-G and click the upper right corner of the Redox window to exit.
  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, do:
make live

In the directory build/x86_64/myfiles, you will find the file livedisk.iso. Follow the instructions on this section and test out your change.

Test Your Changes (out of the Redox build system)

Redoxer is the tool used to build and run Rust programs (and C/C++ programs with zero dependencies) for Redox, it download the Redox toolchain and use Cargo.


  • Install the tool
cargo install redoxer
  • Install the Redox toolchain
redoxer toolchain
  • Build the Rust program or library with Redoxer
redoxer build
  • Run the Rust program on Redox
redoxer run
  • Test the Rust program or library with Redoxer
redoxer test
  • Run arbitrary executable (echo hello) with Redoxer
redoxer exec echo hello

Testing On Real Hardware

You can use the make live command to create bootable images, it will be used instead of make image.

This command will create the file build/your-cpu-arch/your-config/livedisk.iso, you will burn this image on your USB device, CD or DVD disks (if you have an USB device, Popsicle is the recommended method to flash your device).

Full bootable image creation

  • Update your recipes and create a bootable image:
make rebuild live

Partial bootable image creation

  • Build your source changes on some recipe and create a bootable image (no QEMU image creation):
make cr.recipe-name live
  • Manually update multiple recipes and create a bootable image (more quick than make rebuild):
make r.recipe1 r.recipe2 live

Flash the bootable image on your USB device

If you can't use Popsicle, you can use the Unix tool dd, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the files of your Cookbook configuration:
cd build/your-cpu-arch/your-config
  • Flash your device with dd

First you need to find your USB device ID, use this command to show the IDs of all connected disks on your computer:

ls /dev/disk/by-id

Search for the items beginning with usb and find your USB device model, you will copy and paste this ID on the dd command below (don't use the IDs with part-x in the end).

sudo dd if=livedisk.iso of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-your-device-model oflag=sync bs=4M status=progress

In the /dev/disk/by-id/usb-your-device-model path you will replace the usb-your-device-model part with your USB device ID obtained before.

Double-check the "of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-your-device-model" part to avoid data loss

Burn your CD/DVD with the bootable image

  • Go to the files of your Cookbook configuration:
cd build/your-cpu-arch/your-config
  • Verify if your optical disk device can write on CD/DVD
cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info

Check if the items "Can write" has 1 (Yes) or 0 (No), it also show the optical disk devices on the computer: /dev/srX.

xorriso -as cdrecord -v -sao dev=/dev/srX livedisk.iso

In the /dev/srX part, the x letter is your optical device number.

Update crates

Search Text On Files

To find which package contains a particular command, crate or function call, you can use the grep command.

This will speed up your development workflow.

  • Command examples
grep -rnw "redox-syscall" --include "Cargo.toml"

This command will find any "Cargo.toml" file that contains the phrase "redox-syscall". Helpful for finding which package contains a command or uses a crate.

grep -rni "physmap" --include "*.rs"

This command will find any ".rs" file that contains the string "physmap". Helpful for finding where a function is used or defined.

Options context:

  • -n - display the line number of the specified text on each file.

  • -r - Search directories recursively.

  • -w - Match only whole words.

  • -i - Ignore case distinctions in patterns and data.

  • grep explanation - GeeksforGeeks article explaining how to use the grep tool.

Checking In Your Changes

Don't do this now, but if you were to have permanent changes to contribute to a recipe, at this point, you would git push and create a Merge Request, as described in Creating Proper Pull Requests.

If you were contributing a new package, such as porting a Rust application to Redox, you would need to check in the recipe.toml file. It goes in the cookbook subproject. You may also need to modify a filesystem config file, such as config/your-cpu-arch/demo.toml. It goes in the redox project. You must fork and do a proper Pull Request for each of these projects. Please coordinate with the Redox team on the chat before doing this.

Shortening the Rebuild Time

To skip some of the steps in a full rebuild, here are some tricks.

Build your recipe for Redox

You can build just the redox-games recipe, rather than having make rebuild verifying each recipe for changes. This can help shorten the build time if you are trying to resolve issues such as compilation errors or linking to libraries.

  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, type:
make r.redox-games

Build system Makefiles have a rule for r.recipe-name, where recipe-name is the name of a Redox recipe. It will make that recipe, ready to load into the Redox filesystem.

Once your Redox recipe has been successfully built, you can use make rebuild to create the image, or, if you are confident you have made all packages successfully, you can skip a complete rebuild and just make a new image.

If you had a problem, use this command to log any possible errors on your terminal output:

make cr.recipe-name 2>&1 | tee recipe-name.log

Make a New QEMU Image

Now that all the packages are built, you can make a Redox image without the step of checking for modifications.

  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, do:
make image
  • make image skips building any packages (assuming the last full make succeeded), but it ensures a new image is created, which should include the recipe you built in the previous step.

Most Quick Trick To Test Changes


make cr.recipe-name image qemu

This command will build just your modified recipe, then update your QEMU image with your modified recipe and run QEMU with Orbital.

Insert Text Files On QEMU (quickest method)

If you need to move text files, such as shell scripts or command output, from or to your Redox instance running on QEMU, use your Terminal window that you used to start QEMU. To capture the output of a Redox command, run script before starting QEMU.

tee qemu.log
make qemu gpu=no
redox login: user
# execute your commands, with output to the terminal
# exit QEMU
# exit the shell started by script

The command output will now be in the file qemu.log. Note that if you did not exit the script shell, the output may not be complete.

To transfer a text file, such as a shell script, onto Redox, use the Terminal window with copy/paste.

redox login: user
cat > << EOF
# Copy the text to the clipboard and use the Terminal window paste

If your file is large, or non-ASCII, or you have many files to copy, you can use the process described in Patch an Image. However, you do so at your own risk.

Files you create while running QEMU remain in the Redox image, so long as you do not rebuild the image. Similarly, files you add to the image will be present when you run QEMU, so long as you do not rebuild the image.

Make sure you are not running QEMU. Run make mount. You can now use your file browser to navigate to build/x86_64/myfiles/filesystem. Copy your files into or out of the Redox filesystem as required. Make sure to exit your file browser window, and use make unmount before running make qemu.

Note that in some circumstances, make qemu may trigger a rebuild (e.g. make detects an out of date file). If that happens, the files you copied into the Redox image will be lost.

Insert files on the QEMU image using a recipe

You can use a Redox package to put your files inside of the Redox filesystem, on this example we will use the recipe myfiles for this:

  • Create the source folder inside the myfiles recipe directory and move your files to it:
mkdir cookbook/recipes/other/myfiles/source
  • Add the myfiles recipe below the [packages] section on your Cookbook configuration at config/your-cpu-arch/your-config.toml:
myfiles = {}
  • Build the recipe and create a new QEMU image:
make r.myfiles image
  • Open QEMU to verify your files:
make qemu

This recipe will make the Cookbook package all the files on the source folder to be installed on the /home/user directory on your Redox filesystem.

(This is the only way keep your files after the make image command)

Insert Files On The QEMU Image

If you feel the need to skip creating a new image, and you want to directly add a file to the existing Redox image, it is possible to do so. However, this is not recommended. You should use a recipe to make the process repeatable. But here is how to access the Redox image as if it were a Linux filesystem.

  • NOTE: You must ensure that Redox is not running in QEMU when you do this.

  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, type:

make mount

The Redox image is now mounted as a directory at build/x86_64/your-config/filesystem.

  • Unmount the filesystem and test your image. NOTE: You must unmount before you start QEMU.
cd ~/tryredox/redox
make unmount
make qemu

Working with an unpublished version of a crate

Some recipes use Cargo dependencies (Cargo.toml) with recipe dependencies (recipe.toml), if you are making a change to one of these Cargo dependencies, your merged changes will take a while to appear on as we publish to there instead of using our GitLab fork.

To test your changes quickly, follow these tutorials on Cargo documentation:

A Note about Drivers

The drivers and drivers-initfs recipes share the source folder, thus your changes on the drivers recipe source code will added on the drivers-initfs recipe automatically.

(The recipe.toml of the drivers-initfs recipe use the same_as data type to symlink the source, you can read on this link)

Development Tips

  • Make sure your build system is up-to-date, read this section in case of doubt.
  • If some program can't build or work properly, remember that something could be missing/hiding on relibc, some missing function or bug.
  • If you have some error on QEMU, remember to test different settings or verify your operating system (Pop_OS!, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora are the recommend Linux distributions to do testing/development for Redox).
  • Remember to log all errors, you can use this command as example:
your-command 2>&1 | tee file-name.log
  • If you have a problem that seems to not have a solution, think on simple/stupid things, sometimes you are very confident on your method and forget obvious things (it's very common).
  • If you want a more quick review of your Merge Request, make it small, Jeremy will read it more fast.
  • If your big Merge Request is taking too long to merge try to shrink it with other small MRs, make sure it don't break anything, if this method break your changes, don't shrink.

Visual Studio Code Configuration

Before you start the VS Code IDE to do Redox development, you need to run this command on your terminal:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-redox

If the code that you are working on includes directives like #[cfg(target_os = "redox)], that code will be disabled by default. To enable live syntax and compiler warnings for that code, add the following line to your VS Code config file (.vscode/settings.json):

"": "x86_64-unknown-redox"

VS Code Tips and Tricks

Although not for every Rustacean, VS Code is helpful for those who are working with unfamiliar code. We don't get the benefit of all its features, but the Rust support in VS Code is very good.

If you have not used VS Code with Rust, here's an overview. VS Code installation instructions are here.

After installing the rust-analyzer extension as described in the overview, you get access to several useful features.

  • Inferred types and parameter names as inline hints.
  • Peeking at definitions and references.
  • Refactoring support.
  • Autoformat and clippy on Save (optional).
  • Visual Debugger (if your code can run on Linux).
  • Compare/Revert against the repository with the Git extension.

Using VS Code on individual packages works pretty well, although it sometimes take a couple of minutes to kick in. Here are some things to know.

Start in the "source" folder

In your Coding shell, start VS Code, specifying the source directory.

code ~/tryredox/redox/cookbook/recipes/games/source

Or if you are in the source directory, just code . with the period meaning the source dir.

Add it to your "Favorites" bar

VS Code remembers the last project you used it on, so typing code with no directory or starting it from your Applications window or Favorites bar will go back to that project.

After starting VS Code, right click on the icon and select Add to Favorites.

Wait a Couple of Minutes

You can start working right away, but after a minute or two, you will notice extra text appear in your Rust code with inferred types and parameter names filled in. This additional text is just hints, and is not permanently added to your code.

Save Often

If you have made significant changes, rust-analyzer can get confused, but this can usually be fixed by doing Save All.

Don't Use it for the whole of Redox

VS Code cannot grok the gestalt of Redox, so it doesn't work very well if you start it in your redox base directory. It can be handy for editing recipes, config and make files. And if you want to see what you have changed in the Redox project, click on the Source Control icon on the far left, then select the file you want to compare against the repository.

Don't Build the System in a VS Code Terminal

In general, it's not recommended to do a system build from within VS Code. Use your Build window. This gives you the flexibility to exit Code without terminating the build.