
This is the Redox OS book, which will go through (almost) everything about Redox: design, philosophy, how it works, how you can contribute, how to deploy Redox, and much more.

Please note that this book is work-in-progress.

If you want to skip straight to trying out Redox, see the Getting started page.

If you want to contribute to Redox, read the following guides: CONTRIBUTING and Developing for Redox.

What is Redox?

Redox OS is a general-purpose operating system written in Rust. Our aim is to provide a fully functioning Unix-like microkernel-based operating system, that is secure, reliable and free.

We have modest compatibility with POSIX, allowing Redox to run many programs without porting.

We take inspiration from Plan 9, Minix, seL4, Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD. Redox aims to synthesize years of research and hard won experience into a system that feels modern and familiar.

This book is written in a way that you don't need any prior knowledge in Rust or OS development.

Introducing Redox OS

Redox OS is microkernel-based operating system, with a large number of supported programs and components, to create a full-featured user and application environment. In this chapter, we will discuss the goals, philosophy and scope of Redox.

Our Goals

Redox is an attempt to make a complete, fully-functioning, general-purpose operating system with a focus on safety, freedom, stabillity, correctness, and pragmatism.

We want to be able to use it, without obstructions, as a complete alternative to Linux/BSD in our computers. It should be able to run most Linux/BSD programs with minimal modifications.

We're aiming towards a complete, stable, and safe Rust ecosystem. This is a design choice, which hopefully improves correctness and security (see the Why Rust page).

We want to improve the security design when compared to other Unix-like operating systems by using safe defaults and limiting insecure configurations where possible.

The non-goals of Redox

We are not a Linux/BSD clone, or POSIX-compliant, nor crazy scientists, who wish to redesign everything. Generally, we stick to well-tested and proven correct designs. If it ain't broken don't fix it.

This means that a large number of programs and libraries will be compatible with Redox. Some things that do not align with our design decisions will have to be ported.

The key here is the trade off between correctness and compatibility. Ideally, you should be able to achieve both, but unfortunately, you can't always do so.

Our Philosophy

Redox OS is predominately MIT X11-style licensed, including all software, documentation, and fonts. There are only a few exceptions to this, which are all licensed under other compatible open-source licenses.

The MIT X11-style license has the following properties:

  • It gives you, the user of the software, complete and unrestrained access to the software, such that you may inspect, modify, and redistribute your changes
    • Inspection Anyone may inspect the software for security vulnerabilities
    • Modification Anyone may modify the software to fix security vulnerabilities
    • Redistribution Anyone may redistribute the software to patch the security vulnerabilities
  • It is compatible with GPL licenses - Projects licensed as GPL can be distributed with Redox OS
  • It allows for the incorporation of GPL-incompatible free software, such as OpenZFS, which is CDDL licensed

The license does not restrict the software that may run on Redox, however -- and thanks to the microkernel architecture, even traditionally tightly-coupled components such as drivers can be distributed separately, so maintainers are free to choose whatever license they like for their projects.

Redox intends to be free forever, because we aim to be a foundational piece in creating secure and resilient systems.

Why a New OS?

The essential goal of the Redox project is to build a robust, reliable and safe general-purpose operating system. To that end, the following key design choices have been made.

Written in Rust

Wherever possible, Redox code is written in Rust. Rust enforces a set of rules and checks on the use, sharing and deallocation of memory references. This almost entirely eliminates the potential for memory leaks, buffer overruns, use after free, and other memory errors that arise during development. The vast majority of security vulnerabilities in operating systems originate from memory errors. The Rust compiler prevents this type of error before the developer attempts to add it to the code base.


The following items summarizes the Rust benefits.

  • Memory-Safety

All memory allocations are verified by the compiler to prevent bugs.

  • Thread-Safety

Concurrent code in programs is immune to data races.

  • NULL-Safety

NULLs can't cause undefined behavior.

Microkernel Architecture

The Microkernel Architecture moves as much components as possible out of the operating system kernel. Drivers, subsystems and other operating system functionality run as independent processes on user-space (daemons). The kernel's main responsibility is the coordination of these processes, and the management of system resources to the processes.

Most kernels, other than some real-time operating systems, use an event-handler design. Hardware interrupts and application system calls, each one trigger an event invoking the appropriate handler. The kernel runs in supervisor-mode, with access to all the system's resources. In Monolithic Kernels, the operating system's entire response to an event must be completed in supervisor mode. An error in the kernel, or even a misbehaving piece of hardware, can cause the system to enter a state where it is unable to respond to any event. And because of the large amount of code in the kernel, the potential for vulnerabilities while in supervisor mode is vastly greater than for a microkernel design.

In Redox, drivers and many system services can run in user-mode, similar to user programs, and the system can restrict them so they can only access the resources that they require for their designated purpose. If a driver fails or panics, it can be ignored or restarted with no impact on the rest of the system. A misbehaving piece of hardware might impact system performance or cause the loss of a service, but the kernel will continue to function and to provide whatever services remain available.

Thus Redox is an unique opportunity to show the microkernel potential for the mainstream operating systems universe.


The following items summarizes the microkernel benefits.

  • True modularity

You can enable/disable/update most system components without a system restart, similar to but safer than some modules on monolithic kernels and livepatching.

  • Bug isolation

Most system components run in user-space on a microkernel system. Because of this some types of bugs in most system components won't crash or damage the system or kernel.

  • Restartless design

A mature microkernel changes very little (except for bug fixes), so you won't need to restart your system very often to update it.

Since most of the system components are in userspace they can be restarted/updated on-the-fly, reducing the downtime of servers a lot.

  • Easy to develop and debug

Most of the system components run in userspace, simplifying the testing and debugging.

You can read more about the above benefits on the Microkernels page.

Advanced Filesystem

Redox provides an advanced filesystem, RedoxFS. It includes many of the features in ZFS, but in a more modular design.

More details on RedoxFS can be found on the RedoxFS page.

Unix-like Tools and API

Redox provides a Unix-like command interface, with many everyday tools written in Rust but with familiar names and options. As well, Redox system services include a programming interface that is a subset of the POSIX API, via relibc. This means that many Linux/POSIX programs can run on Redox with only recompilation. While the Redox team has a strong preference for having essential programs written in Rust, we are agnostic about the programming language for programs of the user's choice. This means an easy migration path for systems and programs previously developed for a Unix-like platform.

Redox Use Cases

Redox is a general-purpose operating system that can be used in many situations. Some of the key use cases for Redox are as follows.


Redox has the potential to be a secure server platform for cloud services and web hosting. The improved safety and reliability that Redox can provide, as it matures, makes it an excellent fit for the server world. Work remains to be done on support for important server technologies such as databases and web servers, as well as compatibility with high-end server hardware.

Redox has plans underway for virtualization support. Although running an instance of Linux in a container on Redox will lose some of the benefits of Redox, it can limit the scope of vulnerabilities. Redox-on-Redox and Linux-on-Redox virtualization have the potential to be much more secure than Linux-on-Linux. These capabilities are still a ways off, but are among the goals of the Redox team.


The development of Redox for the desktop is well underway. Although support for accelerated graphics is limited at this time, Redox does include a graphical user interface, and support on Rust-written GUI libraries like winit, Iced and Slint.

A demo version of Redox is available with several games and programs to try. However, the most important objective for desktop is to host the development of Redox. We are working through issues with some of our build tools, and other developer tools such as editors have not been tested under daily use, but we continue to make this a priority.

Due to a fairly limited list of currently supported hardware, once self-hosted development is available the development can be done inside of Redox with more quick testing. We are adding more hardware compatibility as quickly as we can, and we hope to be able to support the development on a wide array of desktops and notebooks in the near future.


Redox's modular architecture make it ideal for many telecom infrastructure applications, such as routers, telecom components, edge servers, etc., especially as more functionality is added to these devices. There are no specific plans for remote management yet, but Redox's potential for security and reliability make it ideal for this type of application.

Embedded and IoT

For embedded systems with complex user interfaces and broad feature sets, Redox has the potential to be an ideal fit. As everyday appliances become Internet-connected devices with sensors, microphones and cameras, they have the potential for attacks that violate the privacy of consumers in the sanctity of their homes. Redox can provide a full-featured, reliable operating system while limiting the likelihood of attacks. At this time, Redox does not yet have touchscreen support, video capture, or support for sensors and buttons, but these are well-understood technologies and can be added as it becomes a priority.

Mission-Critical Applications

Although there are no current plans to create a version of Redox for mission-critical applications such as satellites or air safety systems, it's not beyond the realm of possibility. As tools for correctness proofs of Rust software improve, it may be possible to create a version of Redox that is proven correct, within some practical limits.

How Redox Compares to Other Operating Systems

We share quite a lot with other operating systems.

System Calls

The Redox userspace API is Unix-like. For example, we have the open, pipe, pipe2, lseek, read, write, brk, execv POSIX functions, and so on. Currently, we implement userspace analogues of most Unix-like system calls (on monolithic kernels). The kernel syscall interface itself is unstable and may not be similar at all, but is closely related to the higher-level POSIX APIs built on top of them, at the moment.

However, Redox does not necessarily implement them as system calls directly. Much of the machinery for these functions (typically the man(2) functions) is provided in userspace through an interface library, relibc.

For example, the open POSIX function is called SYS_OPEN on relibc.

"Everything is a File"

In a model largely inspired by Plan 9, in Redox, resources can be socket-like or file-like, providing a more unified system API. Resources are named using paths, similar to what you would find in Linux or another Unix system. But when referring to a resource that is being managed by a particular resource manager, you can address it using a scheme-rooted path. We will explain this later, in the Schemes and Resources page.

The kernel

Redox's kernel is a microkernel. The architecture is largely inspired by MINIX and seL4.

In contrast to Linux or BSD, Redox has around 50,000 lines of kernel code, a number that is often decreasing. Most system services are provided in userspace, either in an interface library, or as daemons.

Having vastly smaller amount of code in the kernel makes it easier to find and fix bugs and security issues in an efficient way. Andrew Tanenbaum (author of MINIX) stated that for every 1,000 lines of properly written C code, there is a bug. This means that for a monolithic kernel with nearly 25,000,000 lines of C code, there could be nearly 25,000 bugs. A microkernel with only 50,000 lines of C code would mean that around 50 bugs exist.

It should be noted that the extra code is not discarded, it is simply based outside of kernel-space, making it less dangerous.

The main idea is to have system components and drivers that would be inside a monolithic kernel exist in user-space and follow the Principle of Least Authority (POLA). This is where every individual component is:

  • Completely isolated in memory as separated user processes (daemons)
    • The failure of one component does not crash other components
    • Foreign and untrusted code does not expose the entire system
    • Bugs and malware cannot spread to other components
  • Has restricted communication with other components
  • Doesn't have Admin/Super-User privileges
    • Bugs are moved to user-space which reduces their power

All of this increases the reliability of the system significantly. This is important for users that want minimal issues with their computers or mission-critical applications.

Why Rust?

Why we wrote an operating system in Rust? Why even write in Rust?

Rust has enormous advantages, because for operating systems, security and stability matters a lot.

Since operating systems are such an integrated part of computing, they are the most important piece of software.

There have been numerous bugs and vulnerabilities in Linux, BSD, glibc, Bash, X11, etc. throughout time, simply due to the lack of memory allocation and type safety. Rust does this right, by enforcing memory safety statically.

Design does matter, but so does implementation. Rust attempts to avoid these unexpected memory unsafe conditions (which are a major source of security critical bugs). Design is a very transparent source of issues. You know what is going on, you know what was intended and what was not.

The basic design of the kernel/user-space separation is fairly similar to Unix-like systems, at this point. The idea is roughly the same: you separate kernel and user-space, through strict enforcement by the kernel, which manages system resources.

However, we have an advantage: enforced memory and type safety. This is Rust's strong side, a large number of "unexpected bugs" (for example, undefined behavior) are eliminated at compile-time.

The design of Linux and BSD is secure. The implementation is not. Many bugs in Linux originate in unsafe conditions (which Rust effectively eliminates) like buffer overflows, not the overall design.

We hope that using Rust we will produce a more secure and stable operating system in the end.


unsafe is a way to tell Rust that "I know what I'm doing!", which is often necessary when writing low-level code, providing safe abstractions. You cannot write a kernel without unsafe.

In that light, a kernel cannot be 100% verified by the Rust compiler, however the unsafe parts have to be marked with an unsafe, which keeps the unsafe parts segregated from the safe code. We seek to eliminate the unsafes where we can, and when we use unsafes, we are extremely careful.

This contrasts with kernels written in C, which cannot make guarantees about security without costly formal analysis.

You can find out more about how unsafe works in the relevant section of the Rust book.


The following sections explain the Rust benefits.

Less likely to have bugs

The restrictive syntax and compiler requirements to build the code reduce the probability of bugs a lot.

Less vulnerable to data corruption

The Rust compiler helps the programmer to avoid memory errors and race conditions, which reduces the probability of data corruption bugs.

No need for C/C++ exploit mitigations

The microkernel design written in Rust protects against memory defects that one might see in software written in C/C++.

By isolating the system components from the kernel, the attack surface is very limited.

Improved security and reliability without significant performance impact

As the kernel is small, it uses less memory to do its work. The limited kernel code size helps us work towards a bug-free status (KISS).

Rust's safe and fast language design, combined with the small kernel code size, helps ensure a reliable, performant and easy to maintain core.


The C/C++ support for thread-safety is quite fragile. As such, it is very easy to write a program that looks safe to run across multiple threads, but which introduces subtle bugs or security holes. If one thread accesses a piece of state at the same time that another thread is changing it, the whole program can exhibit some truly confusing and bizarre bugs.

You can see this example of a serious class of security bugs that thread-safety fixes.

In Rust, this kind of bug is easy to avoid: the same type system that keeps us from writing memory unsafety prevents us from writing dangerous concurrent access patterns

Rust-written Drivers

Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and are therefore more stable and secure.

Side Projects

Redox is a complete Rust operating system, in addition to the kernel, we are developing several side projects, including:

  • RedoxFS - Redox file system inspired by ZFS.
  • Ion - The Redox shell.
  • Orbital - The desktop environment/display server of Redox.
  • pkgutils - Redox package manager, with a command-line frontend and library.
  • relibc - Redox C library.
  • audiod - Redox audio server.
  • bootloader - Redox boot loader.
  • init - Redox init system.
  • installer - Redox buildsystem builder.
  • netstack - Redox network stack.
  • redoxer - A tool to run/test Rust programs inside of a Redox VM.
  • sodium - A Vi-like editor.
  • games - A collection of mini-games for Redox (alike BSD-games).
  • OrbTK - Cross-platform Rust-written GUI toolkit (in maintenance mode).
  • and a few other exciting projects you can explore on the redox-os group.

We also have some in-house tools, which are collections of small, useful command-line programs:

  • extrautils - Extra utilities such as reminders, calendars, spellcheck, and so on.
  • binutils - Utilities for working with binary files.

We also actively contribute to third-party projects that are heavily used in Redox.

What tools are fitting for the Redox distribution?

The necessary tools for a usable system, we offer variants with less programs.

The listed tools fall into three categories:

  1. Critical, which are needed for a full functioning and usable system.
  2. Ecosystem-friendly, which are there for establishing consistency within the ecosystem.
  3. Fun, which are "nice" to have and are inherently simple.

The first category should be obvious: an OS without certain core tools is a useless OS. The second category contains the tools which are likely to be non-default in the future, but nonetheless are in the official distribution right now, for the charm. The third category is there for convenience: namely for making sure that the Redox infrastructure is consistent and integrated.


This page explain how Redox was influenced by other operating systems.

Plan 9

This Bell Labs OS brings the concept of "Everything is a File" to the highest level, doing all the system communication from the filesystem.


The most influential Unix-like system with a microkernel. It has advanced features such as system modularity, kernel panic resistence, driver reincarnation, protection against bad drivers and secure interfaces for process comunication.

Redox is largely influenced by Minix - it has a similar architecture but with a feature set written in Rust.


The most performant and simplest microkernel of the world.

Redox follow the same principle, trying to make the kernel-space small as possible (moving components to user-space and reducing the number of system calls, passing the complexity to user-space) and keeping the overall performance good (reducing the context switch cost).


This Unix family included several improvements on Unix systems and the open-source variants of BSD added many improvements to the original system (like Linux did).


The most advanced monolithic kernel and biggest open-source project of the world. It brought several improvements and optimizations to the Unix-like world.

Redox tries to implement the Linux performance improvements in a microkernel design.

Hardware Support

There are billions of devices with hundreds of models and architectures in the world. We try to write drivers for the most used devices to support more people. Support depends on the specific hardware, since some drivers are device-specific and others are architecture-specific.

Have a look at the document to see all tested computers.


  • Intel - 64-bit (x86_64) and 32-bit (i686) from Pentium II and after with limitations.
  • AMD - 64-bit (AMD64) and 32-bit.
  • ARM - 64-bit (Aarch64) with limitations.

Why CPUs older than i686 aren't supported?

  • i686 (essentially Pentium II) introduced a wide range of features that are critical for the Redox kernel.
  • It would be possible to go all the way back to i486, but that would make us lose nice functions like fxsave/fxrstor and we would need to build userspace without any SSE code.
  • i386 has no atomics (at all) which makes it not likely as a target.

Hardware Interfaces

  • ACPI
  • PCI
  • USB

(Support for USB devices using hubs soon)


  • VGA - (BIOS)
  • GOP (UEFI)
  • LLVMpipe (OpenGL CPU emulation)

(Intel/AMD and others in the future)


  • Intel chipsets
  • Realtek chipsets
  • PC speaker

(Sound Blaster soon)


  • IDE (PATA)
  • NVMe

(USB soon)


  • PS/2 keyboards, mouse and touchpad
  • USB keyboards, mouse and touchpad


  • Intel Gigabit ethernet
  • Intel 10 Gigabit ethernet
  • Realtek ethernet

(Wi-Fi and Atheros ethernet soon)

I have a low-end computer, would Redox work on it?

A CPU is the most complex machine of the world: even the oldest processors are powerful for some tasks but not for others.

The main problem with old computers is the amount of RAM available (they were sold in a era where RAM chips were expensive) and the lack of SSE/AVX extensions (programs use them to speed up the algorithms). Because of this some modern programs may not work or require a lot of RAM to perform complex tasks.

Redox itself will work normally if the processor architecture is supported by the system, but the performance and stability may vary per program.

Important Programs

This page covers important programs and libraries supported by Redox.

Redox is designed to be source-compatible with most Unix, Linux and POSIX-compliant applications, only requiring compilation.

Currently, most GUI applications require porting, as we don't support X11 or Wayland yet.

Some important software that Redox supports:

  • GCC
  • LLVM
  • OpenSSL
  • Mesa3D
  • SDL2
  • Git
  • RustPython
  • GNU Bash

You can see all Redox components and ported programs on the build server list.

Getting started

Redox is still at experimental/alpha stage, but there are many things that you can do with it, and it's fun to try it out. You can start by downloading and running the latest release. Read the instructions for running in a virtual machine or running on real hardware.

The Building Redox page has information about configuring your system to build Redox, which is necessary if you want to contribute to the development. The Advanced Podman Build page gives a look under the hood of the build process to help you maintain your build environment.

By reading the Build System page you can have a complete understanding of the build system.

Running Redox in a virtual machine

Download the bootable images

This section will guide you to download the Redox images.

(You need to use the harddrive.img image variant for QEMU or VirtualBox)

Stable Releases

The bootable images for the 0.9.0 release are located on the build server release folder. To try Redox using a virtual machine such as QEMU or VirtualBox, download the demo variant, check the SHA256 sum to ensure it has downloaded correctly.

sha256sum $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64_*_harddrive.img.zst

If you have more than one demo image in the Downloads directory, you may need to replace the * symbol with the date of your file.

If the demo variant doesn't boot on your computer, try the desktop and server variants.

Even if the desktop and server variants doesn't work, use the daily images below.

Daily Images

If you want to test the latest Redox changes you can use our bootable images created each day by opening the build server images and downloading your preferred variant. Once the download is complete, check the SHA256 sum.

(Sometimes our daily images can be one week old or more because of breaking changes)


The Redox images are compressed using the Zstd algorithm, to decompress follow the steps below:



If you are using the GNOME Nautilus or KDE Dolphin file managers, right-click the file and select the option to extract the file.


Install the Zstd tool and run:

zstd -d $HOME/Downloads/redox_*_x86_64_*_harddrive.img.zst



  • Install 7-Zip
  • Right-click the Redox image, hover the 7-Zip section and click on the option to extract the file or open the file on 7-Zip and extract

VirtualBox Instructions

To run Redox in a VirtualBox virtual machine you need to do the following steps:

  • Create a VM with 2048 MB of RAM memory (or less if you are using a simplier Redox image variant) and 32MB of VRAM (video memory)
  • Enable Nested Paging
  • Change the keyboard and mouse interface to PS/2
  • Change the audio controller to Intel HDA
  • Disable the USB support
  • Go to the network settings of the VM and change the NIC model to 82540EM
  • Go to the storage settings of the VM, create an IDE controller and add the Redox bootable image on it
  • Start the VM!

If you want to install Redox on the VM create a VDI disk of 5GB (or less if you are using a simplier Redox image variant).

Command for the pre-installed image

If you want to do this using the command-line, run the following commands:

VBoxManage createvm --name Redox --register
VBoxManage modifyvm Redox --memory 2048 --vram 32 --nic1 nat --nictype1 82540EM \ --cableconnected1 on --usb off --keyboard ps2 --mouse ps2 --audiocontroller hda \ --audioout on --nestedpaging on
VBoxManage convertfromraw $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64_*_harddrive.img harddrive.vdi
VBoxManage storagectl Redox --name SATA --add sata --bootable on --portcount 1
VBoxManage storageattach Redox --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd --medium harddrive.vdi
VBoxManage startvm Redox

Command for the Live ISO image

If you want to use the Live ISO run the following commands:

VBoxManage createvm --name Redox --register
VBoxManage modifyvm Redox --memory 2048 --vram 32 --nic1 nat --nictype1 82540EM \ --cableconnected1 on --usb off --keyboard ps2 --mouse ps2 --audiocontroller hda \ --audioout on --nestedpaging on
VBoxManage storagectl Redox --name SATA --add sata --bootable on --portcount 1
VBoxManage storageattach Redox --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64_*_livedisk.iso
VBoxManage startvm Redox

QEMU Instructions


You can then run the image in your preferred emulator. If you don't have an emulator installed, use the following command (Pop!_OS/Ubuntu/Debian) to install QEMU:

sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86

This command will run qemu with various features Redox can use enabled:

SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 qemu-system-x86_64 -d cpu_reset,guest_errors -smp 4 -m 2048 \ -chardev stdio,id=debug,signal=off,mux=on,"" -serial chardev:debug -mon chardev=debug \ -machine q35 -device ich9-intel-hda -device hda-duplex -netdev user,id=net0 \ -device e1000,netdev=net0 -device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci -enable-kvm -cpu host \ -drive file=`echo $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64_*_harddrive.img`,format=raw

If you get an error with the filename, change the echo $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64*_harddrive.img command to the name of the file you downloaded.

MacOSX Instructions (Intel)

To install QEMU on MacOSX, use the following command:

brew install qemu

This command will run QEMU with various features Redox can use enabled:

SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0 qemu-system-x86_64 -d cpu_reset,guest_errors -smp 4 -m 2048 \ -chardev stdio,id=debug,signal=off,mux=on,"" -serial chardev:debug -mon chardev=debug \ -machine q35 -device ich9-intel-hda -device hda-duplex -netdev user,id=net0 \ -device e1000,netdev=net0 -device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci -cpu max \ -drive file=`echo $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64_*_harddrive.img`,format=raw

If you get an error with the filename, change the echo $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64*_harddrive.img command to the name of the file you downloaded.

Note: The brew command is part of the Homebrew package manager for macOS.


To install QEMU on Windows, follow the instructions here. The installation of QEMU will probably not update your command path, so the necessary QEMU command needs to be specified using its full path. Or, you can add the installation folder to your PATH environment variable if you will be using it regularly.

Following the instructions for Linux above, download the same redox_demo image. Then, in a Command window, cd to the location of the downloaded Redox image and run the following very long command:

"C:\Program Files\qemu\qemu-system-x86_64.exe" -d cpu_reset,guest_errors -smp 4 -m 2048 -chardev stdio,id=debug,signal=off,mux=on,"" -serial chardev:debug -mon chardev=debug -machine q35 -device ich9-intel-hda -device hda-duplex -netdev user,id=net0 -device e1000,netdev=net0 -device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci -drive file=redox_demo_x86_64_2022-11-23_638_harddrive.img,format=raw

Note: If you get a filename error, change redox_demo_x86_64_*_harddrive.img to the name of the file you downloaded.

Note: If necessary, change "C:\Program Files\qemu\qemu-system-x86_64.exe" to reflect where QEMU was installed. The quotes are needed if the path contains spaces.

Using the QEMU emulation

As the system boots, it will ask you for a screen resolution to use, for example 1024x768. After selecting a screen size, the system will complete the boot, start the Orbital GUI, and display a Redox login screen. Login as user user with no password. The password for root is password. Use Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle the mouse behavior if you need to zoom out or exit the emulation. If your emulated cursor is out of alignment with your mouse position, type Ctrl+Alt+G to regain full cursor control, then click on your emulated cursor. Ctrl+Alt+F toggles between full screen and window views.

See Trying Out Redox for things to try.

If you want to try Redox in server mode, add -nographic -vga none to the command line above. You may wish to switch to the redox_server edition. There are also i686 editions available, although these are not part of the release.

Running Redox on real hardware

(You need to use the *livedisk.iso image variant for real hardware)

Since version 0.8.0, Redox can now be installed on certain hard drives and internal SSDs, including some vintage systems. USB devices are not yet supported during run-time, although they can be used for installation and livedisk boot. Check the release notes for additional details on supported hardware. Systems with unsupported devices can still use the livedisk method described below. Ensure you backup your data before trying Redox on your hardware.

Hardware support is limited at the moment, so your milage may vary. Only USB input devices (HID) work. There is a PS/2 driver, which works with the keyboards and touchpads in many (but not all) laptops. For networking, the Realtek and Intel ethernet controllers are currently supported.

On some computers, hardware incompatibilities, e.g. disk driver issues, can slowdown the Redox performance. This is not reflective of Redox in general, so if you find that Redox is slow on your computer, please try it on a different model for a better experience.

The current ISO image uses a bootloader to load the filesystem into memory (livedisk) and emulates a hard drive. You can use the system in this mode without installing. Although its use of memory is inefficient, it is fully functional and does not require changes to your device. The ISO image is a great way to try out Redox on real hardware.

Creating a bootable USB device

You can obtain a livedisk ISO image either by downloading the latest release, or by building one. The demo ISO is recommended for most laptops. After downloading completes, check the SHA256 sum:

sha256sum $HOME/Downloads/redox_demo_x86_64_*_livedisk.iso.zst

If you have more than one demo image in the Downloads directory, you may need to replace the * symbol with the date of your file.

If the demo variant doesn't boot on your computer, try the desktop and server variants.

Even if the desktop and server variants doesn't work, use the daily images below.

Daily Images

If you want to test the latest Redox changes you can use our bootable images created each day by opening the build server images and downloading your preferred variant.

(Sometimes our daily images can be one week old or more because of breaking changes) Once the download is complete, check the SHA256 sum.


The Redox images are compressed using the Zstd algorithm, to decompress follow the steps below:



If you are using the GNOME Nautilus or KDE Dolphin file managers, right-click the file and select the option to extract the file.


Install the Zstd tool and run:

zstd -d $HOME/Downloads/redox_*_x86_64_*_livedisk.iso.zst



  • Install 7-Zip
  • Right-click the Redox image, hover the 7-Zip section and click on the option to extract the file or open the file on 7-Zip and extract

Linux Instructions

We recommend that you use the Popsicle tool on Linux to flash your USB device, follow the steps below:

  • Open the Releases section to open the Popsicle releases page and download the .AppImage file of the most recent version.
  • Open your file manager, click with the right-button of your mouse on the .AppImage file and open the "Properties", find the "Permissions" section and mark it as executable.
  • Open the Popsicle AppImage file, select the downloaded Redox image and your USB device.
  • Confirm the flash process and wait until the progress bar reach 100%
  • If the flash process had no errors it will give a success warning.
  • Now you can restart your Linux distribution and boot Redox.
  • Some computers don't come with USB booting enabled, to enable it press the keyboard key to open your UEFI or BIOS setup and allow the booting from USB devices (the name varies from firmware to firmware).
  • If you don't know the keyboard keys to open your UEFI/BIOS setup or boot menu, press the Esc or F keys (from 1 until 12), if you press the wrong key or got the wrong timing, don't stop your operating system boot process to try again, as it could corrupt your data.

Windows Instructions

We recommend that you use the Rufus tool on Windows to flash your USB device, follow the steps below:

  • Open the Rufus website to open the Rufus website, move the page until the "Download" section and download the latest version.
  • Open Rufus, select the ISO image of Redox, wait the Rufus image scanning, select your USB device and click on "Start".
  • Confirm the permission to erase the data of your device and wait until the progress bar reach 100%
  • If it show a choice window with "ISO" and "DD" mode, select the "DD" mode.
  • If the flash process had no errors it will give a success warning.
  • Now you can restart your Windows and boot Redox.
  • Some computers don't come with USB booting enabled, to enable it press the keyboard key to open your UEFI or BIOS setup and allow the booting from USB devices (the name varies from firmware to firmware).
  • If you don't know the keyboard keys to open your UEFI/BIOS setup or boot menu, press the Esc or F keys (from 1 until 12), if you press the wrong key or got the wrong timing, don't stop your operating system boot process to try again, as it could corrupt your data.

Booting the system

Once the ISO image boots, the system will display the Orbital GUI. Log in as the user named user with no password. The password for root is password.

See Trying Out Redox for things to try.

To switch between Orbital and the console, use the following keys:

  • F1: Display the console log messages
  • F2: Open a text-only terminal
  • F3: Return to the Orbital GUI

If you want to be able to boot Redox from your HDD or SSD, follow the Installation instructions.

Redox isn't currently going to replace your existing operating system, but it's a fun thing to try; boot Redox on your computer, and see what works.

Installing Redox on a drive

Once you have downloaded or built your ISO image, you can install it to your internal HDD or SSD. Please back up your system before attempting to install. Note that at this time (Release 0.8.0), you can't install onto a USB device, or use a USB device for your Redox filesystem, but you can install from it.

After starting your livedisk system from a USB device or from CD/DVD, log in as the user named user with an empty password. Open a terminal window and type:

sudo redox_installer_tui

If Redox recognizes your device, it will prompt you to select a device to install on. Choose carefully, as it will erase all the data on that device. Note that if your device is not recognized, it may offer you the option to install on disk/live (the in-memory livedisk). Don't do this, as it will crash Redox.

You will be prompted for a redoxfs password. This is for a encrypted filesystem. Leave the password empty and press enter if an encrypted filesystem is not required.

Once the installation completes, power off your computer, remove the USB device, power on your computer and you are ready to start using Redox!

Trying Out Redox

There are several games, demos and other things to try on Redox. Most of these are not included in the regular Redox build, so you will need to run the demo system. Available for download on the build server x86-64 images. Currently, Redox does not have Wi-Fi support, so if you need Wi-Fi for some of the things you want to do, you are best to run Redox in a virtual machine. Most of the suggestions below do not require network access, except where multiplayer mode is available.

On the demo system, click on the Redox symbol in the bottom left corner of the screen. This brings up a menu, which, for the demo system, has some games listed. Feel free to give them a try!

Many of the available commands are in the folders /usr/bin and /ui/bin, which will be in your command path. Open a Terminal window and type ls file:/usr/bin (or just ls /usr/bin) to see some of the available commands. Some of the games listed below are in /usr/games, which is not in your command path by default, so you may have to specify the full path for the command.



The most advanced multimedia library of the world.

  • Run the following command to play a music:
ffplay music-name.mp3

(Change the video format according to your file)

  • Run the following command to play a video:
ffplay video-name.mp4

(Change the music format according to your file)


An advanced file manager written in Rust, similar to GNOME Nautilus.


An advanced text editor written in Rust, similar to KDE KWrite.


Git is a tool used for source code management.

  • Run the following command to download a Git repository:
git clone repository-link

(Replace the "repository-link" part with your repository URL)


RustPython is a Python 3.11+ interpreter written in Rust.

  • Run the following command to run your Python script:

(The PyPI dependency manager is supported)

Periodic Table

The Periodic Table /ui/bin/periodictable is a demonstration of the OrbTk user interface toolkit.


Sodium is Redox's Vi-like editor. To try it out, open a terminal window and type sodium.

A short list of the Sodium defaults:

  • hjkl - Navigation keys
  • ia - Go to insert/append mode
  • ; - Go to command-line mode
  • shift-space - Go to normal mode

For a more extensive list, write ;help.


Rusthello is an advanced Reversi AI, made by HenryTheCat. It is highly concurrent, so this acts as a demonstration of Redox's multithreading capabilities. It supports various AIs, such as brute force, minimax, local optimizations, and hybrid AIs.

In a Terminal window, type rusthello.

Then you will get prompted for various things, such as difficulty, AI setup, and so on. When this is done, Rusthello interactively starts the battle between you and an AI or an AI and an AI.



Freedoom is a first-person shooter in the form of content for a Doom engine. For Redox, we have included the PrBoom engine to run Freedoom. You can read more about Freedoom on the Freedoom website. PrBoom can be found on the PrBoom website. Click on the Redox logo on the bottom left, and choose Games, then choose Freedoom. Or open a Terminal window and try /games/freedoom1 or /games/freedoom2.

Hit Esc and use the arrow keys to select Options->Setup->Key Bindings for keyboard help.

Neverball and Nevergolf

Neverball and Nevergolf are 3D pinball and golf respectively. Click on the Redox logo on the bottom left, and choose Games, then choose from the menu.


Sopwith is a game allows you to control a small plane. Originally written in 1984, it used PC graphics, but is now available using the SDL library. In a Terminal window type sopwith.

  • Comma ( , ) - Pull back
  • Slash ( / ) - Push forward
  • Period ( . ) - Flip aircraft
  • Space - Fire gun
  • B - Drop Bomb


Syobon Action is 2D side-scrolling platformer that you won't enjoy. In a Terminal window, type syobonaction. It's recommended that you read the GitHub page so you don't blame us.

Terminal Games Written in Rust

Also check out some games that have been written in Rust, and use the Terminal Window for simple graphics. In a Terminal window, enter one of the following commands:

  • baduk - Baduk/Go
  • dem - Democracy
  • flappy - Flappy Bird clone
  • ice - Ice Sliding Puzzle
  • minesweeper - Minesweeper but it wraps
  • reblox - Tetris-like falling blocks
  • redoku - Sudoku
  • snake - Snake

Building Redox

Congrats on making it this far! Now you will build Redox. This process is for x86-64 machines (Intel/AMD). There are also similar processes for i686 and AArch64/ARM64.

The build process fetches files from the Redox Gitlab server. From time to time, errors may occur which may result in you being asked to provide a username and password during the build process. If this happens, first check for typos in the git URL. If that doesn't solve the problem and you don't have a Redox GitLab login, try again later, and if it continues to happen, you can let us know through the chat.

To avoid bugs from different build environments (operating systems) we are using Rootless Podman for major parts of the build. Podman is invoked automatically and transparently within the Makefiles.

The TL;DR version is here. More details are available in the Advanced Podman Build page.

You can find out more about Podman on the Podman documentation.

(Don't forget to read the Build System page to know our build system organization and how it works)

Podman Build Overview

Podman is a container manager that creates containers to execute a Linux distribution image. In our case, we are creating an Debian image, with a Rust installation and all the dependencies needed to build the system and programs.

The build process is performed in your normal working directory, e.g. ~/tryredox/redox. Compilation of the Redox components is performed in the container, but the final Redox image (build/$ARCH/$CONFIG/harddrive.img or build/$ARCH/$CONFIG/livedisk.iso) is constructed using FUSE running directly on your host machine.

Setting PODMAN_BUILD to 1 in .config, on the make command line (e.g. make PODMAN_BUILD=1 all) or in the environment (e.g. export PODMAN_BUILD=1; make all) will enable Podman.

First, a base image called redox_base will be constructed, with all the necessary packages for the build system. A "home" directory will also be created in build/podman. This is the home directory of your container alter ego, poduser. It will contain the rustup install, and the .bashrc. This takes some time, but is only done when necessary. The tag file build/container.tag is also created at this time to prevent unnecessary image builds.

Then, various make commands are executed in containers built from the base image. The files are constructed in your working directory tree, just as they would for a non-Podman build. In fact, if all necessary packages are installed on your host system, you can switch Podman on and off relatively seamlessly, although there is no benefit of doing so.

The build process is using Podman's keep-id feature, which allows your regular User ID to be mapped to poduser in the container. The first time a container is built, it takes some time to set up this mapping. After the first container is built, new containers can be built almost instantly.

TL;DR - New or Existing Working Directory

New Working Directory

If you have already read the Building Redox instructions, but you wish to use Podman Build, follow these steps.

  • Make sure you have the curl command. e.g. for Pop!_OS/Ubuntu/Debian:
which curl || sudo apt-get install curl
  • Make a directory, get a copy of and run it. This will clone the repository and install Podman.
mkdir -p ~/tryredox
cd ~/tryredox
curl -sf -o
time bash -e
  • You may be asked which QEMU installation you want. Please select full.
  • You may be asked which Podman container runtime you want to use, crun or runc. Choose crun, but runc will also work.
  • Update your path to include cargo and the Rust compiler.
source ~/.cargo/env
  • Change to the redox directory.
cd ~/tryredox/redox
  • Build the system. This will take some time.
time make all

Existing Working Directory

If you already have the build system, you can do the following steps:

  • Change to your working directory
cd ~/tryredox/redox
  • Update the build system and wipe all binaries
make pull clean
  • Install Podman. If your Linux distribution is not supported please check the installation instructions to know what dependencies are needed. Or, run the following in your redox base` directory:
./ -d
  • Enable Podman. The first container setup can take 15 minutes or more, but it is comparable in speed to native build after that.
nano .config
  • Build Redox
make all

Run in a virtual machine

You can immediately run your image build/x86_64/desktop/harddrive.img in a virtual machine with the following command:

make qemu

Note that if you built the system using to change the CPU architecture or filesystem contents, you should also use it to run the virtual machine.

./ -a i686 -c server qemu

will build build/i686/server/harddrive.img (if it does not exist) and run it in the QEMU emulator.

The emulator will display the Redox GUI (Orbital). See Using the emulation for general instructions and Trying out Redox for things to try.

Run without a GUI

To run the virtual machine without a GUI, use:

make qemu gpu=no

If you want to capture the terminal output, read the Debug Methods section.

If you have problems running the virtual machine, you can try make qemu kvm=no or make qemu iommu=no to turn off various virtualization features. These can also be used as arguments to

QEMU Tap For Network Testing

Expose Redox to other computers within a LAN. Configure QEMU with a "TAP" which will allow other computers to test Redox client/server/networking capabilities.

Join the chat if this is something you are interested in pursuing.

Building A Redox Bootable Image

Read the Testing on Real Hardware section.


If you intend on contributing to Redox or its subprojects, please read the CONTRIBUTING document, so you understand how our build system works and setup your repository fork appropriately. You can use ./ -d in the redox folder to install the prerequisite packages if you have already done a git clone of the sources.

If you encounter any bugs, errors, obstructions, or other annoying things, please join the chat or report the issue to the build system repository or a proper repository for the component. Thanks! is a shell script that allows you to easily specify the CPU architecture you are building for, and the filesystem contents. When you are doing Redox development, you should set them in .config (see the Configuration Settings page). But if you are just trying things out, use to run make for you. e.g.:

  • ./ -a i686 -c server live - Run make for an i686 (32-bits Intel/AMD) CPU architecture, using the server configuration, config/i686/server.toml. The resulting image is build/i686/server/livedisk.iso, which can be used for installation from a USB.

  • ./ -f config/aarch64/desktop.toml qemu - Run make for an ARM64 (AArch64) CPU architecture, using the desktop configuration, config/aarch64/desktop.toml. The resulting image is build/aarch64/desktop/harddrive.img, which is then run in the emulator QEMU.

If you use, it's recommended that you do so consistently, as make will not be aware of which version of the system you previously built with Details of and other settings are described in the Configuration Settings page.

Native Build

This page explains how to build Redox in the native environment of your operating system. Keep in mind that you can have problems that doesn't happen on the Podman build, thus only use this method if you can't use Podman.

(Don't forget to read the Build System page to know our build system organization and how it works)

Supported Unix-like Distributions and Podman Build

The following Unix-like systems are supported:

  • Pop_OS!
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Fedora
  • Arch Linux
  • OpenSUSE
  • Gentoo (basic support)
  • FreeBSD
  • MacOSX (require workarounds)
  • Nix (under develoopment)
  • Solus (basic support, not maintained)

If you have a weird or hard problem to fix, test the Podman Build and verify if the problem happens there.

Preparing the Build

Bootstrap Prerequisites And Fetch Sources

If you're on a supported Linux distribution, you can just run the build system bootstrap script, which does the build preparation for you. First, ensure that you have the program curl installed:

(This command is for Pop!_OS, Ubuntu or Debian, adjust for your system)

which curl || sudo apt-get install curl

Then run the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/tryredox
cd ~/tryredox
curl -sf -o
time bash -e

You will be asked to confirm some steps. Answer with y or 1.

To know what the script does, read this section.

Note that curl -sf operates silently, so if there are errors, you may get an empty or incorrect version of Check for typos in the command and try again. If you continue to have problems, join the chat and let us know.

Please be patient, this can take 5 minutes to an hour depending on the hardware and network you're running it on. Once it's done, update your PATH environment variable in the current shell with:

source ~/.cargo/env

Setting Configuration Values

The build system uses several configuration files, which contain settings that you may wish to change. These are detailed in the Configuration Settings page. By default, the build system cross-compile to the x86_64 CPU architecture, using the desktop configuration (at config/x86_64/desktop.toml). Set the desired ARCH and CONFIG_FILE in .config. There is also a shell script that will allow you to choose the architecture and filesystem contents easily, although it is only a temporary change.

Compiling Redox

Now we have:

  • Downloaded the sources
  • Tweaked the settings to our liking
  • Probably added our recipe to the filesystem

We are ready to build the Redox operating system image. Skip ahead to Configuration Settings if you want to build for a different CPU architecture or with different filesystem contents.

Build all system components and programs

To build all the components, and the packages to be included in the filesystem.

cd ~/tryredox/redox
time make all

This will make the target build/x86_64/desktop/harddrive.img, which you can run with a virtual machine.

Give it a while. Redox is big. Read the make all (first run) section to know what the make all command does.

Note that the filesystem parts are merged using the FUSE. install libfuse. If you have problems with the final image of Redox, verify if libfuse is installed and you are able to use it.

From Nothing To Hello World

This page explains the most quick way to test a program on Redox, this tutorial don't build Redox from source.

In this example we will use a "Hello World" program written in Rust.

  • Create the tryredox folder
mkdir -p ~/tryredox
  • Open the tryredox folder
cd ~/tryredox
  • Download the script to bootstrap Podman and download the Redox build system
curl -sf -o
  • Execute the downloaded script
time bash -e
  • Enable the Rust toolchain on the current shell
source ~/.cargo/env
  • Change the active directory to the Redox build system directory
cd redox
  • Create the .config file and add the REPO_BINARY environment variable to enable the binary-mode
echo "REPO_BINARY?=1 \n CONFIG_NAME?=my_config" >> .config
  • Create the hello-world recipe folder
mkdir cookbook/recipes/other/hello-world
  • Create the source folder of the recipe
mkdir cookbook/recipes/other/hello-world/source
  • Change the active directory to the source folder
cd cookbook/recipes/other/hello-world/source
  • Create a Cargo project with the "Hello World" string
cargo init --name="hello-world"
  • Create the hello-world recipe configuration
nano cookbook/recipes/other/hello-world/recipe.toml
  • Add the recipe configuration text
[build] template = "cargo"
  • Create the my_config filesystem configuration
cp config/x86_64/desktop.toml config/x86_64/my_config.toml
  • Open the my_config filesystem configuration file at config/x86_64/my_config.toml with your text editor and add the hello-world recipe, the following code block show where you need to edit.
[packages] # Add the item below hello-world = "recipe"
  • Build the Hello World program and the Redox image
time make prefix r.hello-world image
  • Start the Redox VM without a GUI
make qemu gpu=no

In the "redox login" screen write "user" as user name and press Enter.

  • Run the "Hello World" program
  • Power off the Redox VM
sudo shutdown

Configuration Settings

There are many build system configurable settings that affect what variant of Redox you build, and how you build it.


The purpose of .config is to allow you to change your configuration settings without worrying if you forgot them in some make command or if they will end up in a Pull Request. .config is in the .gitignore list, so you won't accidentally commit it.

To permanently override any of the settings in the mk/ section, create a file .config in your redox base directory (i.e. where you run the make command) and set the values in that file.

For example, the following configuration will use the i686 CPU target and build the desktop-minimal image variant in every make command:

ARCH?=i686 CONFIG_NAME?=desktop-minimal

(When adding environment variables at .config, don't forget the ? symbol in the end of their names)

If you used, this file may have been created for you already.

Command Line

You can temporarily override some of the settings in mk/ by setting them either in your environment or on the make command line.

For example, this command will build the demo image variant and open QEMU.

make CONFIG_NAME=demo qemu

Overriding the settings in this way is only temporary. Also, if you are using the Podman Build, some settings may be ignored, so you are best to use .config.

Architecture Names

The Redox build system support cross-compilation to any CPU architecture defined by the ARCH environment variable, these are the supported architectures based on the folders inside the config folder.

  • i686 - i686
  • x86-64 - x86_64
  • ARM64 - aarch64

Environment Variables

In mk/, you will find the variables ARCH, CONFIG_NAME and FILESYSTEM_CONFIG. These three variables determine what system you are building.

  • ARCH: the CPU architecture that you are building the system for. Currently supported architectures are x86_64 (the default), i686 and aarch64.
  • CONFIG_NAME: used to determine part of the name of the Redox image, and normally used to build the FILESYSTEM_CONFIG name (desktop by default).
  • FILESYSTEM_CONFIG: a file that describes the packages and files to include in the filesystem. See the Filesystem Configuration section below. The default is config/$ARCH/$CONFIG_NAME.toml, but you can change it if your config file is in a different location.
  • QEMU_MEM - It set the QEMU memory quantity, for example QEMU_MEM=2048
  • QEMU_SMP - It set the QEMU CPU core quantity, for example QEMU_SMP=4
  • PREFIX_BINARY - If set to 1 (PREFIX_BINARY?=1), the build system don't compile from toolchain sources but download/install them from Redox CI server. This can save lots of time during your first build. Note: If you are using Podman, you must set these variables in .config in order for your change to have any effect. Setting them in the environment or on the command line may not be effective.
  • REPO_BINARY - If set to 1 (REPO_BINARY?=1), the build system don't compile from recipe sources but download/install packages from Redox package server.
  • FILESYSTEM_SIZE: The size in MB of the filesystem contained in the Redox image. See the Filesystem Size section before changing it.
  • REDOXFS_MKFS_FLAGS: Flags to the program that builds the Redox filesystem. --encrypt enables disk encryption.
  • PODMAN_BUILD: If set to 1 (PODMAN_BUILD?=1), the build environment is constructed in Podman. See the Podman Build page.
  • CONTAINERFILE: The Podman containerfile. See the Podman Build page.
  • PREFER_STATIC: If set to 1 (PREFER_STATIC?=1), all packages will be statically linked. By default, a package will be dynamically linked if it supports it.
    Note: If this was previously unset, a full sysroot recompilation will be required.

If you want to change them permanently, read the .config section.

If you want to change them temporarily, read the Command Line section. e.g. export ARCH=i686; make all or make ARCH=i686 all. The first example sets the value for the lifetime of the current shell, while the second sets the value only or the current make.

The Redox image that is built is named build/$ARCH/$CONFIG_NAME/harddrive.img or build/$ARCH/$CONFIG/livedisk.iso.

Filesystem Configuration

The recipes to be included in the Redox image are determined by a filesystem configuration file, which is a .toml file, such as config/x86_64/desktop.toml. Open desktop.toml and have a look through it.

nano config/x86_64/desktop.toml

For each supported CPU architecture, there are some filesystem configurations to choose from. For x86_64, there are desktop, demo and server configurations, as well as a few others. For i686, there are also some stripped down configurations for legacy systems with minimal RAM. Have a look in the directory config/x86_64 for some examples.

For more details on the filesystem config, and how to include extra packages in your build, please see the Including Programs in Redox page.

Feel free to create your own filesystem configuration.

Filesystem Size

Filesystem size is the total amount of space allocated for the filesystem that is built into the image, including all packages and programs. It is specified in Megabytes (MB). The typical size is 512MB, although the demo config is larger. The filesystem needs to be large enough to accommodate the packages that are included in the filesystem. For the livedisk system, don't exceed the size of your RAM, and leave room for the system to run.

The value for filesystem size is normally set from the filesystem configuration file, e.g. config/x86_64/demo.toml.

... filesystem_size = 768 ...

If you wish to change it, it is recommended that you create your own filesystem configuration and edit it there. However, you can override it temporarily in your environment or on the make command line, e.g.:

make FILESYSTEM_SIZE=512 qemu

Filesystem Customization

The Redox image can be customized from the configuration files at config/your-cpu/*.toml, select some variant and create a copy for it (for example desktop-test.toml, it's a copy of desktop.toml).

(The configuration files at config/your-cpu can override the data type values from the filesystem templates at config)

You can learn how to configure the desktop-test.toml filesystem configuration below:

  • Create the desktop-test.toml file:
cp config/your-cpu-arch/desktop.toml config/your-cpu-arch/desktop-test.toml
  • Add this to your .config file:

You can customize many things of your filesystem configuration, verify the templates on the config folder for reference.

In the example below we will add the acid recipe on the desktop-test.toml configuration.

  • Open the desktop-test.toml file:
nano config/your-cpu/desktop-test.toml
  • Add the [packages] section and the acid recipe:
[packages] acid = {}
  • Build the acid recipe and create a new Redox image:
make r.acid image

Done, the acid recipe is inside your Redox image.

Binary Packages

By default the Redox build system will build all recipes from source, if you want to use the pre-built packages from our build server there's a TOML option for it.

This is useful for some purposes, such as making development builds, test package status and save time with heavy softwares.

  • Open the desktop-test.toml file:
nano config/your-cpu/desktop-test.toml
  • Add the binary package below the [packages] section:
[packages] ... your-recipe = "binary" ...
  • Download and add the binary package on your Redox image:
make image
  • Open QEMU to verify your binary package:
make qemu


If the REPO_BINARY environment variable set to 1 (REPO_BINARY?=1), your build system will download pre-built packages by default.

When you enable the REPO_BINARY environment variable it treat every recipe with the {} value as a pre-built package and recipes with the "source" value as source-based recipe, both inside of your TOML config (config/$ARCH/$CONFIG_NAME.toml).

For example:

[packages] ... recipe1 = {} # pre-built package (method 1) recipe2 = "binary" # pre-built package (method 2) recipe3 = "source" # source-based recipe ...

Change the QEMU CPU Core and Memory Quantity

If you want to change the CPU quantity, add the following environment variable to your .config file:


If you want to change the memory quantity, add the following environment variable to your .config file:



The build system uses several Makefiles, most of which are in the directory mk. We have grouped together most of the settings that might be interesting into mk/ However, it's not recommended that you change them there, especially if you are contributing to the Redox project (as it could cause conflicts in the make pull command). See the .config section below.

Open mk/ in your favorite editor and have a look through it (but don't change it), e.g.

nano mk/

The script allows you to easily set ARCH, FILESYSTEM_CONFIG and CONFIG_NAME when running make. If you are not changing the values very often, it is recommended you set the values in .config rather than use But if you are testing against different architectures or configurations, then this script can help minimize effort, errors and confusion.


The TARGET is any of the available make targets, although the recommended target is qemu. You can also include certain variable settings such as gpu=no.

  • -f FILESYSTEM_CONFIG allows you to specify a filesystem config file, which can be in any location but is normally in the directory config/$ARCH.

    If you do specify -f FILESYSTEM_CONFIG, but not -a or -c, the file path determines the other values. Normally the file would be located at e.g. config/x86_64/desktop.toml. ARCH is determined from the second last element of the path. If the second last element is not a known ARCH value, you must specify -a ARCH. CONFIG_NAME is determined from the basename of the file.

  • -a ARCH is the CPU architecture you are building for, x86_64, i686 or aarch64. The uppercase options -X, -6 and -A can be used as shorthand for -a x86_64, -a i686 and -a aarch64 respectively.

  • -c CONFIG_NAME is the name of the configuration, which appears in both the name of the image being built and (usually) the filesystem config.

    If you do not specify -f FILESYSTEM_CONFIG, the value of FILESYSTEM_CONFIG is constructed from ARCH and CONFIG_NAME, config/$ARCH/$CONFIG_NAME.toml.

    The default value for ARCH is x86_64 and for CONFIG_NAME is desktop, which produces a default value for FILESYSTEM_CONFIG of config/x86_64/desktop.toml.

Package Management

The Redox package management is similar to the major Linux distributions, but static linking is used instead of dynamic linking.

  • Better Security

Static linking increase the system security because each program use a different location for library code on the memory, even if the same version of a vulnerable library is used.

The attacker would need to inject code on each program's memory address space to steal sensitive data and not the shared library's memory address space, it increases the cost of the attack.

Rust programs use static linking by default.

  • Better Performance

When a program is compiled with static linking the library references are resolved before execution, thus there's no need for processing on the dynamic linker.

By doing this the programs open faster.

  • Simple dependency management

When programs need different library versions the dynamic linking will add a conflict because the different versions use the same object name, thus programs will need different /lib folders.

While in static linking there's no need for runtime dependency management, only source packages for different library versions.

Rust programs aren't affected by this problem because of Cargo.


What is "pkgar" ?

pkgar, short for "package archive", is a file format, library, and command-line executable for creating and extracting cryptographically secure collections of files, primarly for use in package management on Redox OS. The technical details are still in development, so we think it is good to instead review the goals of pkgar and some examples that demonstrate its design principles.

pkgar has the following goals:

  • Atomic - Updates are done atomically if possible
  • Economical - Transfer of data must only occur when hashes change, allowing for network and data usage to be minimized
  • Fast - Encryption and hashing algorithms are chosen for performance, and packages can potentially be extracted in parallel
  • Minimal - Unlike other formats such as tar, the metadata included in a pkgar file is only what is required to extract the package
  • Relocatable - Packages can be installed to any directory, by any user, provided the user can verify the package signature and has access to that directory.
  • Secure - Packages are always cryptographically secure, and verification of all contents must occur before installation of a package completes.

To demonstrate how the format's design achieves these goals, let's look at some examples.

Example 1: Newly installed package

In this example, a package is installed that has never been installed on the system, from a remote repository. We assume that the repository's public key is already installed on disk, and that the URL to the package's pkgar is known.

First, a small, fixed-size header portion of the pkgar is downloaded. This is currently 136 bytes in size. It contains a NaCL signature, NaCL public key, BLAKE3 hash of the entry metadata, and 64-bit count of entry metadata structs.

Before this header can be used, it is verified. The public key must match the one installed on disk. The signature of the struct must verify against the public key. If this is true, the hash and entry count are considered valid.

The entry metadata can now be downloaded to a temporary file. During the download, the BLAKE3 hash is calculated. If this hash matches the hash in the header, the metadata is considered valid and is moved atomically to the correct location for future use. Both the header and metadata are stored in this file.

Each entry metadata struct contains a BLAKE3 hash of the entry data, a 64-bit offset of the file data in the data portion of the pkgar, a 64-bit size of the file data, a 32-bit mode identifying Unix permissions, and up to a 256-byte relative path for the file.

For each entry, before downloading the file data, the path can be validated for install permissions. The file data is downloaded to a temporary file, with no read, write, or execute permissions. While the download is happening, the BLAKE3 hash is calculated. If this hash matches, the file data is considered valid.

After downloading all entries, the temporary files have their permissions set as indicated by the mode in the metadata. They are then moved atomically to the correct location. At this point, the package is successfully installed.

Example 2: Updated package

In this example, a package is updated, and only one file changes. This is to demonstrate the capabilities of pkgar to minimize disk writes and network traffic.

First, the header is downloaded. The header is verified as before. Since a file has changed, the metadata hash will have changed. The metadata will be downloaded and verified. Both header and metadata will be atomically updated on disk.

The entry metadata will be compared to the previous entry metadata. The hash for one specific file will have changed. Only the contents for that file will be downloaded to a temporary file, and verified. Once that is complete, it will be atomically updated on disk. The package update is successfully completed, and only the header, entry metadata, and the files that have changed were downloaded and written.

Example 3: Package verification

In this example, a package is verified against the metadata saved on disk. It is possible to reconstruct a package from an installed system, for example, in order to install that package from a live disk.

First, the header is verified as before. The entry metadata is then verified. If there is a mismatch, an error is thrown and the package could be reinstalled.

The entry metadata will be compared to the files on disk. The mode of each file will be compared to the metadata mode. Then the hash of the file data will be compared to the hash in the metadata. If there is a mismatch, again, an error is thrown and the package could be reinstalled.

It would be possible to perform this process while copying the package to a new target. This allows the installation of a package from a live disk to a new install without having to store the entire package contents.


As the examples show, the design of pkgar is meant to provide the best possible package management experience on Redox OS. At no point should invalid data be installed on disk in accessible files, and installation should be incredibly fast and efficient.

Work still continues on determining the repository format.

The source for pkgar is fairly lightweight, we highly recommend reading it and contributing to the pkgar repository.

If you have questions feel free to ask us on the Chat page.

Downloading packages with pkg

pkg is the Redox package manager which allows you to install binary packages to a running system. If you want to build packages, or include binary packages during the build, please see the Including Programs in Redox page.

You may get better results in an virtual machine than in real hardware (due to the small device support).

  • Install a package
pkg install package-name
  • Upgrade all installed packages
pkg upgrade
  • List package contents
pkg list package-name
  • Get a file signature
pkg sign package-name
  • Download a package
pkg fetch package-name
  • Clean an extracted package
pkg clean package-name
  • Create a package
pkg create package-name
  • Extract a package
pkg extract package-name
  • Replace command by one of the above options to get detailed information about them
pkg help command

Some commands needs to be run with sudo because the /usr/bin and /pkg folders are protected by the system.

The available packages can be found on the build server list.


This page covers the commands used for common and specific tasks on Redox.


Show CPU information

cat /scheme/sys/cpu


Show system information

uname -a

Show memory (RAM) usage

free -h

Show the storage usage

df -h

Shutdown the computer

sudo shutdown

Show all running processes


Show system-wide common programs

ls /bin

Show all schemes

ls /scheme

Show the system log

cat /scheme/sys/log




Show system DNS name


Show all network addresses of your system

hostname -I

Ping a website or IP

ping (website-link/ip-address)

Show website information


Download a GitHub repository on the current directory

git clone

Download a Git repository

git clone

Download a Git repository to the specified directory

git clone folder-name

Download a file with wget


Resume an incomplete download

wget -c
wget -i file.txt

Download an entire website and convert it to work locally (offline)

wget --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --no-parent

Download a file with curl

curl -O

Download files from multiple websites at once

curl -O -O

Host a website with Simple HTTP Server

  • Point the program to the website folder
  • The Home page of the website should be available on the root of the folder
  • The Home page should be named as index.html
simple-http-server -i -p 80 folder-name

This command will use the port 80 (the certified port for HTTP servers), you can change as you wish.


Clean the terminal content


Exit the terminal session, current shell or root privileges


Current user on the shell


Show the default terminal shell

echo $SHELL

Show your current terminal shell

echo $0

Show your installed terminal shells (active on $PATH)

cat /etc/shells

Change your default terminal shell permanently (common path is /usr/bin)

chsh -s /path/of/your/shell

Add an abbreviation for a command on the Ion shell

alias name='command'

Change the user password

passwd user-name

Show the commands history


Show the commands with the name specified in history

history name

Change the ownership of a file, folder, device and mounted-partition (recursively)

sudo chown -R user-name:group-name directory-name


chown user-name file-name

Show system-wide configuration files

ls /etc

Show the user configuration files of programs

ls ~/.local/share ~/.config
echo text

Show the directories in the $PATH environment variable

echo $PATH

Show the dependencies (shared libraries) used by a program

ldd program-name

Add a new directory on the $PATH environment variable of the Ion shell


Restore the shell variables to default values


Measure the time spent by a program to run a command

time command

Run a executable file on the current directory


Run a non-executable shell script

sh script-name


bash script-name

Files and Folders

Show files and folders in the current directory

cat file-name

Edit a text file

kibi file-name

Save your changes by pressing Ctrl+S

Show the current directory


Change the active directory to the specified folder

cd folder-name

Change to the previous directory

cd -

Change to the upper directory

cd ..

Change the current directory to the user folder

cd ~

Show files and folders (including the hidden ones)

ls -A

Show the files, folders and subfolders

ls *

Show advanced information about the files/folders of the directory

ls -l

Create a new folder

mkdir folder-name

Copy a file

cp -v file-name destination-folder

Copy a folder

cp -v folder-name destination-folder

Move a folder

mv folder-name destination-folder

Remove a file

rm file-name

Remove a folder

(Use with caution if you called the command with su, sudo or doas)

rm -rf folder-name

Add text in a text file

echo "text" >> directory/file

Search for files

find . -type f -name file-name

(Run with sudo or su if these directories are under root permissions)

Search for folders

find . -type d -name folder-name

(Run with sudo or su if the directories are under root permissions)

Show files/folders in a tree



Play a video

ffplay video-name

Play a music

ffplay music-name

Show an image

image-viewer image-name


Show the OpenGL driver information

glxinfo | grep OpenGL

Questions, Feedback, Reporting Issues

Join the Redox Chat. It is the best method to chat with the Redox Team.

You can find historical questions in our Discourse Forum.

If you would like to report issues, send a message on the Support room of the chat or create an issue here and click in the New Issue button.

System Design

This chapter will discuss the design of Redox.


The Redox kernel is a microkernel. Microkernels stand out in their design by providing minimal abstractions in kernel-space. Microkernels focus on user-space, unlike Monolithic kernels which focus on kernel-space.

The basic philosophy of microkernels is that any component which can run in user-space should run in user-space. Kernel-space should only be utilized for the most essential components (e.g., system calls, process separation, resource management, IPC, thread management, etc).

The kernel's main task is to act as a medium for communication and segregation of processes. The kernel should provide minimal abstraction over the hardware (that is, drivers, which can and should run in user-space).

Microkernels are more secure and less prone to crashes than monolithic kernels. This is because most kernel components are moved to user-space and use different memory address spaces, and thus can't do damage to the system. Furthermore, microkernels are extremely maintainable, due to their small code size the number of bugs in the kernel is reduced a lot.

As anything else, microkernels do also have disadvantages.

Advantages of microkernels

There are quite a lot of advantages (and disadvantages) with microkernels, a few of which will be covered here.

Better Modularity and Configuration

Monolithic kernels are, well, monolithic. They do not allow fine-grained control as microkernels. This is due to many essential components being "hard-coded" into the kernel, and thus requiring modifications to the kernel itself (e.g., device drivers).

Microkernels are very modular by nature. You can replace, reload, modify, change, and remove modules, on runtime, without even touching the kernel.

Modern monolithic kernels try to solve this issue using kernel modules but still often require the system to reboot.

Better Security

Microkernels are undoubtedly more secure than monolithic kernels. The minimality principle of microkernels is a direct consequence of the principle of least privilege, according to which all components should have only the privileges absolutely needed to provide the needed functionality.

Many security-critical bugs in monolithic kernels come from services and drivers running unrestricted in kernel mode, without any form of protection.

In other words: in monolithic kernels, drivers can do whatever they want, without restrictions, when running in kernel mode.

Better Stability

When compared to microkernels, Monolithic kernels tend to be crash-prone. A buggy driver in a Monolithic kernel can crash the whole system because the driver code is running on the same memory address space of the kernel, thus the kernel process can't continue to run (to avoid memory corruption) and crash (kernel panic).

While in a microkernel the drivers run in different memory address spaces (separation of concerns) which allows the system to handle any crash safely.

In Linux we often see errors with drivers dereferencing bad pointers which ultimately results in kernel panics.

There is very good documentation in the MINIX documentation about how this can be addressed by a microkernel.

Sane Debugging

In microkernels the kernel components (drivers, filesystems, etc) are moved to user-space, thus bugs on them don't crash the kernel.

This is very important to debug in real hardware, because if a kernel panic happens, the log can't be saved to find the root of the bug.

In monolithic kernels, a bug in kernel component will cause a kernel panic and lock the system (if it happens in real hardware, you can't debug without serial output support)

(Buggy drivers are the main cause of kernel panics)

Disadvantages of microkernels

Small Performance Overhead

Any modern operating system needs basic security mechanisms such as virtualization and segmentation of memory. Furthermore any process (including the kernel) has its own stack and variables stored in registers. On context switch, that is each time a system call is invoked or any other inter-process communication (IPC) is done, some tasks have to be done, including:

  • Saving caller registers, especially the program counter (caller: process invoking syscall or IPC)
  • Reprogramming the MMU's page table (aka TLB)
  • Putting CPU in another mode (kernel mode and user mode, also known as ring 0 and ring 3)
  • Restoring callee registers (callee: process invoked by syscall or IPC)

These are not inherently slower on microkernels, but microkernels need to perform these operations more frequently. Many of the system functionality is performed by user-space processes, requiring additional context switches.

The performance difference between monolithic and microkernels has been marginalized over time, making their performance comparable. This is partly due to a smaller surface area which can be easier to optimize.

We are working on exciting performance optimizations to minimize the overhead of extra context switches.

Versus monolithic kernels

Monolithic kernels provide a lot more abstractions than microkernels.

An illustration

The above illustration from Wikimedia, by Wooptoo, License: Public domain) shows how they differ.

Documentation about the kernel/user-space separation

Documentation about microkernels

A Note On The Current State

Redox has less than 40,000 Rust lines of kernel code. For comparison Minix has ~6,000 C lines of kernel code.

(The above comparison can't be used to argument that Minix is more stable or safe than Redox because of the number of source code lines, because Redox is more advanced than Minix in features, thus more lines of code are expected)

We would like to move more parts of Redox to user-space to get an even smaller kernel.

Boot Process

Boot Loader

The boot loader source can be found in cookbook/recipes/bootloader/source after a successful build or in the Boot Loader repository.


The first code to be executed on x86 systems using BIOS is the boot sector, called stage 1, which is written in Assembly, and can be found in asm/x86-unknown-none/stage1.asm. This loads the stage 2 bootloader from disk, which is also written in Assembly. This stage switches to 32-bit mode and finally loads the Rust-written boot loader, called stage 3. These three boot loader stages are combined in one executable written to the first megabyte of the storage device. At this point, the bootloader follows the same common boot process on all boot methods, which can be seen in a later section.


Redox only supports UEFI for 64bit machines. On startup the UEFI firmware loads and executes PE32+ UEFI programs typically located at /EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi (OSDev Wiki). In case this is our bootloader, the first code that is executed is pub extern "C" fn main() in src/os/uefi/ At this point, the bootloader follows the same common boot process on all boot methods, which can be seen in a later section.

Common boot process

The bootloader initializes the memory map and the display mode, both of which rely on firmware mechanisms that are not acccessible after control is switched to the kernel. The bootloader then finds the RedoxFS partition on the disk and loads the kernel, bootstrap, and initfs into memory. It maps the kernel to its expected virtual address, and jumps to its entry function.


The Redox kernel performs (fairly significant) architecture-specific initialization in the kstart function before jumping to the kmain function. At this point, the user-space bootstrap, a specially prepared executable that limits the required kernel parsing, sets up the initfs scheme, and loads and executes the init program.


Redox has a multi-staged init process, designed to allow for the loading of disk drivers in a modular and configurable fashion. This is commonly referred to as an init RAMdisk.

RAMdisk Init

The ramdisk init has the job of loading the drivers required to access the root filesystem and then transfer control to the filesystem init. This contains drivers for ACPI, for the framebuffer, and for IDE, SATA, and NVMe disks. After loading all disk drivers, the RedoxFS driver is executed with the UUID of the partition where the kernel and other boot files were located. It then searches every driver for this partition, and if it is found, mounts it and then allows init to continue.

Filesystem Init

The filesystem init continues the loading of drivers for all other functionality. This includes audio, networking, and anything not required for disk access. After this, the login prompt is shown.

If Orbital is enabled, the display server is launched.


After the init processes have set up drivers and daemons, it is possible for the user to log in to the system. The login program accepts an username, with a default user called user, prints the /etc/motd file, and then executes the user's login shell, usually ion. At this point, the user will now be able to access the shell

Graphical overview

Here is an overview of the initialization process with scheme creation and usage. For simplicity's sake, we do not depict all scheme interaction but at least the major ones. this is currently out of date, but still informative

Redox initialization graph

Boot process documentation

Redox kernel

System calls are generally simple, and have a similar ABI compared to regular function calls. On x86-64, it simply uses the syscall instruction, causing a mode switch from user-mode (ring 3) to kernel-mode (ring 0), and when the system call handler is finished, its mode switches back, as if the syscall instruction was a regular call instruction, using sysretq.

System Services in User Space

As any microkernel-based operating system, most kernel components are moved to user-space and adapted to work on it.

Monolithic kernels in general have hundreds of system calls due to the high number of kernel components (system calls are interfaces for these components), not to mention the number of sub-syscalls provided by ioctl and e.g. procfs/sysfs. Microkernels on the other hand, only have dozens of them.

This happens because the non-core kernel components are moved to user-space, thereby relying on IPC instead, which we will later explain.

User-space bootstrap is the first program launched by the kernel, and has a simple design. The kernel loads the initfs blob, containing both the bootstrap executable itself and the initfs image, that was passed from the boot loader. It creates an address space containing it, and jumps to a bootloader-provided offset. Bootstrap allocates a stack (in an Assembly stub), mprotects itself, and does the remaining steps to exec the init daemon. It also sets up the initfs scheme daemon.

The system calls used for IPC, are almost exclusively file-based. The kernel therefore has to know what schemes to forward certain system calls to. All file syscalls are marked with either SYS_CLASS_PATH or SYS_CLASS_FILE. The kernel associates paths with schemes by checking their scheme prefix against the scheme's name, in the former case, and in the latter case, the kernel simply remembers which scheme opened file descriptors originated from. Most IPC in general is done using schemes, with the exception of regular pipes like Linux has, which uses pipe2, read, write, close. Any scheme can also of course setup its own custom pipe-like IPC that also uses the aforementioned syscalls, like shm and chan from ipcd.

Schemes are implemented as a regular Rust trait in the kernel. Some builtin kernel schemes exist, which just implement that trait. Userspace schemes are provided via the UserScheme trait implementor, which relies on messages being sent between the kernel and the scheme daemon. This channel is created by scheme daemons when opening :SCHEME_NAME, which is parsed to the root scheme "" with path "SCHEME_NAME". Messages are sent by reading from and writing to that root scheme file descriptor.

So all file-based syscalls on files owned by user-space, will send a message to that scheme daemon, and when the result is sent back, the kernel will return that result back to the process doing the syscall.

Communication between user-space and the kernel, is generally fast, even though the current syscall handler implementation is somewhat unoptimized. Systems with Meltdown mitigations would be an exception, although such mitigations are not yet implemented.


This page explains how a program communicates with the system components.


  • A scheme is a system service
  • SQE means "Submission Queue Entry"
  • CQE means "Completion Queue Entry"
  • POSIX and Linux functions are implemented by relibc using Redox services provided by schemes, they work with the appropriate schemes to implement the function. It might involve opening a scheme, maybe writing to a scheme, or maybe calling mmap on the scheme after opening (this is pretty common).
  • relibc and redox-rt talk to the scheme via a system call - open, read, write, mmap, etc.
  • A system component (userspace daemon) uses the Scheme API (from the redox-scheme library) to implement the system service. The Scheme API also is doing system calls like open, read and write, but the message format for reading and writing is a special format. The latest version of the Scheme API reads SQE messages and writes CQE messages. SQE is basically the parameters to the system call that the caller originally did, packaged into a message. CQE is the response that the daemon sends back.
  • The kernel is responsible for creating the SQE messages, and for unpacking the CQE messages.


  • The program calls some POSIX or Linux function from relibc
  • relibc/redox-rt convert it to system calls
  • The kernel converts the system calls to SQE
  • The userspace daemon calls read on a "scheme socket" and gets an SQE message
  • The userspace daemon calls write on the scheme socket and sends a CQE message
  • The kernel converts the CQE message to the result of the system call
  • relibc/redox-rt gets the result from the system call and uses that to calculate the result of the POSIX or Linux function call

Memory Management


Scheduling on Redox

The Redox kernel uses a scheduling algorithm called Round Robin.

The kernel registers a function called an interrupt handler that the CPU calls periodically. This function keeps track of how many times it is called, and will schedule the next process ready for scheduling every 10 "ticks".


On Redox the device drivers are user-space daemons, being a common Unix process they have their own namespace with restricted schemes.

In other words, a driver on Redox can't damage other system interfaces, while on Monolithic kernels a driver could wipe your data because the driver run on the same memory address space of the filesystem (thus same privilege level).

You can find the driver documentation on the repository README and drivers code.


This is the default filesystem of Redox OS, inspired by ZFS and adapted to a microkernel architecture.

Redox had a read-only ZFS driver but it was abandoned because of the monolithic nature of ZFS that created problems with the Redox microkernel design.

(It's a replacement for TFS)

Current features:

  • Compatible with Redox and Linux (FUSE)
  • Copy-on-write
  • Data/metadata checksums
  • Transparent encryption
  • Standard Unix file attributes
  • File/directory size limit up to 193TiB (212TB)
  • File/directory quantity limit up to 4 billion per 193TiB (2^32 - 1 = 4294967295)
  • Disk encryption fully supported by the Redox bootloader, letting it load the kernel off an encrypted partition.
  • MIT licensed

Being MIT licensed, RedoxFS can be bundled on GPL-licensed operating systems (Linux, for example).

Graphics and Windowing


VESA (vesad)

vesad is not really a driver, it writes to a framebuffer given by firmware (via UEFI or BIOS software interrupts).

Because we don't have GPU drivers yet, we rely on what firmware gives to us.


On Linux/BSDs, the GPU communication with the kernel is done by the DRM system (Direct Rendering Manager, libdrm library), that Mesa3D drivers use to work (Mesa3D implement OpenGL/Vulkan drivers, DRM expose the hardware interfaces).

Said this, in Redox a "DRM driver" needs to be an user-space driver which use the system calls/schemes to communicate with the hardware.

The last step is to implement the Redox backend in our Mesa3D fork/recipe to use these user-space drivers.

Software Rendering

We don't have GPU drivers yet but LLVMpipe (OpenGL CPU emulation) is working.


The Orbital desktop environment provides a display server, window manager and compositor.

Comparison with X11/Wayland

This display server is more simple than X11 and Wayland making the porting task more quick and easy, it's not advanced like X11 and Wayland yet but enough to port most Linux/BSD programs.

Compared to Wayland, Orbital has one server implementation, while Wayland provide protocols for compositors.


  • Custom Resolutions
  • App Launcher (bottom bar)
  • File Manager
  • Text Editor
  • Calculator
  • Terminal Emulator

If you hold the Super key (generally the key with a Windows logo) it will show all keyboard shortcuts in a pop-up.


The programs using these libraries can work on Orbital.

  • winit
  • softbuffer
  • Slint (through winit and softbuffer)
  • Iced (through winit and softbuffer)
  • egui (winit or SDL2 can be used)
  • SDL1.2
  • SDL2
  • Mesa3D's OSMesa


In Orbital a GUI program cannot read input events or the content (framebuffer) from windows of other GUI programs, like Wayland.


Apps (or 'clients') create a window and draw to it by using the orbclient client.

Client Examples

If you wish to see examples of client apps that use orbclient to "talk" to Orbital and create windows and draw to them, then you can find some in orbclient/examples folder.


If you want to port a program to Orbital, see below:

  • If the program is written in Rust probably it works on Orbital because the winit crate is used in most places, but there are programs that access X11 or Wayland directly. You need to port these programs to winit and merge on upstream.

  • If the program is written in C or C++ and access X11 or Wayland directly, it must be ported to the Orbital library.


This page covers the current Redox security design.

  • The namespaces and capability-based system are implemented by the kernel but some parts can be moved to user-space.
  • A namespace is a list of schemes, if you run ls :, it will show the schemes on the current namespace.
  • Each process has a namespace.
  • Capabilities are customized file descriptors that carry specific actions.
  • All programs are statically-linked to their libraries, except for big libraries to save memory and storage space


The sandbox system duplicates the system resources for each program, it allows them to be completely isolated from the main system. Flatpak and Snap use a sandbox security system on Linux, Redox will do the same on its packages.

Redox allows sandbox by limiting a program's capabilities:

  • Only a certain number of schemes in the program's namespace is allowed, or no scheme at all. That way new file descriptors can't be opened.
  • All functionality is forced to occur via file descriptors (WIP).

Static Linking

Static linking increase the system security because each program use a different library code, even if the same version of a vulnerable library is used.

The attacker would need to inject code on each program's memory address space to steal sensitive data and not the shared library's memory address space, it increases the cost of the attack.

Rust programs use static linking by default.


This page contains an operating system comparison table for common/important features.


FeatureRedoxLinux (also known as GNU/Linux)FreeBSDPlan 9
NUMANo (planned)YesYesNo
Full Disk EncryptionYesYesYesNo
Exploit MitigationsNo (planned)YesYesNo
OpenGL/VulkanYes (only OpenGL with CPU emulation)YesYesNo
UEFI Boot LoaderYesYesYesNo
USBYes (incomplete)YesYesYes
Wi-FiNo (planned)YesYesNo
BluetoothNo (planned)YesYesNo


File-based EncryptionNoYesNot documented
USB TetheringNo (planned)YesYes
NFCNo (planned)YesYes
GPSNo (planned)YesYes
SensorsNo (planned)YesYes
Factory ResetNo (planned)YesYes

External References

Schemes and Resources

An essential design choice made for Redox is to refer to resources using scheme-rooted paths. This gives Redox the ability to:

  • Treat resources (files, devices, etc.) in a consistent manner
  • Provide resource-specific behaviors with a common interface
  • Allow management of names and namespaces to provide sandboxing and other security features
  • Enable device drivers and other system resource management to communicate with each other using the same mechanisms available to user programs

Scheme-rooted Paths

Scheme-rooted paths are the way that resources are identified on Redox.

What is a Resource

A resource is anything that a program might wish to access, usually referenced by some name.

What is a Scheme

A scheme identifies the starting point for finding a resource.

What is a Scheme-rooted Path

A scheme-rooted path takes the following form, with text in bold being literal.


scheme-name is the name of the kind of resource, and it also identifies the name used by the manager daemon for that kind.

resource-name is the specific resource of that kind. Typically in Redox, the resource-name is a path with elements separated by slashes, but the resource manager is free to interpret the resource-name how it chooses, allowing other formats to be used if required.

Differences from Unix

Unix systems have some special file types, such as "block special file" or "character special file". These special files use major/minor numbers to identify the driver and the specific resource within the driver. There are also pseudo-filesystems, for example procfs that provide access to resources using paths.

Redox's scheme-rooted paths provide a consistent approach to resource naming, compared with Unix.

Regular Files

For Redox, a path that does not begin with /scheme/ is a reference to the the root filesystem, which is managed by the file scheme. Thus /home/user/.bashrc is interpreted as /scheme/file/home/user/.bashrc.

In this case, the scheme is file and the resource is home/user/.bashrc within that scheme.

This makes paths for regular files feel as natural as Unix file paths.


A resource is any "thing" that can be referred to using a path. It can be a physical device, a logical pseudodevice, a file on a file system, a service that has a name, or an element of a dataset.

The client program accesses a resource by opening it, using the resource name in scheme-rooted path format. The first part of the path is the name of the scheme, and the rest of the path is interpreted by the scheme provider, assigning whatever meaning is appropriate for the resources included under that scheme.

Some schemes, such as /scheme/pty/ simply allocate sequentially numbered resources and do not need the complexity of a slash-separated path.

Resource Examples

Some examples of resources are:

  • Files within a filesystem - /path/to/file is interpreted as /scheme/file/path/to/file. Other filesystems can be referenced as /scheme/otherfs/path/to/file.
  • Pseudo-terminals - /scheme/pty/n where n is a number, refers to a particular pseudo-terminal.
  • Display - /scheme/display.vesa/n where n is a number, refers to the VESA virtual display - Virtual display 1 is the system log, display 2 is the text UI, and display 3 is the graphical display used by Orbital.
  • Networking - /scheme/udp/a.b.c.d/p is the UDP socket with IPv4 address a.b.c.d, port number p.


The scheme, which takes its name from URI schemes, identifies the type of resource, and identifies the manager daemon responsible for that resource.

Within Redox, a scheme may be thought of in a few ways. It is all of these things:

  • The type of a resource, such as "file", "NVMe drive", "TCP connection", etc. (Note that these are not valid scheme names, they are just given by way of example.)
  • The starting point for locating the resource, i.e. it is the root of the path to the resource, which the system can then use in establishing a connection to the resource.
  • A uniquely named service that is provided by some driver or daemon program, with the full path identifying a specific resource accessed via that service.

Scheme Daemons

A scheme is typically provided by a daemon. A daemon is a program that runs as a process in userspace; it is typically started by the system during boot. When the process starts, it registers with kernel using the name of the scheme that it manages.

Kernel vs. Userspace Schemes

A userspace scheme is implemented by a scheme daemon, described above. A kernel scheme is implemented within the kernel, and manages critical resources not easily managed with a userspace daemon. When possible, schemes should be implemented in userspace.

Accessing Resources

In order to provide "virtual file" behavior, schemes generally implement file-like operations. However, it is up to the scheme provider to determine what each file-like operation means. For example, seek to an SSD driver scheme might simply add to a file offset, but to a floppy disk controller scheme, it might cause the physical movement of disk read-write heads.

Typical scheme operations include:

  • open - Create a handle (file descriptor) to a resource provided by the scheme. e.g. File::create("/scheme/tcp/") in a regular program would be converted by the kernel into open("") and sent to the "tcp" scheme provider. The "tcp" scheme provider would parse the name, establish a connection to Internet address "", port "3000", and return a handle that represents that connection.
  • read - get some data from the thing represented by the handle, normally consuming that data so the next read will return new data.
  • write - send some data to the thing represented by the handle to be saved, sent or written.
  • seek - change the logical location where the next read or write will occur. This may or may not cause some action by the scheme provider.

Schemes may choose to provide other standard operations, such as mkdir, but the meaning of the operation is up to the scheme. mkdir might create a directory entry, or it might create some type of substructure or container relevant to that particular scheme.

Some schemes implement fmap, which creates a memory-mapped area that is shared between the scheme resource and the scheme user. It allows direct memory operations on the resource, rather than reading and writing to a file descriptor. The most common use case for fmap is for a device driver to access the physical addresses of a memory-mapped device, using the memory: kernel scheme. It is also used for frame buffers in the graphics subsystem.

TODO add F-operations.

TODO Explain file-like vs. socket-like schemes.

Userspace Schemes

Redox creates user-space schemes during initialization, starting various daemon-style programs, each of which can provide one or more schemes.

disk.*ided, ahcid, nvmedStorage drivers
disk.livelivedRAM-disk driver that loads the bootable USB data into RAM
disk.usb-{id}+{port}-scsiusbscsidUSB SCSI driver
loggingramfsError logging scheme, using an in-memory temporary filesystem
initfsbootstrapStartup filesystem
file redoxfsMain filesystem
networke1000d, rtl8168dLink-level network send/receive
ipsmolnetdRaw IP packet send/receive
tcpsmolnetdTCP sockets
udpsmolnetdUDP sockets
icmpsmolnetdICMP protocol
netcfgsmolnetdNetwork configuration
dnsdnsdDNS protocol
display.vesavesadVESA driver
display.virtio-gpuvirtio-gpudVirtIO GPU driver
orbitalorbitalWindowing system (window manager and virtual driver)
ptyptydPseudoterminals, used by terminal emulators
audiorwsb16d, ac97d, ihdadSound drivers
audioaudiodAudio manager and virtual device
usb.*usb*dUSB interfaces
pcspkrpcspkrdPC speaker driver
acpiacpidACPI driver
inputinputdVirtual device
escalateescalatedPrivilege manager
chanipcdInter-process communication
shmipcdShared memory manager
randranddPseudo-random number generator
zerozerodDiscard all writes, and always fill read buffers with zeroes
nullnulldDiscard all writes, and read no bytes

Kernel Schemes

The kernel provides a small number of schemes in order to support userspace.

namespaceroot.rsNamespace manager
useruser.rsDispatch for user-space schemes
debugdebug.rsDebug messages that can't use the log: scheme
eventevent.rsepoll-like file descriptor read/write "ready" events
irqirq.rsInterrupt manager (converts interrupts to messages)
pipepipe.rsKernel manager for pipes
procproc.rsProcess context manager
thisprocproc.rsProcess context manager
sysmod.rsSystem hardware resources information
kernel.acpiacpi.rsRead the CPU configuration (number of cores, etc)
memorymemory.rsPhysical memory mapping manager
timetime.rsReal-time clock timer
itimertime.rsInterval timer
serioserio.rsSerial I/O (PS/2) driver (must stay in the kernel due to PS/2 protocol issues)

Scheme List

This section has all Redox schemes in a list format to improve organization, coordination and focus.


  • disk.*
  • disk.usb-{id}+{port}-scsi
  • logging
  • initfs
  • file
  • network
  • ip
  • tcp
  • udp
  • icmp
  • netcfg
  • dns
  • display.vesa
  • display.virtio-gpu
  • orbital
  • pty
  • audiorw
  • audio
  • usb.*
  • pcspkr
  • acpi
  • input
  • escalate
  • chan
  • shm
  • log
  • rand
  • zero
  • null


  • namespace
  • user
  • debug
  • event
  • irq
  • pipe
  • proc
  • thisproc
  • sys
  • kernel.acpi
  • memory
  • time
  • itimer
  • serio

"Everything is a file"

Unix has a concept of using file paths to represent "special files" that have some meaning beyond a regular file. For example, a device file is a reference to a device resource that looks like a file path.

With the "Everything is a file" concept provided by Unix-like systems, all sorts of devices, processes, and kernel parameters can be accessed as files in a regular filesystem. If you are on a Linux computer, you should try to cd to /proc, and see what's going on there.

Redox extends this concept to a much more powerful one. Since each "scheme provider" is free to interpret the path in its own way, new schemes can be created as needed for each type of resource. This way USB devices don't end up in a "filesystem", but a protocol-based scheme like EHCI. It is not necessary for the file system software to understand the meaning of a particular path, or to give a special file some special properties that then become a fixed file system convention.

Redox schemes are flexible enough to be used in many circumstances, with each scheme provider having full flexibility to define its own path conventions and meanings, and only the programs that wish to take advantage of those meanings need to understand them.

Redox does not go as far as Plan 9, in that there are not separate paths for data and control of resources. In this case, Redox is more like Unix, where resources can potentially have a control interface.

Documentation about this design

Stiching it All Together

The "path, scheme, resource" model is simply a unified interface for efficient inter-process communication. Paths are simply resource descriptors. Schemes are simply resource types, provided by scheme managers.

A diagram would look like this:

Diagram illustrating scheme resolution

Scheme Operation

A kernel scheme is implemented directly in the kernel. A userspace scheme is typically implemented by a daemon.

A scheme is created in the root scheme and listens for requests using the event scheme.

Root Scheme

The root scheme is a special scheme provided by the kernel. It acts as the container for all other scheme names. The root scheme is currently referenced as ":", so when creating a new scheme, the scheme provider calls File::create(":myscheme"). The file descriptor that is returned by this operation is a message passing channel between the scheme provider and the kernel. File operations performed by a regular program are translated by the kernel into message packets that the scheme provider reads and responds to, using this file descriptor.

Event Scheme

The event scheme is a special scheme provided by the kernel that allows a scheme provider or other program to listen for events occurring on a file descriptor. A more detailed explanation of the event scheme can be found on the Event Scheme page.

Note that very simple scheme providers do not use the event scheme. However, if a scheme can receive requests or events from more than one source, the event scheme makes it easy for the daemon (scheme provider) to block until something (an event) happens, do some work, then block again until the next event.

Daemons and Userspace Scheme Providers

A daemon is a program, normally started during system initialization. It runs with root permissions. It is intended to run continuously, handling requests and other relevant events. On some operating systems, daemons are automatically restarted if they exit unexpectedly. Redox does not currently do this but is likely to do so in the future.

On Redox, a userspace scheme provider is a typically a daemon, although it doesn't have to be. The scheme provider informs the kernel that it will provide the scheme by creating it, e.g. File::create(":myscheme") will create the scheme myscheme. Notice that the name used to create the scheme starts with ":", indicating that it is a new entry in the root scheme. Since it is created in the root scheme, the kernel knows that it is a new scheme, as named schemes are the only thing that can exist in the root scheme. In future, the scheme will register in a namespace using a different path format.


At the time a regular program is started, it becomes a process, and it exists in a namespace. The namespace is a container for all the schemes, files and directories that a process can access. When a process starts another program, the namespace is inherited, so a new process can only access the schemes, files and directories that its parent process had available. If a parent process wants to limit (sandbox) a child process, it would do so as part of creating the child process.

Currently, Redox starts all processes in the "root" namespace. This will be changed in the future, sandboxing all user programs so most schemes and system resources are hidden.

Redox also provides a null namespace. A process that exists in the null namespace cannot open files or schemes by name, and can only use file descriptors that are already open. This is a security mechanism, mostly used to by daemons running with root permission to prevent themselves from being hijacked into opening things they should not be accessing. A daemon will typically open its scheme and any resources it needs during its initialization, then it will ask the kernel to place it in the null namespace so no further resources can be opened.

Providing a Scheme

To provide a scheme, a program performs the following steps.

  • Create the scheme, obtaining a file descriptor - File::create(":myscheme")
  • Open a file descriptor for each resource that is required to provide the scheme's services, e.g. File::open("/scheme/irq/{irq-name}")
  • Open a file descriptor for a timer if needed - File::open("/scheme/time/{timer_type}")
  • Open a file descriptor for the event scheme (if needed) - File::open("/scheme/event")
  • Move to the null namespace to prevent any additional resources from being accessed - setrens(0,0)
  • Write to the event file descriptor to register each of the file descriptors the provider will listen to, including the scheme file descriptor - event_fd.write(&Event{fd, ...})

Then, in a loop:

  • Block, waiting for an event to read. For simple schemes, the scheme provider would not use this mechanism, it would simply do a blocking read of its scheme file descriptor.
  • Read the event to determine (based on the file descriptor included in the event) if it is a timer, a resource event, or a scheme request.
  • If it's a resource event, e.g. indicating a device interrupt, perform the necessary actions such as reading from the device and queuing the data for the scheme.
  • If it's a scheme event, read a request packet from the scheme file descriptor and call the "handler".
    • The request packet will indicate if it's an open, read, write, etc. on the scheme.
    • An open will include the name of the item to be opened. This can be parsed by the scheme provider to determine the exact resource the requestor wants to access. The scheme will allocate a handle for the resource, with a numbered descriptor. Descriptor numbers are in the range 0 to usize::MAX - 4096, leaving the upper 4096 values as internal error codes. These descriptors are used by the scheme provider to look up the handle data structure it uses internally for the resource. The descriptors are typically allocated sequentially, but a scheme provider could return a pointer to the handle data structure if it so chooses.
    • Note that the descriptor returned from an open request is not the same as the file descriptor returned to the client program. The kernel maps between the client's (process id, fd number) and the scheme provider's (process id, handle number).
    • A read or write, etc., will be handled by the scheme, using the handle number to look up the information associated with the resource. The operation will be performed, or queued to be performed. If the request can be handled immediately, a response is sent back on the scheme file descriptor, matched to the original request.
  • After all requests have been handled, loop through all handles to determine if any queued requests are now complete. A response is sent back on the scheme file descriptor for each completed request, matched to that request.
  • Set a timer if appropriate, to enable handling of device timeouts, etc. This is performed as a write operation on the timer file descriptor.

Kernel Actions

The kernel performs the following actions in support of the scheme.

  • Any special resources required by a scheme provider are accessed as file operations on some other scheme. The kernel handles access to resources as it would for any other scheme.
  • Regular file operations from user programs are converted by the kernel to request messages to the schemes. The kernel maps the user program's file descriptor to a scheme and a handle id provided by the scheme during the open operation, and places them in a packet.
  • If the user program is performing a blocking read or write, the user program is suspended.
  • The kernel sends event packets on the scheme provider's event file descriptor, waking the blocked scheme provider. Each event packet indicates whether it is the scheme or some other resource, using the file descriptor obtained by the scheme provider during its initialization.
  • When the scheme provider reads from its scheme file descriptor, it receives the packets the kernel created describing the client request and handles them as described above.
  • When the scheme provider sends a response packet, the kernel maps the response to a return value from the user program's file operation.
  • When a blocking read or write is completed, the user program is marked ready to run, and the kernel will place it in the run queue.

Event Scheme

The event scheme is a special scheme that is central to the operation of device drivers, schemes and other programs that receive events from multiple sources. It's like a "clearing house" for activity on multiple file descriptors. The daemon or client program performs a read operation on the event scheme, blocking until an event happens. It then examines the event to determine what file descriptor is active, and performs a non-blocking read of the active file descriptor. In this way, a program can have many sources to read from, and rather than blocking on one of those sources while another might be active, the program blocks only on the event scheme, and is unblocked if any one of the other sources become active.

The event scheme is conceptually similar to Linux's epoll mechanism.

What is a Blocking Read

For a regular program doing a regular read of a regular file, the program calls read, providing an input buffer, and when the read call returns, the data has been placed into the input buffer. Behind the scenes, the system receives the read request and suspends the program, meaning that the program is put aside while it waits for something to happen. This is very convenient if the program has nothing to do while it waits for the read to complete. However, if the thing the program is reading from might take a long time, such as a slow device, a network connection or input from the user, and there are other things for the program to do, such as updating the screen, performing a blocking read can prevent handling these other activities in a timely manner.

Non-blocking Read

To allow reading from multiple sources without getting stuck waiting for any particular one, a program can open a path using the O_NONBLOCK flag. If data is ready to be read, the system immediately copies the data to the input buffer and returns normally. However, if data is not ready to be read, the read operation returns an error of type EAGAIN, which indicates that the program should try again later.

Now your program can scan many file descriptors, checking if any of them have data available to read. However, if none have any data, you want your program to block until there is something to do. This is where the event scheme comes in.

Using the Event Scheme

The purpose of the event scheme is to allow the daemon or client program to receive a message on the event_file, to inform it that some other file descriptor is ready to be read. The daemon reads from the event_file to determine which other file descriptor is ready. If no other descriptor is ready, the read of the event_file will block, causing the daemon to be suspended until the event scheme indicates some other file descriptor is ready.

Before setting up the event scheme, you should open all the other resources you will be working with, but set them to be non-blocking. E.g. if you are a scheme provider, open your scheme in non-blocking mode,

let mut scheme_file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .read(true) .write(true) .custom_flags(syscall::O_NONBLOCK as i32) .open(":myscheme") .expect("mydaemon: failed to create myscheme: scheme");

The first step in using the event scheme is to open a connection to it. Each program will have a connection to the event scheme that is unique, so no path name is required, only the name of the scheme itself.

let event_file = File::open("/scheme/event"); // you actually need to open it read/write

Next, write messages to the event scheme, one message per file descriptor that the event scheme should monitor. A message is in the form of a syscall::data::Event struct.

use syscall::data::Event; let _ = event_file.write(&Event{ id: scheme_file.as_raw_fd(), ... }); // write one message per file descriptor

Note that timers in Redox are also handled via a scheme, so if you will be using a timer, you will need to open the timer scheme, and include that file descriptor among the ones your event_file should listen to.

Once your setup of the event scheme is complete, you begin your main loop.

  • Perform a blocking read on the event file descriptor. event_buf);
  • When an event, such as data becoming available on a file descriptor, occurs, the read operation on the event_file will complete.
  • Look at the event_buf to see which file descriptor is active.
  • Perform a non-blocking read on that file descriptor.
  • Do the appropriate processing.
  • If you are using a timer, write to the timer file descriptor to tell it when you want an event.
  • Repeat.

Non-blocking Write

Sometimes write operations can take time, such as sending a message synchronously or writing to a device with a limited buffer. The event scheme allows you to listen for write file descriptors to become unblocked. If a single file descriptor is opened in read-write mode, your program will need to register with the event scheme twice, once for reading and once for writing.

Implementing Non-blocking Reads in a Scheme

If your scheme supports non-blocking reads by clients, you will need to include some machinery to work with the event scheme on your client's behalf.

  • Wait for an event that indicates activity on your scheme. event_buf);
  • Read a packet from your scheme file descriptor containing the request from the client program. packet)
  • The packet contains the details of which file descriptor is being read, and where the data should be copied.
  • If the client is performing a read that would block, then queue the client request, and return the EAGAIN error, writing the error response to your scheme file descriptor.
  • When data is available to read, send an event by writing a special packet to your scheme, indicating the handle id that is active.
    #![allow(unused)] fn main() { scheme_file.write(&Packet { a: syscall::number::SYS_FEVENT, b: handle_id, ... }); }
  • When routing this response back to the client, the kernel will recognize it as an event message, and post the event on the client's event_fd, if one exists.
  • The scheme provider does not know whether the client has actually set up an event_fd. The scheme provider must send the event "just in case".
  • If an event has already been sent, but the client has not yet performed a read, the scheme should not send additional events. In correctly coded clients, extra events should not cause problems, but an effort should be made to not send unnecessary events. Be wary, however, as race conditions can occur where you think an extra event is not required but it actually is.

An example.

Enough theory! Time for an example.

We will implement a scheme which holds a vector. The scheme will push elements to the vector when it receives writes, and pop them when it is read. Let's call it vec.

The complete source for this example can be found at redox-os/vec_scheme_example.

TODO the example has not been saved to the repo


In order to build and run this example in a Redox environment, you'll need to be set up to compile the OS from source. The process for getting a program included in a local Redox build is laid out in the Including Programs in Redox page. Pause here and follow the helloworld example in that guide if you want to get this example running.

This example assumes that vec was used as the name of the crate instead of helloworld. The crate should therefore be located at cookbook/recipes/vec/source

Modify the Cargo.toml for the vec crate so that it looks something like this:

[package] name = "vec" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2018" [[bin]] name = "vec_scheme" path = "src/" [[bin]] name = "vec" path = "src/" [dependencies] redox_syscall = "^0.2.6"

Notice that there are two binaries here. We'll need another program to interact with our scheme, since CLI tools like cat use more operations than we strictly need to implement for our scheme. The client uses only the standard library.

The Scheme Daemon

Create src/ in the crate. Start by useing a couple of symbols.

use std::cmp::min; use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; use syscall::Packet; use syscall::scheme::SchemeMut; use syscall::error::Result;

We start by defining our mutable scheme struct, which will implement the SchemeMut trait and hold the state of the scheme.

struct VecScheme { vec: Vec<u8>, } impl VecScheme { fn new() -> VecScheme { VecScheme { vec: Vec::new(), } } }

Before implementing the scheme operations on our scheme struct, let's breifly discuss the way that this struct will be used. Our program (vec_scheme) will create the vec scheme by opening the corresponding scheme handler in the root scheme (:vec). Let's implement a main() that intializes our scheme struct and registers the new scheme:

fn main() { let mut scheme = VecScheme::new(); let mut handler = File::create(":vec") .expect("Failed to create the vec scheme"); }

When other programs open/read/write/etc against our scheme, the Redox kernel will make those requests available to our program via this scheme handler. Our scheme will read that data, handle the requests, and send responses back to the kernel by writing to the scheme handler. The kernel will then pass the results of operations back to the caller.

fn main() { // ... let mut packet = Packet::default(); loop { // Wait for the kernel to send us requests let read_bytes = packet) .expect("vec: failed to read event from vec scheme handler"); if read_bytes == 0 { // Exit cleanly break; } // Scheme::handle passes off the info from the packet to the individual // scheme methods and writes back to it any information returned by // those methods. scheme.handle(&mut packet); handler.write(&packet) .expect("vec: failed to write response to vec scheme handler"); } }

Now let's deal with the specific operations on our scheme. The scheme.handle(...) call dispatches requests to these methods, so that we don't need to worry about the gory details of the Packet struct.

In most Unix systems (Redox included!), a program needs to open a file before it can do very much with it. Since our scheme is just a "virtual filesystem", programs call open with the path to the "file" they want to interact with when they want to start a conversation with our scheme.

For our vec scheme, let's push whatever path we're given to the vec:

impl SchemeMut for VecScheme { fn open(&mut self, path: &str, _flags: usize, _uid: u32, _gid: u32) -> Result<usize> { self.vec.extend_from_slice(path.as_bytes()); Ok(0) } }

Say a program calls open("vec:/hello"). That call will work it's way through the kernel and end up being dispatched to this function through our Scheme::handle call.

The usize that we return here will be passed back to us as the id parameter of the other scheme operations. This way we can keep track of different open files. In this case, we won't make a distinction between two different programs talking to us and simply return zero.

Similarly, when a process opens a file, the kernel returns a number (the file descriptor) that the process can use to read and write to that file. Now let's implement the read and write operations for VecScheme.

impl SchemeMut for VecScheme { // ... // Fill up buf with the contents of self.vec, starting from self.buf[0]. // Note that this reverses the contents of the Vec. fn read(&mut self, _id: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize> { let num_written = min(buf.len(), self.vec.len()); for b in buf { if let Some(x) = self.vec.pop() { *b = x; } else { break; } } Ok(num_written) } // Simply push any bytes we are given to self.vec fn write(&mut self, _id: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> { for i in buf { self.vec.push(*i); } Ok(buf.len()) } }

Note that each of the methods of the SchemeMut trait provide a default implementation. These will all return errors since they are essentially unimplemented. There's one more method we need to implement in order to prevent errors for users of our scheme:

impl SchemeMut for VecScheme { // ... fn close(&mut self, _id: usize) -> Result<usize> { Ok(0) } }

Most languages' standard libraries call close automatically when a file object is destroyed, and Rust is no exception.

To see all the possitble operations on schemes, check out the API docs.

TODO There is no scheme documentation at this link

A Simple Client

As mentioned earlier, we need to create a very simple client in order to use our scheme, since some command line tools (like cat) use operations other than open, read, write, and close. Put this code into src/

use std::fs::File; use std::io::{Read, Write}; fn main() { let mut vec_file = File::open("/scheme/vec/hi") .expect("Failed to open vec file"); vec_file.write(b" Hello") .expect("Failed to write to vec"); let mut read_into = String::new(); vec_file.read_to_string(&mut read_into) .expect("Failed to read from vec"); println!("{}", read_into); // olleH ih/ }

We simply open some "file" in our scheme, write some bytes to it, read some bytes from it, and then spit those bytes out on stdout. Remember, it doesn't matter what path we use, since all our scheme does is add that path to the vec. In this sense, the vec scheme implements a global vector.

Running the Scheme

Since we've already set up the program to build and run in QEMU, simply run:

make r.scheme-name image qemu

We'll need multiple terminal windows open in the QEMU window for this step. Notice that both binaries we defined in our Cargo.toml can now be found in /usr/bin (vec_scheme and vec). In one terminal window, run sudo vec_scheme. A program needs to run as root in order to register a new scheme. In another terminal, run vec and observe the output.

Exercises for the reader

  • Make the vec scheme print out something whenever it gets events. For example, print out the user and group ids of the user who tries to open a file in the scheme.
  • Create a unique vec for each opened file in your scheme. You might find a hashmap useful for this.
  • Write a scheme that can run code for your favorite esoteric programming language.

Programs and Libraries

Redox is a general-purpose operating system, thus can run any program.

Some programs are interpreted by a runtime for the program's language, such as a script running in the Ion shell or a Python program. Others are compiled into CPU instructions that run on a particular operating system (Redox) and specific hardware (e.g. x86 compatible CPU in 64-bit mode).

  • In Redox, the binaries use the standard ELF ("Executable and Linkable Format") format.

Programs could directly invoke Redox system calls, but most call library functions that are higher-level and more comfortable to use. You link your program with the libraries it needs.

  • Most C/C++ programs call functions in a C Standard Library (libc) such as fopen.
  • Redox includes a Rust implementation of the standard C library called relibc. This is how programs such as Git and Python can run on Redox. relibc has some POSIX compatibility.
  • Rust programs implicitly or explicitly call functions in the Rust standard library.
  • The Rust libstd now includes an implementation of its system-dependent parts (such as file access and setting environment variables) for Redox, in src/libstd/sys/redox. Most of libstd works in Redox, so many terminal-based Rust programs can be compiled for Redox.

The Redox Cookbook package system includes recipes (software ports) for compiling C, C++ and Rust programs into Redox binaries.

The porting of programs on Redox is done case-by-case, if a program just need small patches, the programmer can modify the Rust crate source code or add .patch files on the recipe folder, but if big or dirty patches are needed, Redox create a fork of it on GitLab and rebase for a while in the redox branch of the fork (some Redox forks use branches for different versions).

Components of Redox

Redox is made up of several discrete components.


  • bootloader - Kernel bootstrap
  • kernel - System manager
  • bootstrap - User-space bootstrap
  • init
  • initfs
  • drivers - Device drivers
  • redoxfS - Filesystem
  • audiod - Audio daemon
  • netstack - TCP/UDP stack
  • ps2d - PS/2 driver
  • relibc - Redox C library
  • randd
  • zerod
  • ion - Shell
  • orbital - Desktop environment


  • orbterm - Terminal
  • orbdata - Images, fonts, etc.
  • orbaudio - Audio
  • orbutils - Bunch of applications
  • orblogin - Login prompt
  • orbfont - Font rendering library
  • orbclient - Display client
  • orbimage - Image rendering library
  • orbtk - Cross-platform Rust GUI toolkit, similar to GTK

Default Programs

  • sodium - Text editor
  • orbutils
    • background - Wallpaper program
    • browser
    • calculator - Math program
    • character map - Characters list
    • editor - Text Editor
    • file manager
    • launcher - Program menu
    • viewer - Image viewer


The desktop environment of Redox (Orbital) is provided by a set of programs that run in user-space.

  • Orbital - The display server and window manager sets up the orbital: scheme, manages the display, and handles requests for window creation, redraws, and event polling.

  • Launcher - The launcher multi-purpose program that scans the applications in the /apps/ directory and provides the following services:

    • Called Without Arguments - A taskbar that displays icons for each application
    • Called With Arguments - An application chooser that opens a file in a matching program.
      • If one application is found that matches, it will be opened automatically
      • If more than one application is found, a chooser will be shown


The following are GUI utilities that can be found in the /apps/ directory.

  • Calculator - A calculator that provides similar functionality to the calc program.
  • Editor - A simple editor that is similar to Notepad.
  • File Browser - A file browser that displays icons, names, sizes, and details for files. It uses the launcher command to open files when they are clicked.
  • Image Viewer - A simple image viewer.
  • Sodium - A vi-like editor that provides syntax highlighting.
  • Terminal Emulator - An ANSI terminal emulator that launches the Ion shell by default.


Ion is a terminal shell and library for shells/command execution in Redox, it's used by default. Ion has it's own manual, which you can find on the Ion Manual.

1. The default shell in Redox

What is a terminal shell?

A terminal shell is a layer around the operating system kernel and libraries, that allows users to interact with the operating system. That means a shell can be used on any operating system (Ion runs on both Linux and Redox) or implementation of a standard library as long as the provided API is the same. Shells can either be graphical (GUI) or command-line (CLI).

Text shells

Text shells are programs that provide interactive user interface with an operating system. A shell reads from users as they type and performs operations according to the input. This is similar to read-eval-print loop (REPL) found in many programming languages (e.g. Python).

Typical Unix shells

Probably the most famous shell is GNU Bash, which can be found in the majority of Linux distributions, and also in MacOSX. On the other hand, FreeBSD uses tcsh by default.

There are many more shell implementations, but these two form the base of two fundamentally different sets:

  • Bourne shell syntax (bash, sh, zsh)
  • C shell syntax (csh, tcsh)

Of course these two groups are not exhaustive; it is worth mentioning at least the fish shell and xonsh. These shells are trying to abandon some features of old-school shell to make the language safer and more sane.

Fancy features

Writing commands without any help from the shell would be very exhausting and impossible to use for everyday work. Therefore, most shells (including Ion of course!) include features such as command history, autocompletion based on history or man pages, shortcuts to speed-up typing, etc.

2. A scripting language

Ion can also be used to write simple scripts for common tasks or system configuration after startup. It is not meant as a fully-featured programming language, but more like a glue to connect other programs together.

Relation to terminals

Early terminals were devices used to communicate with large computer systems like IBM mainframes. Nowadays Unix-like operating systems usually implement so called virtual terminals (tty stands for teletypewriter ... whoa!) and terminal emulators (e.g. xterm, gnome-terminal).

Terminals are used to read input from a keyboard and display textual output of the shell and other programs running inside it. This means that a terminal converts key strokes into control codes that are further used by the shell. The shell provides the user with a command line prompt (for instance: user name and working directory), line editing capabilities (Ctrl + a,e,u,k...), history, and the ability to run other programs (ls, uname, vim, etc.) according to user's input.

TODO: In Linux we have device files like /dev/tty, how is this concept handled in Redox?


When Ion is called without "-c", it starts a main loop, which can be found inside Shell.execute().

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { self.print_prompt(); while let Some(command) = readln() { let command = command.trim(); if !command.is_empty() { self.on_command(command, &commands); } self.update_variables(); self.print_prompt(); } }

self.print_prompt(); is used to print the shell prompt.

The readln() function is the input reader. The code can be found in crates/ion/src/input_editor.

The documentation about trim() can be found on the libstd documentation. If the command is not empty, the on_command method will be called. Then, the shell will update variables, and reprint the prompt.

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { fn on_command(&mut self, command_string: &str, commands: &HashMap<&str, Command>) { self.history.add(command_string.to_string(), &self.variables); let mut pipelines = parse(command_string); // Execute commands for pipeline in pipelines.drain(..) { if self.flow_control.collecting_block { // TODO move this logic into "end" command if[0].command == "end" { self.flow_control.collecting_block = false; let block_jobs: Vec<Pipeline> = self.flow_control .current_block .pipelines .drain(..) .collect(); match self.flow_control.current_statement.clone() { Statement::For(ref var, ref vals) => { let variable = var.clone(); let values = vals.clone(); for value in values { self.variables.set_var(&variable, &value); for pipeline in &block_jobs { self.run_pipeline(&pipeline, commands); } } }, Statement::Function(ref name, ref args) => { self.functions.insert(name.clone(), Function { name: name.clone(), pipelines: block_jobs.clone(), args: args.clone() }); }, _ => {} } self.flow_control.current_statement = Statement::Default; } else { self.flow_control.current_block.pipelines.push(pipeline); } } else { if self.flow_control.skipping() && !is_flow_control_command(&[0].command) { continue; } self.run_pipeline(&pipeline, commands); } } } }

First, on_command adds the commands to the shell history with self.history.add(command_string.to_string(), &self.variables);.

Then the script will be parsed. The parser code is in crates/ion/src/ The parse will return a set of pipelines, with each pipeline containing a set of jobs. Each job represents a single command with its arguments. You can take a look in crates/ion/src/

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub struct Pipeline { pub jobs: Vec<Job>, pub stdout: Option<Redirection>, pub stdin: Option<Redirection>, } pub struct Job { pub command: String, pub args: Vec<String>, pub background: bool, } }

What Happens Next:

  • If the current block is a collecting block (a for loop or a function declaration) and the current command is ended, we close the block:
    • If the block is a for loop we run the loop.
    • If the block is a function declaration we push the function to the functions list.
  • If the current block is a collecting block but the current command is not ended, we add the current command to the block.
  • If the current block is not a collecting block, we simply execute the current command.

The code blocks are defined in crates/ion/src/

pub struct CodeBlock { pub pipelines: Vec<Pipeline>, }

The function code can be found in crates/ion/src/

The execution of pipeline content will be executed in run_pipeline().

The Command class inside crates/ion/src/ maps each command with a description and a method to be executed. For example:

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { commands.insert("cd", Command { name: "cd", help: "Change the current directory\n cd <path>", main: box |args: &[String], shell: &mut Shell| -> i32 {, &shell.variables) }, }); }

cd is described by "Change the current directory\n cd <path>", and when called the method, &shell.variables) will be used. You can see its code in crates/ion/src/

System Tools


Coreutils is a collection of basic command line utilities included with Redox (or with Linux, BSD, etc.). This includes programs like ls, cp, cat and various other tools necessary for basic command line interaction.

Redox use the Rust implementation of the GNU Coreutils, uutils.

Available programs:

  • ls - Show the files and folders of the current directory.
  • cp - Copy and paste some file or folder.
  • cat - Show the output of some text file.
  • chmod - Change the permissions of some file or directory.
  • clear - Clean the terminal output.
  • dd - Copies and converts a file.
  • df - Show the disk partitions information.
  • du - Shows disk usage on file systems.
  • env - Displays and modifies environment variables.
  • free - Show the RAM usage.
  • kill - Kill a process.
  • ln - Creates a link to a file.
  • mkdir - Create a directory.
  • ps - Show all running processes.
  • reset - Restart the terminal to allow the command-line input.
  • shutdown - Shutdown the system.
  • sort - Sort, merge, or sequence check text files.
  • stat - Returns data about an inode.
  • tail - Copy the last part of a file.
  • tee - Duplicate the standard output.
  • test - Evaluate expression.
  • time - Count the time that some command takes to finish it's operation.
  • touch - Update the timestamp of some file or folder.
  • uname - Show the system information, like kernel version and architecture type.
  • uptime - Show how much time your system is running.
  • which - Show the path where some program is located.


Userutils contains the utilities for dealing with users and groups in Redox OS.

They are heavily influenced by Unix and are, when needed, tailored to specific Redox use cases.

These implementations strive to be as simple as possible drawing particular inspiration by BSD systems. They are indeed small, by choice.

Available programs:

  • getty - Used by init(8) to open and initialize the TTY line, read a login name and invoke login(1).
  • id - Displays user identity.
  • login - Allows users to login into the system
  • passwd - Allows users to modify their passwords.
  • su - Allows users to substitute identity.
  • sudo - Enables users to execute a command as another user.
  • useradd - Add a user
  • usermod - Modify user information
  • userdel - Delete a user
  • groupadd - Add a user group
  • groupmod - Modify group information
  • groupdel - Remove a user group


Some additional command line tools are included in extrautils, such as less, grep, and dmesg.

Available programs:

  • calc - Do math operations.
  • cur - Move terminal cursor keys using vi keybindings.
  • dmesg - Show the kernel message buffer.
  • grep - Search all text matches in some text file.
  • gunzip - Decompress tar.gz archives.
  • gzip - Compress files into tar.gz archives.
  • info - Read Markdown files with help pages.
  • keymap - Change the keyboard map.
  • less - Show the text file content one page at a time.
  • man - Show the program manual.
  • mdless - Pager with Markdown support.
  • mtxt - Various text conversions, like lowercase to uppercase.
  • rem - Countdown tool.
  • resize - Print the size of the terminal in the form of shell commands to export the COLUMNS and LINES environment variables.
  • screenfetch - Show system information.
  • tar - Manipulate tar archives.
  • unzip - Manipulate zip archives.
  • watch - Repeat a command every 2 seconds.


Binutils contains utilities for manipulating binary files.

Available programs:

  • hex - Filter and show files in hexadecimal format.
  • hexdump - Filter and show files in hexadecimal format (better output formatting).
  • strings - Find printable strings in files.


This program provides containers (namespaces) on Redox.


The general-purpose test suite of Redox to detect crashes, regressions and race conditions.


The POSIX test suite of Redox to see how much % the system is compliant to the POSIX specification (more means better compatibility).

The Build Process

This chapter will cover the advanced build process of Redox.

Advanced Podman Build

To make the Redox build process more consistent across platforms, we are using Rootless Podman for major parts of the build. The basics of using Podman are described in the Building Redox page. This chapter provides a detailed discussion, including tips, tricks and troubleshooting, as well as some extra detail for those who might want to leverage or improve Redox's use of Podman.

(Don't forget to read the Build System page to know our build system organization and how it works)

Build Environment

  • Environment and command line Variables, other than ARCH, CONFIG_NAME and FILESYSTEM_CONFIG, are not passed to the part of make that is done in Podman. You must set any other configuration variables, e.g. REPO_BINARY, in .config and not on the command line or on your environment.

  • If you are building your own software to add in Redox, and you need to install additional packages using apt-get for the build, follow the Adding Packages to the Build section.


Most of the packages required for the build are installed in the container as part of the build process. However, some packages need to be installed on the host computer. You may also need to install an emulator such as QEMU. For most Linux distributions, this is done for you in the script.

Note that the Redox filesystem parts are merged using FUSE. installs libfuse for most platforms, if it is not already included. If you have problems with the final image of Redox, verify if libfuse is installed and you are able to use it.


sudo apt-get install git make curl podman fuse fuse-overlayfs slirp4netns


sudo apt-get install git make curl podman fuse fuse-overlayfs slirp4netns

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S --needed git make curl podman fuse3 fuse-overlayfs slirp4netns


sudo dnf install git-all make curl podman fuse3 fuse-overlayfs slirp4netns


sudo zypper install git make curl podman fuse fuse-overlayfs slipr4netns


sudo apt-get install git make curl podman fuse fuse-overlayfs slirp4netns


sudo pkg install git gmake curl fusefs-libs3 podman


  • Homebrew
sudo brew install git make curl osxfuse podman fuse-overlayfs slirp4netns
  • MacPorts
sudo port install git gmake curl osxfuse podman


Before building Redox with NixOS, you must have configured Podman on your system. Just follow the instructions of the NixOS wiki:

{ pkgs, ... }: { # Enable common container config files in /etc/containers virtualisation.containers.enable = true; virtualisation = { podman = { enable = true; # Create a `docker` alias for podman, to use it as a drop-in replacement dockerCompat = true; # Required for containers under podman-compose to be able to talk to each other. defaultNetwork.settings.dns_enabled = true; }; }; # Useful other development tools environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ dive # look into docker image layers podman-tui # status of containers in the terminal docker-compose # start group of containers for dev podman-compose # start group of containers for dev ]; }

You will then have to configure your user to be able to use Podman:

users.extraUsers.${user-name} = { subUidRanges = [{ startUid = 100000; count = 65536; }]; subGidRanges = [{ startGid = 100000; count = 65536; }]; };

The last step is to activate the development shell:

nix develop --no-warn-dirty --command $SHELL


The building of the image is controlled by the tag file build/container.tag. If you run make all with PODMAN_BUILD=1, the file build/container.tag will be created after the image is built. This file tells make that it can skip updating the image after the first time.

Many targets in the Makefiles mk/*.mk include build/container.tag as a dependency. If the tag file is missing, building any of those targets may trigger an image to be created, which can take some time.

When you move to a new working directory, if you want to save a few minutes, and you are confident that your image is correct and your poduser home directory build/podman/poduser is valid, you can do

make container_touch

This will create the file build/container.tag without rebuilding the image. However, it will fail if the image does not exist. If it fails, just do a normal make, it will create the container when needed.

Cleaning Up

To remove the base image, any lingering containers, poduser's home directory, including the Rust installation, and build/container.tag, run:

make container_clean
  • To verify that everything has been removed
podman ps -a
  • Show any remaining images or containers
podman images
  • Remove all images and containers. You still may need to remove build/container.tag if you did not do make container_clean.
podman system reset

In some rare instances, poduser's home directory can have bad file permissions, and you may need to run:

sudo chown -R `id -un`:`id -gn` build/podman

Where `id -un` is your User ID and `id -gn` is your effective Group ID. Be sure to make container_clean after that.


  • make clean does not run make container_clean and will not remove the container image.
  • If you already did make container_clean, doing make clean could trigger an image build and a Rust install in the container. It invokes cargo clean on various components, which it must run in a container, since the build is designed to not require Cargo on your host machine. If you have Cargo installed on the host and in your PATH, you can use make PODMAN_BUILD=0 clean to clean without building a container.

Debugging Your Build Process

If you are developing your own components and wish to do one-time debugging to determine what library you are missing in the Podman Build environment, the following instructions can help. Note that your changes will not be persistent. After debugging, you must Add your Libraries to the Build. With PODMAN_BUILD=1, run the following command:

  • This will start a bash shell in the Podman container environment, as a normal user without root privileges.
make container_shell
  • Within that environment, you can build the Redox components with:
make repo
  • If you need to change ARCH or CONFIG_NAME, run:
./ -a ARCH -c CONFIG_NAME repo
  • If you need root privileges, while you are still running the above bash shell, go to a separate Terminal or Console window on the host, and type:
cd ~/tryredox/redox
make container_su

You will then be running Bash with root privilege in the container, and you can use apt-get or whatever tools you need, and it will affect the environment of the user-level container_shell above. Do not precede the commands with sudo as you are already root. And remember that you are in an Ubuntu instance.

Note: Your changes will not persist once both shells have been exited.

Type exit on both shells once you have determined how to solve your problem.

Adding Packages to the Build

This method can be used if you want to make changes/testing inside the Debian container with make env.

The default Containerfile, podman/redox-base-containerfile, imports all required packages for a normal Redox build.

However, you cannot easily add packages after the base image is created. You must add them to your own Containerfile and rebuild the container image.

Copy podman/redox-base-containerfile and add to the list of packages in the initial apt-get.

cp podman/redox-base-containerfile podman/my-containerfile
nano podman/my-containerfile
... xxd \ rsync \ MY_PACKAGE \ ...

Make sure you include the continuation character \ at the end of each line except after the last package.

Then, edit .config, and change the variable CONTAINERFILE to point to your Containerfile, e.g.


If your Containerfile is newer than build/container.tag, a new image will be created. You can force the image to be rebuilt with make container_clean.

If you feel the need to have more than one image, you can change the variable IMAGE_TAG in mk/ to give the image a different name.

If you just want to install the packages temporarily, run make env, open a new terminal tab/windows, run make container_su and use apt install on this tab/window.

  • PODMAN_BUILD - If set to 1 in .config, or in the environment, or on the make command line, much of the build process takes place in Podman.

  • CONTAINERFILE- The name of the containerfile used to build the image. This file includes the apt-get command that installs all the necessary packages into the image. If you need to add packages to the build, edit your own containerfile and change this variable to point to it.

  • make build/container.tag - If no container image has been built, build one. It's not necessary to do this, it will be done when needed.

  • make container_touch - If a container image already exists and poduser's home directory is valid, but there is no tag file, create the tag file so a new image is not built.

  • make container_clean - Remove the container image, poduser's home directory and the tag file.

  • make container_shell - Start an interactive Podman bash shell in the same environment used by make; for debugging the apt-get commands used during image build.

  • make env - Start an interactive bash shell with the prefix tools in your PATH. Automatically determines if this should be a Podman shell or a host shell, depending on the value of PODMAN_BUILD.

  • make repo or ./ -a ARCH -c CONFIG repo - Used while in a Podman shell to build all the Redox component packages. make all will not complete successfully, since part of the build process must take place on the host.

  • podman exec --user=0 -it CONTAINER bash - Use this command in combination with make container_shell or make env to get root access to the Podman build environment, so you can temporarily add packages to the environment. CONTAINER is the name of the active container as shown by podman ps. For temporary, debugging purposes only.

  • podman system reset - Use this command when make container_clean is not sufficient to solve problems caused by errors in the container image. It will remove all images, use with caution. If you are using Podman for any other purpose, those images will be deleted as well.

Gory Details

If you are interested in how we are able to use your working directory for builds in Podman, the following configuration details may be interesting.

We are using Rootless Podman's --userns keep-id feature. Because Podman is being run Rootless, the container's root user is actually mapped to your User ID on the host. Without the keep-id option, a regular user in the container maps to a phantom user outside the container. With the keep-id option, a user in the container that has the same User ID as your host User ID, will have the same permissions as you.

During the creation of the base image, Podman invokes Buildah to build the image. Buildah does not allow User IDs to be shared between the host and the container in the same way that Podman does. So the base image is created without keep-id, then the first container created from the image, having keep-id enabled, triggers a remapping. Once that remapping is done, it is reused for each subsequent container.

The working directory is made available in the container by mounting it as a volume. The Podman option:

--volume "`pwd`":$(CONTAINER_WORKDIR):Z

takes the directory that make was started in as the host working directory, and mounts it at the location $CONTAINER_WORKDIR, normally set to /mnt/redox. The :Z at the end of the name indicates that the mounted directory should not be shared between simultaneous container instances. It is optional on some Linux distros, and not optional on others.

For our invocation of Podman, we set the PATH environment variable as an option to podman run. This is to avoid the need for our make command to run .bashrc, which would add extra complexity. The ARCH, CONFIG_NAME and FILESYSTEM_CONFIG variables are passed in the environment to allow you to override the values in mk/ or .config, e.g. by setting them on your make command line or by using

We also set PODMAN_BUILD=0 in the environment, to ensure that the instance of make running in the container knows not to invoke Podman. This overrides the value set in .config.

In the Containerfile, we use as few RUN commands as possible, as Podman commits the image after each command. And we avoid using ENTRYPOINT to allow us to specify the podman run command as a list of arguments, rather than just a string to be processed by the entrypoint shell.

Containers in our build process are run with --rm to ensure the container is discarded after each use. This prevents a proliferation of used containers. However, when you use make container_clean, you may notice multiple items being deleted. These are the partial images created as each RUN command is executed while building.

Container images and container data is normally stored in the directory $HOME/.local/share/containers/storage. The following command removes that directory in its entirety. However, the contents of any volume are left alone:

podman system reset

Advanced Build

In this section, we provide the gory details that may be handy to know if you are contributing to or developing for Redox.

(Don't forget to read the Build System page to know our build system organization and how it works)

Setup Your Environment

Although it's recommended to read the Building Redox or Podman Build pages instead of the process described here, advanced users may accomplish the same as the script with the following steps, which are provided by way of example for Pop!_OS/Ubuntu/Debian. For other platforms, have a look at the file to help determine what packages to install for your Unix-like system.

The steps to perform are:

Clone The Repository

  • Create a directory and clone the repository
mkdir -p ~/tryredox
cd ~/tryredox
git clone --origin upstream --recursive
cd redox
make pull

Please be patient, this can take minutes to hours depending on the hardware and network you're using.

In addition to installing the various packages needed for building Redox, and both clone the repository, so if you used either script, you have completed Step 1.

Install The Necessary Packages and Emulator

If you cloned the sources before running, you can use:

cd ~/tryredox/redox
./ -d

If you can't use script, you can attempt to install the necessary packages below.

Pop!_OS/Ubuntu/Debian Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo apt-get install ant autoconf automake autopoint bison \ build-essential clang cmake curl dos2unix doxygen file flex \ fuse3 g++ genisoimage git gperf intltool libexpat-dev libfuse-dev \ libgmp-dev libhtml-parser-perl libjpeg-dev libmpfr-dev libpng-dev \ libsdl1.2-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libtool llvm lua5.4 m4 make meson nasm \ ninja-build patch perl pkg-config po4a protobuf-compiler python3 \ python3-mako rsync scons texinfo unzip wget xdg-utils xxd zip zstd
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo apt-get install qemu-system-x86 qemu-kvm
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo apt-get install virtualbox

Fedora Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo dnf install autoconf vim bison flex genisoimage gperf \ glibc-devel.i686 expat expat-devel fuse-devel fuse3-devel gmp-devel \ libpng-devel perl perl-HTML-Parser libtool libjpeg-turbo-devel SDL2_ttf-devel sdl12-compat-devel m4 nasm po4a syslinux \ texinfo ninja-build meson waf python3-mako make gcc gcc-c++ \ openssl patch automake perl-Pod-Html perl-FindBin gperf curl \ gettext-devel perl-Pod-Xhtml pkgconf-pkg-config cmake llvm zip \ unzip lua luajit make clang doxygen ant protobuf-compiler zstd
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo dnf install qemu-system-x86 qemu-kvm
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, install from the VirtualBox Linux Downloads page.

Arch Linux Users

Install the build system dependencies:

pacman -S --needed cmake fuse git gperf perl-html-parser nasm \ wget texinfo bison flex po4a autoconf curl file patch automake \ scons waf expat gmp libtool libpng libjpeg-turbo sdl12-compat \ m4 pkgconf po4a syslinux meson python python-mako make xdg-utils \ zip unzip llvm clang perl doxygen lua ant protobuf
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo pacman -S qemu
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo pacman -S virtualbox

OpenSUSE Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo zypper install gcc gcc-c++ glibc-devel-32bit nasm make fuse-devel \ cmake openssl automake gettext-tools libtool po4a patch flex gperf autoconf \ bison curl wget file libexpat-devel gmp-devel libpng16-devel libjpeg8-devel \ perl perl-HTML-Parser m4 patch scons pkgconf syslinux-utils ninja meson python-Mako \ xdg-utils zip unzip llvm clang doxygen lua54 ant protobuf
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo zypper install qemu-x86 qemu-kvm

Gentoo Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo emerge dev-lang/nasm dev-vcs/git sys-fs/fuse
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo emerge app-emulation/qemu
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, install from the VirtualBox Linux Downloads page.

FreeBSD Users

Install the build system dependencies:

sudo pkg install coreutils findutils gcc nasm pkgconf fusefs-libs3 \ cmake gmake wget openssl texinfo python automake gettext bison gperf \ autoconf curl file flex expat2 gmp png libjpeg-turbo sdl12 sdl2_ttf \ perl5.36 p5-HTML-Parser libtool m4 po4a syslinux ninja meson xdg-utils \ zip unzip llvm doxygen patch automake scons lua54 py-protobuf-compiler
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo pkg install qemu qemu-system-x86_64
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo pkg install virtualbox

MacOS Users

The MacOSX require workarounds because the Redox toolchain don't support ARM64 as host and MacOSX don't allow FUSE to work while SIP is enabled.

This is what you can do:

  • Install QEMU and create a x86-64 VM for a Linux distribution
  • Install VirtualBox and create a VM for a Linux distribution (only works with Apple computers using Intel CPUs)
  • Install UTM and create a x86-64 VM for a Linux distribution
  • Disable SIP (Not recommended, only if you know what you are doing)
  • Install a Linux distribution


Install the build system dependencies:

sudo port install coreutils findutils gcc49 gcc-4.9 nasm pkgconfig \ osxfuse x86_64-elf-gcc cmake ninja po4a findutils texinfo autoconf \ openssl3 openssl11 bison curl wget file flex gperf expat gmp libpng \ jpeg libsdl12 libsdl2_ttf libtool m4 ninja meson python311 py37-mako \ xdg-utils zip unzip llvm-16 clang-16 perl5.24 p5-html-parser doxygen \ gpatch automake scons gmake lua protobuf-c
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
sudo port install qemu qemu-system-x86_64
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
sudo port install virtualbox

If you have some problem, try to install this Perl module:

cpan install HTML::Entities


Install the build system dependencies:

brew install automake bison gettext libtool make nasm gcc@7 \ gcc-7 pkg-config cmake ninja po4a macfuse findutils texinfo \ openssl@1.1 openssl@3.0 autoconf curl wget flex gperf expat \ gmp libpng jpeg sdl12-compat sdl2_ttf perl libtool m4 ninja \ meson python@3.11 zip unzip llvm doxygen gpatch automake scons \ lua ant protobuf redox-os/gcc_cross_compilers/x86_64-elf-gcc x86_64-elf-gcc
  • If you want to use QEMU, run:
brew install qemu qemu-system-x86_64
  • If you want to use VirtualBox, run:
brew install virtualbox

If you have some problem, try to install this Perl module:

cpan install HTML::Entities

Install Rust Stable And Nightly

Install Rust, make the nightly version your default toolchain, then list the installed toolchains:

curl -sSf | sh


source ~/.cargo/env
rustup default nightly
rustup toolchain list
cargo install --force --version 0.1.1 cargo-config

NOTE: ~/.cargo/bin has been added to your PATH environment variable for the running session.

The . "$HOME/.cargo/env command (equivalent to source ~/.cargo/env) have been added to your shell start-up file, ~/.bashrc, but you may wish to add it elsewhere or modify it according to your own environment.


The tools that build Redox are specific to each CPU architecture. These tools are located in the directory prefix, in a subdirectory named for the architecture, e.g. prefix/x86_64-unknown-redox. If you have problems with these tools, you can remove the subdirectory or even the whole prefix directory, which will cause the tools to be re-downloaded or rebuilt. The variable PREFIX_BINARY in mk/ controls whether they are downloaded or built.


The Cookbook system is an essential part of the Redox build system. Each Redox component package is built and managed by the Cookbook toolset. The variable REPO_BINARY in mk/ controls if the recipes are compiled from sources or use binary packages from Redox CI server, read the section REPO_BINARY for more details. See the Including Programs in Redox page for examples of using the Cookbook toolset. If you will be developing recipes to include in Redox, it is worthwhile to have a look at the tools in the cookbook directory.

Creating a Build Environment Shell

If you are working on specific components of the system, and will be using some of the tools in the cookbook directory and bypassing make, you may wish to create a build environment shell. This shell includes the prefix tools in your PATH. You can do this with:

make env

This command also works with a Podman Build, creating a shell in Podman and setting PATH to include the necessary build tools.

Updating The Sources

If you want to update the build system or if some of the recipes have changed, you can update those parts of the system with make pull. However, this will not update the sources of the recipes.

cd ~/tryredox/redox
make pull

If you want to update the source for the recipes, use make rebuild, or remove the file $(BUILD)/fetch.tag and run make fetch.

Changing the Filesystem Size and Contents

You can modify the size and contents of the filesystem for emulation and livedisk as described in the Configuration Settings page.

Next Steps

Once this is all set up, we can finally build! See the Compiling Redox section.

Working with i686

The build system supports building for multiple CPU architectures in the same directory tree. Building for i686 or aarch64 only requires that you set the ARCH Make variable to the correct value. Normally, you would do this in the .config section, but you can also do this temporarily with the make ARCH=i686 command, in the shell environment (export ARCH=i686) or with the script.

First Time Build

Bootstrap Pre-Requisites And Download Sources

Follow the instructions for running to setup your environment on the Building Redox or Native Build pages.

Install QEMU

The i386 emulator is not installed by You can add it like this:

sudo apt-get install qemu-system-i386

Configuration Values

Before your first build, be sure to set the ARCH variable in .config to your architecture type, in this case i686. You can change several other configurable settings, such as the filesystem contents, etc. See Configuration Settings.

Add packages to the filesystem.

You can add programs to the filesystem by following the instructions here.

Advanced Users

For more details on the build process, please read Advanced Build.

Compiling Redox

Now we have:

  • Downloaded the sources
  • Set the ARCH environment variable to i686
  • Selected a filesystem configuration, e.g. desktop
  • Tweaked the settings to our liking
  • Probably added our recipes to the filesystem

We are ready to build a Redox image.

Building an image for emulation

cd ~/tryredox/redox

This command will create the image, e.g. build/i686/desktop/harddrive.img, which you can run with an emulator. See Running Redox.

time make all

Building A Bootable Redox Image

cd ~/tryredox/redox
  • The following command will create the file build/i686/desktop/livedisk.iso, which can be copied to a USB device or CD for testing or installation. See Running Redox on real hardware.
time make live

Give it a while. Redox is big.

Cleaning Previous Build Cycles

Cleaning Intended For Rebuilding Core Packages And Entire System

When you need to rebuild core-packages like relibc, gcc and related tools, clean the entire previous build cycle with:

cd ~/tryredox/redox/
rm -rf prefix/i686-unknown-redox/relibc-install/ cookbook/recipes/gcc/{build,sysroot,stage*} build/i686/*/{harddrive.img,livedisk.iso}

Cleaning Intended For Only Rebuilding Non-Core Package(s)

If you're only rebuilding a non-core package, you can partially clean the previous build cycle just enough to force the rebuilding of the Non-Core Package:

cd ~/tryredox/redox/
rm build/i686/*/{fetch.tag,harddrive.img}

Running Redox

Running The Redox Desktop

To open QEMU, run:

make qemu

This should open up a QEMU window, booting to Redox.

If it does not work, disable KVM with:

make qemu kvm=no


make qemu iommu=no

If this doesn't work either, you should go open an issue.

Running The Redox Console Only

We disable to GUI desktop by passing the gpu=no option. The following disables the graphics support and welcomes you with the Redox console:

make qemu gpu=no

It's useful to run the console in order to capture the output from the non-GUI programs.

It helps to debug applications and share the console captured logs with other developers in the Redox community.

QEMU Tap For Network Testing

Expose Redox to other computers within a LAN. Configure QEMU with a "TAP" which will allow other computers to test Redox client/server/networking capabilities.

Join the chat if this is something you are interested in pursuing.


If you encounter any bugs, errors, obstructions, or other annoying things, please send a message in the chat or report the issue on GitLab. Thanks!


The build system supports building for multiple CPU architectures in the same directory tree. Building for i686 or aarch64 only requires that you set the ARCH environment variable to the correct value. Normally, you would do this in .config, but you can also do this temporarily with the make ARCH=aarch64 command, in the shell environment (export ARCH=aarch64) or with the script.

(ARM64 has limited support)

First Time Build

Bootstrap Pre-Requisites and Download Sources

Follow the instructions for running to setup your environment, read the Building Redox page or the Podman Build page.

Install QEMU

The ARM64 emulator is not installed by You can add it like this:


sudo apt-get install qemu-system-aarch64

Install Additional Tools To Build And Run ARM 64-bit Redox OS Image

sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools qemu-system-arm qemu-efi

Configuration Values

Before your first build, be sure to set the ARCH variable in .config to your CPU architecture type, in this case aarch64. You can change several other configurable settings, such as the filesystem contents, etc. See Configuration Settings.

Add packages to the filesystem.

You can add programs to the filesystem by following the instructions on the Including Programs in Redox page.

Advanced Users

For more details on the build process, please read the Advanced Build page.

Compiling Redox

Now we have:

  • Downloaded the sources
  • Set the ARCH to aarch64
  • Selected a filesystem config, e.g. desktop
  • Tweaked the settings to our liking
  • Probably added our recipe to the filesystem

We are ready to build the a Redox image.

Building an image for emulation

cd ~/tryredox/redox

This command will create the image, e.g. build/aarch64/desktop/harddrive.img, which you can run with an emulator. See the Running Redox page.

time make all

Give it a while. Redox is big.

Read the make all (first run) section to know what the command above does.

Cleaning Previous Build Cycles

Cleaning Intended For Rebuilding Core Packages And Entire System

When you need to rebuild core-packages like relibc, gcc and related tools, clean the entire previous build cycle with:

cd ~/tryredox/redox/
rm -rf prefix/aarch64-unknown-redox/relibc-install/ cookbook/recipes/gcc/{build,sysroot,stage*} build/aarch64/*/{harddrive.img,livedisk.iso}

Cleaning Intended For Only Rebuilding Non-Core Package(s)

If you're only rebuilding a non-core package, you can partially clean the previous build cycle just enough to force the rebuilding of the Non-Core Package:

cd ~/tryredox/redox/
rm build/aarch64/*/{fetch.tag,harddrive.img}

Running Redox

To open QEMU, run:

make qemu kvm=no gpu=no

This should boot to Redox. The desktop GUI will be disabled, but you will be prompted to login to the Redox console.

QEMU Tap For Network Testing

Expose Redox to other computers within a LAN. Configure QEMU with a "TAP" which will allow other computers to test Redox client/server/networking capabilities.

Join the Chat if this is something you are interested in pursuing.


If you encounter any bugs, errors, obstructions, or other annoying things, please send a message in the Chat or report the issue on GitLab. Thanks!

Raspberry Pi

Build and run device-specific images

Most ARM motherboards do not use the default image for booting, which requires us to do some extra steps with building images.

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

It is easy to port Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ (raspi3b+) since the bootloader of Raspberry Pi family uses the similar filesystem (FAT32) for booting.

In order to build a RasPi3B+ image:

  • Add BOARD?=raspi3bp and CONFIG_NAME?=minimalto .config
  • Run make all
  • Download the firmware
cd ~/tryredox
git clone

Run in QEMU

Assume that we are using the server-minimal configuration and built the image successfully, run:

  • Add two additional dtb files to EFI system partition:
DISK=build/aarch64/server-minimal/harddrive.img MOUNT_DIR=/mnt/efi_boot DTB_DIR=$MOUNT_DIR/dtb/broadcom WORKPLACE=/home/redox/tryredox DTS=$WORKPLACE/redox_firmware/platform/raspberry_pi/rpi3/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus.dts
mkdir -p $MOUNT_DIR
mount -o loop,offset=$((2048*512)) $DISK $MOUNT_DIR
mkdir -p $DTB_DIR
dtc -I dts -O dtb $DTS > $DTB_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb
cp $DTB_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb $DTB_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb
umount $MOUNT_DIR
  • Run make qemu_raspi live=no

Booting from USB

Assume that we are using the server-minimal configuration and access serial console using GPIOs 14 and 15 (pins 8 and 10 on the 40-pin header). Do the following:

cd ~/tryredox
git clone --depth=1
  • Copy all required firmware to EFI system partition
DISK=build/aarch64/server-minimal/livedisk.iso MOUNT_DIR=/mnt/efi_boot DTB_DIR=$MOUNT_DIR/dtb/broadcom WORKPLACE=/home/redox/tryredox DTS=$WORKPLACE/redox_firmware/platform/raspberry_pi/rpi3/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus.dts UBOOT=$WORKPLACE/redox_firmware/platform/raspberry_pi/rpi3/u-boot-rpi-3-b-plus.bin CONFIG_TXT=$WORKPLACE/redox_firmware/platform/raspberry_pi/rpi3/config.txt FW_DIR=$WORKPLACE/firmware/boot
mkdir -p $MOUNT_DIR
mount -o loop,offset=$((2048*512)) $DISK $MOUNT_DIR
cp -rf $FW_DIR/* $MOUNT_DIR
mkdir -p $DTB_DIR
dtc -I dts -O dtb $DTS > $DTB_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb
cp $DTB_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-3-b.dtb $DTB_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-3-b-plus.dtb
cp $UBOOT $MOUNT_DIR/u-boot.bin
umount $MOUNT_DIR
  • Run:
dd if=build/aarch64/server-minimal/livedisk.iso of=/dev/sdX

(/dev/sdX is your USB device.)

Booting from SD Card

This process is similar to that of "Booting from USB", but has some differences:

  • Use harddrive.img instead of livedisk.iso
  • After dd command, try to make the EFI system partition of the SD card become a hybrid MBR. See this post for more details
root@dev-pc:/home/ivan/code/os/redox# gdisk /dev/sdc GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.8 Partition table scan: MBR: protective BSD: not present APM: not present GPT: present Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT. Command (? for help): r Recovery/transformation command (? for help): p Disk /dev/sdc: 61067264 sectors, 29.1 GiB Model: MassStorageClass Sector size (logical/physical): 512/512 bytes Disk identifier (GUID): B37FD04D-B67D-48AA-900B-884F0E3B2EAD Partition table holds up to 128 entries Main partition table begins at sector 2 and ends at sector 33 First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 524254 Partitions will be aligned on 2-sector boundaries Total free space is 2015 sectors (1007.5 KiB) Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name 1 34 2047 1007.0 KiB EF02 BIOS 2 2048 264191 128.0 MiB EF00 EFI 3 264192 522239 126.0 MiB 8300 REDOX Recovery/transformation command (? for help): h WARNING! Hybrid MBRs are flaky and dangerous! If you decide not to use one, just hit the Enter key at the below prompt and your MBR partition table will be untouched. Type from one to three GPT partition numbers, separated by spaces, to be added to the hybrid MBR, in sequence: 2 Place EFI GPT (0xEE) partition first in MBR (good for GRUB)? (Y/N): n Creating entry for GPT partition #2 (MBR partition #1) Enter an MBR hex code (default EF): 0c Set the bootable flag? (Y/N): n Unused partition space(s) found. Use one to protect more partitions? (Y/N): n Recovery/transformation command (? for help): o Disk size is 61067264 sectors (29.1 GiB) MBR disk identifier: 0x00000000 MBR partitions: Number Boot Start Sector End Sector Status Code 1 2048 264191 primary 0x0C 2 1 2047 primary 0xEE Recovery/transformation command (? for help): w Warning! Secondary header is placed too early on the disk! Do you want to correct this problem? (Y/N): y Have moved second header and partition table to correct location. Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING PARTITIONS!! Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): y OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/sdc. The operation has completed successfully. root@dev-pc:/home/ivan/code/os/redox#

Troubleshooting the Build

This page covers all troubleshooting methods and tips for our build system.

(You must read the Build System page before)


When you run or, the Linux tools and libraries required to support the toolchain and build all recipes are installed. Then the redox project is downloaded from the Redox GitLab server. The redox project does not contain the system component sources, it only contains the build system. The cookbook subproject, which contains recipes for all the packages to be included in Redox, is also copied as part of the download.


If your build appears to be missing libraries, have a look at the Debugging Your Podman Build Process section. If your Podman environment becomes broken, you can use podman system reset and rm -rf build/podman. In some cases, you may need to run the sudo rm -rf build/podman command.

Manual Configuration

If you have problems setting Podman to rootless mode, do the following steps:

(These commands were taken from the official Podman rootless wiki and Shortcomings of Rootless Podman, thus it could be broken/wrong in the future, read the wiki to see if the commands match, we will try to update the method to work with everyone)

  • Install the podman, crun, slirp4netns and fuse-overlayfs packages on your system.
  • podman ps -a - This command will show all your Podman containers, if you want to remove all of them, run podman system reset
  • Follow this step if necessary (if the Podman of your distribution use cgroups V2), you will need to edit the containers.conf file at /etc/containers or your user folder at ~/.config/containers, change the line runtime = "runc" to runtime = "crun"
  • Execute the cat /etc/subuid and cat /etc/subgid commands to see user/group IDs (UIDs/GIDs) available for Podman.

If you don't want to edit the file, you can use this command:

sudo usermod --add-subuids 100000-165535 --add-subgids 100000-165535 your-user

You can use the values 100000-165535 for your user, just edit the two text files, we recommend sudo nano /etc/subuid and sudo nano /etc/subgid, when you finish, press Ctrl+X to save the changes.

  • After the change on the UID/GID values, execute this command:
podman system migrate
  • If you have a network problem on the container, this command will allow connections on the port 443 (without root):
sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_unprivileged_port_start=443
  • Hopefully, you have a working Podman build now.

(If you still have problems with Podman, read the Troubleshooting chapter or join us on the chat)

Let us know if you have improvements for Podman troubleshooting on the chat.

Native Build

Not all Linux distributions are supported by, so if you have frequent compilation problems try the script for Podman builds.

If you want to support your Unix-like system without Podman, you can try to install the Debian/Ubuntu package equivalents for your system from your package manager/software store, you can see them on the ubuntu() function of the script.

The script and redox-base-containerfile covers the build system packages needed by the recipes at the demo.toml filesystem configuration.

(Note that some systems may have build environment problems hard and time consuming to fix, on these systems Podman will fix most headaches)


If you did not use or to setup your environment, you can download the sources with:

git clone --origin upstream --recursive
  • If the cookbook project or other components are missing, ensure that you used the --recursive flag when doing git clone.
  • Ensure that all the libraries and packages required by Redox are installed by running ./ -d or, if you will be using the Podman build run the ./ -d command.

Building The System

When you run make all, the following steps occur.

.config and mk/

  • make scans .config and mk/ for settings, such as the CPU architecture, configuration name, and whether to use Podman during the build process. Read through the Configuration Settings page to make sure you have the settings that are best for you.


The Redox toolchain, referred to as prefix because it is prefixed with the CPU architecture name, is downloaded and/or built. Modified versions of cargo, rustc, gcc and many other tools are created. They are placed in the prefix directory.

If you have a problem with the toolchain, try rm -rf prefix, and everything will be reinstalled the next time you run make all or make rebuild.

Filesystem Configuration

The list of Redox recipes to be built is read from the filesystem configuration file, which is specified in .config or mk/ If your recipe is not being included in the build, verify if you have set the CONFIG_NAME or FILESYSTEM_CONFIG in the .config file.


Each recipe source is downloaded using git or curl, according to the [source] section of the recipe.toml file. Source is placed at cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/source.

(Some recipes still use the old format, they need to be converted to TOML)

If you are doing work on a recipe, you may want to comment out the [source] section of the recipe. To discard your changes to the source for a recipe, or to update to the latest version, uncomment the [source] section of the recipe, and use make uc.recipe-name in the recipe directory to remove both the source and any compiled code.

After all recipes are fetched, a tag file is created as build/$ARCH/$CONFIG_NAME/fetch.tag, e.g. build/x86_64/desktop/fetch.tag. If this file is present, fetching is skipped. You can remove it manually, or use make rebuild, if you want to force refetching.


Each recipe is built according to the recipe.toml file. The recipe binaries or library objects are placed in the target directory, in a subdirectory named based on the CPU architecture. These tasks are done by various Redox-specific shell scripts and commands, including, and Cargo. These commands make assumptions about $PATH and $PWD, so they might not work if you are using them outside the build process.

If you have a problem with a recipe you are building, try the make c.recipe-name command. A common problem when building on unsupported systems is that certain recipes will fail to build due to missing dependencies. Try using the Podman Build or manually installing the recipe dependencies.

After all recipes are cooked, a tag file is created as build/$ARCH/$CONFIG_NAME/repo.tag. If this file is present, cooking is skipped. You can remove it manually, or use make rebuild, which will force refetching and rebuilding.

Create the Image with FUSE

To build the final Redox image, redox_installer uses FUSE, creating a virtual filesystem and copying the recipe packages into it. This is done outside of Podman, even if you are using Podman Build.

On some Linux distributions, FUSE may not be permitted for some users, or might not install it correctly. Investigate whether you can address your FUSE issues, or join the chat if you need advice.

Solving Compilation Problems

  • Verify your Rust version (run make env and cargo --version, then exit), make sure you have the latest version of Rust nightly!.

    • is recommended for managing Rust versions. If you already have it, run the rustup command.
  • Verify if your make and nasm are up-to-date.

  • Verify if the build system is using the latest commit by running the git branch -v command.

  • Verify if the submodules are using the latest pinned commit, to do this run:

cd submodule-name
git branch -v
  • Verify if the recipe source is using the latest commit of the default branch, to do this run:
cd cookbook/recipes/some-category/recipe-name/source
git branch -v
  • Run make clean pull fetch to remove all your compiled binaries and update all sources.
  • Sometimes there are merge requests that briefly break the build, so check the Chat if anyone else is experiencing your problems.
  • Sometimes both the source and the binary of some recipe is wrong, run make ucr.recipe-name and verify if it fix the problem.

Environment Leakage

Environment leakage is when some program or library is not fully cross-compiled to Redox, thus its dependency chain has Linux references that don't work on Redox.

It usually happens when the program or library get objects from outside the Redox build system PATH.

  • The Redox build system PATH only read at /usr/bin and /bin to use the host system build tools
  • The program build system must use the host system build tools and the Cookbook recipe dependencies, not the host system libraries.
  • The most common way to detect this is to install the *-dev dependency package equivalent to the program recipe dependency, for example:

The program named "my-program" needs to use the OpenSSL library, thus you add the openssl recipe on the recipe.toml of the program, but the program don't detect the OpenSSL source code.

Then you install the libssl-dev package on your Ubuntu system and rebuild the program with the make command, then it finish the build process successfully.

But when you try to open the executable of the program inside of Redox, it doesn't work. Because it contain Linux references.

To fix this problem you need to find where the program build system get the OpenSSL source code and patch it with ${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT} environment variable (where the openssl recipe contents were copied)

Update Your Build System

Sometimes your build system can be outdated because you forgot to run make pull before other commands, read this section to learn the complete way to update the build system.

In case of backwards-incompatible or relibc changes, you need to use the make clean all command to wipe your binaries and build them again, if it doesn't work you need to download a new copy of the build system by running the script or using this command:

git clone --origin upstream --recursive

After that, run:

cd redox
make all

Update Your Branch

If you are doing local changes on the build system, probably you left your branch active on the folder (instead of master branch).

New branches don't sync automatically with master, thus if the master branch receive new commits, you wouldn't use them because your branch is outdated.

To fix this, run:

git checkout master
git pull
git checkout your-branch
git merge master


git checkout master
git pull
git merge your-branch master

If you want an anonymous merge, read the Anonymous Commits section.

Update relibc

An outdated relibc copy can contain bugs (already fixed on recent versions) or missing APIs, read this section to learn how to update it.

Update crates

Sometimes a Rust program use an old crate version lacking Redox support, read this section to learn how to update them.

Verify the dependency tree

Some crates take a long time to do a new release (years in some cases), thus these releases will hold old versions of other crates, versions where the Redox support is not available (causing errors during the program compilation).

The redox_syscall crate is the most affected by this, some crates hold a very old version of it and will require patches (cargo update -p alone doesn't work).

To identify which crates are using old versions of Redox crates you will need to verify the dependency tree of the program, inside the program source directory, run:

cargo tree --target=x86_64-unknown-redox

This command will draw the dependency tree and you will need to find the crate name on the tree.

If you don't want to find it, you can use the grep tool with a pipe to see all crate versions used in the tree, sadly grep don't preserve the tree hierarchy, thus it's only useful to see versions and if some patched crate works (if the patched crate works all crate matches will report the most recent version).

To do this, run:

cargo tree --target=x86_64-unknown-redox | grep crate-name

Debug Methods

  • Use the dmesg command to read the kernel and user-space daemons log.

  • You can start the QEMU with the make qemu gpu=no command to easily copy the terminal text.

  • Use the following command for advanced logging:

make some-command 2>&1 | tee file-name.log
  • You can write to the debug: scheme, which will output on the console, but you must be root. This is useful if you are debugging an app where you need to use Orbital but still want to capture messages.

  • Currently, the build system strips function names and other symbols from programs, as support for symbols is not implemented on Redox.


You will see the available debug methods for recipes on this section.

  • If you change the recipe build mode (release to debug or the opposite) while debugging, don't forget to rebuild with make cr.recipe-name because the build system may not detect the changes.


Rust programs can carry assertions, checking and symbols, but they are disabled by default.

  • COOKBOOK_DEBUG - This environment variable will build the Rust program with assertions, checking and symbols.
  • COOKBOOK_NOSTRIP - This environment variable will package the recipe with symbols.

(Debugging with symbols inside of Redox is not supported yet)

To enable them you can use these commands or scripts:

  • Enable the COOKBOOK_DEBUG environment variable for one command and build a recipe:
COOKBOOK_DEBUG=true make r.recipe-name
  • Enable the COOKBOOK_DEBUG environment variable for multiple commands and build a recipe:
export COOKBOOK_DEBUG=true
make r.recipe-name
  • Enable the COOKBOOK_DEBUG and COOKBOOK_NOSTRIP environment variables for one command and build a recipe:
COOKBOOK_DEBUG=true COOKBOOK_NOSTRIP=true make r.recipe-name
  • Enable the COOKBOOK_DEBUG and COOKBOOK_NOSTRIP environment variables for multiple commands and build a recipe:
export COOKBOOK_DEBUG=true
make r.recipe-name
  • Enable the COOKBOOK_DEBUG environment variable inside the recipe.toml:
template = "custom" script = """ COOKBOOK_DEBUG=true cookbook_cargo """
  • Enable the COOKBOOK_DEBUG and COOKBOOK_NOSTRIP environment variables inside the recipe.toml:
template = "custom" script = """ COOKBOOK_DEBUG=true COOKBOOK_NOSTRIP=true cookbook_cargo """
  • Backtrace

A backtrace helps you to detect bugs that happen with not expected input parameters, you can trace back through the callers to see where the bad data is coming from.

You can see how to use it below:

  • Start QEMU with logging:
make qemu 2>&1 | tee file-name.log
  • Enable this environment variable globally (on Redox):
export RUST_BACKTRACE=full
  • Run the program and repeat the bug (capturing a backtrace in the log file)

  • Close QEMU

  • Open the log file, copy the backtrace and paste in an empty text file

  • Run the script in the redox directory (on Linux):

scripts/ -r recipe-name -b your-backtrace.txt

It will print the file and line number for each entry in the backtrace.

(This is the most simple example command, use the -h option of the script to see more combinations)

Kill A Frozen Redox VM

Sometimes Redox can freeze or rarely get a kernel panic, to kill the QEMU process run this command:

pkill qemu-system

Kernel Panic

A kernel panic is when some bug avoid the safe execution of the kernel code, thus the system needs to be restarted to avoid data corruption.

We use the following kernel panic message format:

KERNEL PANIC: panicked at some-path/ the panic description goes here
  • You can use the following command to search it in a big log:
grep -nw "KERNEL PANIC" --include "file-name.log"


If you get a kernel panic in QEMU, copy the terminal text or capture a screenshot and send to us on Matrix or create an issue on GitLab.

Real Hardware

If you get a kernel panic in real hardware, capture a photo and send to us on Matrix or create an issue on GitLab.

Build System

The build system downloads and creates several files that you may want to know about. There are also several make commands mentioned below, and a few extras that you may find useful. Here's a quick summary. All file paths are relative to your redox base directory.

Build System Organization

Root Folder

  • - The script used to configure the Podman build
  • - The script used to configure the Native build
  • Makefile - The main Makefile of the build system, it loads all the other Makefiles.
  • .config - Where you override your build system settings. It is loaded by the Makefile (it is ignored by git).

GNU Make Configuration

  • mk/ - The build system settings are here. You can override these settings in your .config, don't change them here to avoid conflicts in the make pull command.
  • mk/*.mk - The rest of the Makefiles. You should not need to change them.

Podman Configuration

  • podman/redox-base-containerfile - The file used to create the image used by the Podman build. The installation of Ubuntu packages needed for the build is done here. See the Adding Packages to the Build section if you need to add additional Ubuntu packages.

Filesystem Configuration

  • config - This folder contains all filesystem configurations.
  • config/*.toml - Filesystem templates used by the CPU target configurations (a template can use other template to reduce duplication)
  • config/your-cpu-arch/your-config.toml - The filesystem configuration of the QEMU image to be built, e.g. config/x86_64/desktop.toml
  • config/your-cpu-arch/server.toml - The variant with system components (without Orbital) and some important tools. Aimed for servers, low-end computers, testers and developers.

(Try this config if you have boot problems on QEMU or real hardware).

  • config/your-cpu-arch/desktop.toml - The variant with system components, the Orbital desktop environment and some important programs (this is the default configuration of the build system). Aimed for end-users, gamers, testers and developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/dev.toml - The variant with development tools included. Aimed for developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/demo.toml - The variant with a complete system and optional programs and games. Aimed for end-users, gamers, testers and developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/desktop-minimal.toml - The minimal desktop variant for low-end computers and embedded hardware. Aimed for servers, low-end computers, embedded hardware and developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/minimal.toml - The variant without network support and Orbital. Aimed for low-end computers, embedded hardware, testers and developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/minimal-net.toml - The variant without Orbital and tools. Aimed for low-end computers, embedded hardware, testers and developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/resist.toml - The variant with the resist POSIX test suite. Aimed for developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/acid.toml - The variant with the acid general-purpose test suite. Aimed for developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/ci.toml - The continuous integration variant, recipes added here become packages on the build server. Aimed for packagers and developers.
  • config/your-cpu-arch/jeremy.toml - The build of Jeremy Soller (creator/BDFL of Redox) with the recipes that he is testing at the moment.


  • prefix/* - Tools used by the Cookbook system. They are normally downloaded during the first system build.

(If you are having a problem with the build system, you can remove the prefix directory and it will be recreated during the next build)

  • cookbook/* - Part of the Cookbook system, these scripts and tools will build your recipes.
  • cookbook/repo - Contains all packaged recipes.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name - A recipe (software port) directory (represented as recipe-name), this directory holds the recipe.toml file.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/recipe.toml - The recipe configuration file, this configuration contains instructions for downloading Git repositories or tarballs, then creating executables or other files to include in the Redox filesystem. Note that a recipe can contain dependencies that cause other recipes to be built, even if the dependencies are not otherwise part of your Redox build.

(To learn more about the recipe system read the Porting Applications using Recipes page)

  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/ - The old recipe configuration format (can't be used as dependency of a recipe with a TOML syntax).
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/source.tar - The tarball of the recipe (renamed).
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/source - The directory where the recipe source is extracted or downloaded.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target - The directory where the recipe binaries are stored.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET} - The directory for the recipes binaries of the CPU architecture (${TARGET} is the environment variable of your CPU architecture).
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/build - The directory where the recipe build system run its commands.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/stage - The directory where recipe binaries go before the packaging, after make all, make rebuild and make image the installer will extract the recipe package on the QEMU image, generally at /usr/bin or /usr/lib in a Redox filesystem hierarchy.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/sysroot - The folder where recipe build dependencies (libraries) goes, for example: library-name/src/example.c
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/stage.pkgar - Redox package file.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/stage.sig - Signature for the tar package format.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/stage.tar.gz - Legacy tar package format, produced for compatibility reasons as we are working to make the package manager use the pkgar format.
  • cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target/${TARGET}/stage.toml - Contains the runtime dependencies of the package and is part of both package formats.

Build System Files

  • build - The directory where the build system will place the final image. Usually build/$(ARCH)/$(CONFIG_NAME), e.g. build/x86_64/desktop
  • build/your-cpu-arch/your-config/harddrive.img - The Redox image file, to be used by QEMU or VirtualBox for virtual machine execution on a Unix-like host.
  • build/your-cpu-arch/your-config/livedisk.iso - The Redox bootable image file, to be used on real hardware for testing and possible installation.
  • build/your-cpu-arch/your-config/fetch.tag - An empty file that, if present, tells the build system that the downloading of recipe sources is done.
  • build/your-cpu-arch/your-config/repo.tag - An empty file that, if present, tells the build system that all recipes required for the Redox image have been successfully built. The build system will not check for changes to your code when this file is present. Use make rebuild to force the build system to check for changes.
  • build/podman - The directory where Podman Build places the container user's home directory, including the container's Rust installation. Use make container_clean to remove it. In some situations, you may need to remove this directory manually, possibly with root privileges.
  • build/container.tag - An empty file, created during the first Podman build, so a Podman build knows when a reusable Podman image is available. Use make container_clean to force a rebuild of the Podman image on your next make rebuild run.

GNU Make Commands

You can combine make commands, but order is significant. For example, make image will build the games recipe and create a new Redox image, but make image will make the Redox image before the recipe building, thus the new recipe binary will not be included on your Redox filesystem.

Build System

  • make pull - Update the source code of the build system without building.
  • make all - Builds the entire system, checking for changes and only building as required. Only use this for the first build. If the system was successfully built previously, this command may report Nothing to be done for 'all', even if some recipes have changed. Use make rebuild instead.
  • make rebuild - Update all binaries from recipes with source code changes (it don't detect changes on the Redox toolchain), it should be your normal make target.
  • make prefix - Download the Rust/GCC forks and build relibc (it update the relibc binary with source code changes after the make pull, touch relibc and make prefix commands).
  • make fstools - Build the image builder (installer), Cookbook and RedoxFS (after touch installer or touch redoxfs).
  • make fstools_clean - Clean the image builder, Cookbook and RedoxFS binaries.
  • make fetch - Update recipe sources, according to each recipe, without building them. Only the recipes that are included in your (CONFIG_NAME).toml are downloaded. Does nothing if $(BUILD)/fetch.tag is present. You won't need this.
  • make clean - Clean all recipe binaries (Note that make clean may require some tools to be built).
  • make unfetch - Clean all recipe sources.
  • make distclean - Clean all recipe sources and binaries (please backup or submit your source changes before the execution of this command).
  • make repo - Package the recipe binaries, according to each recipe. Does nothing if $(BUILD)/repo.tag is present. You won't need this.
  • make live - Creates a bootable image, build/livedisk.iso. Recipes are not usually rebuilt.
  • make popsicle - Flash the Redox bootable image on your USB device using the Popsicle tool (the program executable must be present on your shell $PATH environment variable, you can get the executable by extracting the AppImage, installing from the package manager or building from source)
  • make env - Creates a shell with the build environment initialized. If you are using Podman Build, the shell will be inside the container, and you can use it to debug build issues such as missing packages.
  • make container_shell - Open the GNU Bash shell of the Podman container as the active shell of your terminal, it's logged as the podman user without root privileges.
  • make container_su - Open the GNU Bash shell of the Podman container as the active shell of your terminal, it's logged as the root user.
  • make container_clean - This will discard images and other files created by Podman.
  • make container_touch - If you have removed the file build/container.tag, but the container image is still usable, this will recreate the container.tag file and avoid rebuilding the container image.
  • make container_kill - If you have started a build using Podman Build, and you want to stop it, Ctrl-C may not be sufficient. Use this command to terminate the most recently created container.


  • make f.recipe-name - Download the recipe source.

  • make r.recipe-name - Build a single recipe, checking if the recipe source has changed, and creating the executable, etc. e.g. make

    The package is built even if it is not in your filesystem configuration.

    (This command will continue where you stopped the build process, it's useful to save time if you had a compilation error and patched a crate)

  • make c.recipe-name - Clean the recipe binaries.

  • make u.recipe-name - Clean the recipe source code (please backup or submit your source changes before the execution of this command).

  • make cr.recipe-name - A shortcut for make c.recipe r.recipe

  • make ucr.recipe-name - A shortcut for make u.recipe c.recipe r.recipe (please backup or submit your source changes before the execution of this command).


  • make qemu - If a build/harddrive.img file exists, QEMU will run using that image. If you want to force a rebuild first, use make rebuild qemu. Sometimes make qemu will detect changes and rebuild, but this is not typical. If you are interested in a particular combination of QEMU command line options, have a look through mk/
  • make qemu gpu=no - Start QEMU without a GUI (Orbital is disabled).
  • make qemu gpu=virtio - Start QEMU with the VirtIO GPU driver.
  • make qemu kvm=no - Start QEMU without the Linux KVM acceleration.
  • make qemu iommu=no - Start QEMU without IOMMU.
  • make qemu audio=no - Disable all sound drivers.
  • make qemu usb=no - Disable all USB drivers.
  • make qemu uefi=yes - Enable the UEFI boot loader (it supports more screen resolutions).
  • make qemu live=yes - Fully load the Redox image to RAM.
  • make qemu disk=nvme - Boot Redox from a NVMe interface (SSD emulation).
  • make qemu disk=usb - Boot Redox from a virtual USB device.
  • make qemu disk=cdrom - Boot Redox from a virtual CD-ROM disk.
  • make qemu option1=string option2=string - Cumulative QEMU options is supported.
  • make image - Builds a new QEMU image, build/harddrive.img, without checking if any recipes have changed. It can save you some time if you are just updating one recipe with make r.recipe-name.
  • make gdb - Connects gdb to the Redox image in QEMU. Join us on the chat if you want to use this.
  • make mount - Mounts the Redox image as a filesystem at $(BUILD)/filesystem. Do not use this if QEMU is running, and remember to use make unmount as soon as you are done. This is not recommended, but if you need to get a large file onto or off of your Redox image, this is available as a workaround.
  • make unmount - Unmounts the Redox image filesystem. Use this as soon as you are done with make mount, and do not start QEMU until this is done.
  • make virtualbox - The same as make qemu, but for VirtualBox (it requires the VirtualBox service to be running, run systemctl status vboxdrv.service to verify or akmods; systemctl restart vboxdrv.service to enable on systems using systemd).

Environment Variables

  • $(BUILD) - Represents the build folder.
  • $(ARCH) - Represents the CPU architecture folder at build
  • ${TARGET} - Represents the CPU architecture folder at the cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/target folder
  • $(CONFIG_NAME) - Represents your filesystem configuration folder at build/your-cpu-arch

We recommend that you use these variables with the " symbol to clean any spaces on the path, spaces are interpreted as command separators and will break the commands.



If you have a folder inside the variable folder you can call it with:





You can use these scripts to perform actions not implemented as make commands in the build system.

  • To run a script use the following command:
scripts/ input-text

The "input-text" is the word used by the script.


  • scripts/ - Show the changelog of all Redox components.

Recipe Files

Show all files installed by a recipe.

scripts/ recipe-name

Recipe Categories

Run make options on some recipe category.

scripts/ -x category-name

Where x is your make option, it can be f, r, c, u, cr, ucr, uc or ucf

Include Recipes

Create a list with recipe-name = {} #TODO for quick testing of WIP recipes.

scripts/ "TODO.text"

You will insert the text after the #TODO in the text part, it can be found on the recipe.toml file of the recipe.

If you want to add recipes to the ci.toml filesystem configuration to be available on the package build server, the recipe names must be sorted in alphabetical order, to do this from the output of this script use the following command:

scripts/ "TODO.text" | sort

Recipe Analysis

Show the folders and files on the stage and sysroot folders of some recipe (to identify packaging issues or violations).

scripts/ recipe-name

Recipe Commit Hash

Show the current Git branch and commit of the recipe source.

scripts/ recipe-name

Package Size

Show the package size of the recipes (stage.pkgar and stage.tar.gz), it must be used by package maintainers to enforce the library linking size policy.

scripts/ recipe-name

Recipe Location

Show the location of the written recipe.

scripts/ recipe-name

Recipe Match

Search some text inside the recipe.toml of some recipe.

scripts/ recipe-name

Show the content of the recipe configuration.

(Require bat and ripgrep installed, run cargo install bat ripgrep to install)

scripts/ recipe-name

Recipe Executables

List the recipe executables to find duplicates and conflicts.

  • By default the script will only verify duplicates, if the -a option is used it will print the executable names of all compiled recipes
  • The -arm64 option will show the ARM64 recipe executables
  • The -i686 option will show the i686 recipe executables

Cargo Update

Download the recipe source and run cargo update

scripts/ recipe-name

Dual Boot

  • scripts/ - Install Redox in the free space of your storage device and add a boot entry (if you are using the systemd-boot boot loader).


  • scripts/ - Create and copy the Redox bootable image to an Ventoy-formatted device.

Recipe Debugging (Rust)

  • scripts/ - Allow the user to copy a Rust backtrace from Redox and retrieve the symbols (use the -h option to show the "Usage" message).

Component Separation

  • relibc - The cross-compiled recipes will link to the relibc of this folder (build system submodule)
  • redoxfs - The FUSE driver of RedoxFS (build system submodule, to run on Linux)
  • cookbook/recipes/relibc - The relibc recipe to be installed inside of Redox for static or dynamic linking of binaries (for native compilation)
  • cookbook/recipes/redoxfs - The RedoxFS user-space daemon that run inside of Redox (recipe)


Some Redox projects have crates on, thus they use a version-based development, if some change is sent to their repository they need to release a new version on, it will have some delay.

Current projects with crates

Manual patching

If you don't want to wait a new release on, you can patch the crate temporarily by fetching the version you need from GitLab and changing the crate version in Cargo.toml to crate-name = { path = "path/to/crate" }

Pinned commits

The build system pin the last working commit of the submodules, if some submodule is broken because of some commit, the pinned commit avoid the fetch of this broken commit, thus pinned commits increase the development stability (broken changes aren't passed for developers and testers).

(When you run make pull the build system update the submodule folders based on the last pinned commit)

Current pinned submodules

  • cookbook
  • installer
  • redoxfs
  • relibc
  • rust

Manual submodule update

Whenever a fix or new feature is merged on the submodules, the upstream build system must update the commit hash, to workaround this you can run git pull on the folder of the submodule directly, example:

make pull
cd submodule-folder-name
git checkout master
git pull
cd ..

Git auto-checkout

The make rebuild and make r.recipe commands will Git checkout (change the active branch) of the recipe source to master (only recipes that fetch Git repositories are affected, thus all Redox components).

If you are working in a separated branch on the recipe source you can't build your changes, to avoid this comment out the [source] and git = fields from your recipe.toml :

#[source] #git = "some-repository-link"


The make pull command will Git checkout the submodules active branches to master and pin a commit in HEAD, if you are working on the build system submodules don't run this command, to keep the build system using your changes.

To update the build system while you have out-of-tree changes in some submodule, run these commands:

  • This command will only update the root build system files
git pull
  • Now you need to manually update each submodule folder without your changes
cd submodule-name
git checkout master
git pull
cd ..

Update The Build System

This is the recommended way to update your build system/recipe sources and binaries.

make pull rebuild

(If the make pull command download new commits of the relibc submodule, you will need to run the commands of the Update relibc section)

Some new changes will require a complete rebuild (you will need to read the Dev room in our chat to know if some big MR was merged and run the make clean all command) or a new build system copy (run the script again or run the commands of the Clone The Repository section), but the make pull rebuild command is enough for most cases.

Update relibc

An outdated relibc copy can contain bugs (already fixed on recent commits) or missing APIs, to update the relibc sources and build it, run:

make pull
touch relibc
make prefix

All recipes

To pass the new relibc changes for all recipes (programs are the most common case) you will need to rebuild all recipes, unfortunately it's not possible to use make rebuild because it can't detect the relibc changes to trigger a complete rebuild.

To clean all recipe binaries and trigger a complete rebuild, run:

make clean all

One recipe

To pass the new relibc changes to one recipe, run:

make cr.recipe-name


You can find the global settings on the Configuration Settings page.


The Redox configuration files use the TOML format, it has a very easy syntax and is very flexbile.

You can see what the format supports on the TOML website.

Filesystem Customization

Read the Filesystem Customization section.


The Redox build system is an example of cross-compilation. The Redox toolchain runs on Linux, and produces Redox executables. Anything that is installed with your package manager is just part of the toolchain and does not go on Redox.

In the background, the make all command downloads the Redox toolchain to build all recipes (patched forks of rustc, GCC and LLVM).

If you are using Podman, the script will download an Ubuntu container and make all will install the Redox toolchain, all recipes will be compiled in the container.

The recipes produce Redox-specific executables. At the end of the build process, these executables are installed inside the QEMU image.

The relibc (Redox C Library) provides the Redox system calls to any software.

Build Phases

Every build system command/script has phases, read this page to know them.

Build Phases

Every build system command and script has phases, this page documents them.

This is the script used to do the initial configuration of the build system, see its phases below:

  • Install the Rust toolchain (using and add cargo to the shell PATH.
  • Install the packages (based on your Unix-like distribution) of the development tools to build all recipes.
  • Download the build system sources (if you run without the -d option - ./ -d)
  • Show a message with the commands to build the Redox system.

This script is the alternative to for Podman, used to configure the build system for a Podman environment, see its phases below:

  • Install Podman, GNU Make, FUSE and QEMU if it's not installed.
  • Download the Debian container and install the recipe dependencies.
  • Download the build system sources (if you run without the -d option - ./ -d)
  • Show a message with the commands to build the Redox system.

make all (first run)

This is the command used to build all recipes inside your default TOML configuration (config/your-cpu-arch/desktop.toml or the one inside your .config), see its phases below:

  • Download the binaries of the Redox toolchain (patched rustc, GCC and LLVM) from the build server.
  • Download the sources of the recipes specified on your TOML configuration.
  • Build the recipes.
  • Package the recipes.
  • Create the QEMU image and install the packages.

make all (second run)

If the build/$ARCH/$CONFIG/repo.tag file is up to date, it won't do anything. If the repo.tag file is missing it will works like make rebuild.

make all (Podman environment, first run)

This command on Podman works in a different way, see its phases below:

  • Download the Redox container (Ubuntu + Redox toolchain).
  • Install the Rust toolchain inside the container.
  • Install the Ubuntu packages of the development tools to build all recipes (inside the container).
  • Download the sources of the recipes specified on your TOML configuration.
  • Build the recipes.
  • Package the recipes.
  • Create the QEMU image and install the packages.

make prefix

This command is used to download the build system toolchain, see its phases below:

  • Download the Rust and GCC forks from the build server (if it's not present or you if you executed rm -rf prefix to fix issues).
  • Build the relibc submodule.

make prefix (after "touch relibc")

  • Build the new relibc changes

make rebuild

This is the command used to verify and build the recipes with changes, see its phases below:

  • Verify source changes on recipes (if confirmed, download them) or if a new recipe was added to the TOML configuration.
  • Build the recipes with changes.
  • Package the recipes with changes.
  • Create the QEMU image and install the packages.

make r.recipe

This is the command used to build a recipe, see its phases below.

  • Search where the recipe is stored.
  • Verify if the source folder is present, if not, download the source from the method specified inside the recipe.toml (this step will be ignored if the [source] and git = fields are commented out).
  • Build the recipe dependencies as static objects (for static linking).
  • Start the compilation based on the template of the recipe.toml
  • If the recipe is using Cargo, it will download the crates, build them, link them/relibc to the program binary.
  • If the recipe is using GNU Autotools, CMake or Meson, they will check the build environment and the presence library objects, build the libraries or the program and link them/relibc to the final binary.
  • Package the recipe.

Typically, make r.recipe is used with make image to quickly build a recipe and create an image to test it.

make qemu

This is the command used to run Redox inside QEMU, see its phases below:

  • It checks for pending changes, if found, it will trigger make rebuild.
  • It checks the existence of the QEMU image, if not available, it will works like make image.
  • A command with custom arguments is passed to QEMU to boot Redox without problems.
  • The QEMU window is shown with a menu to choose the resolution.
  • The bootloader does a bootstrap of the kernel, the kernel starts the init, the init starts the user-space daemons and Orbital.
  • The Orbital login screen appear.

Developing for Redox

Currently Redox does not have a complete set of development tools that run natively. You must do your development on Linux or other Unix-like system, then include or copy your program to your Redox filesystem. This chapter outlines some of the things you can do as a developer.

(Before reading this chapter you must read the Build System page)

Including Programs in Redox

(Before reading this page you must read the Build System page)

This page will teach you how to add programs on the Redox image, it's a simplified version of the Porting Applications using Recipes page.

The Cookbook system makes the packaging process very simple. First, we will show how to add an existing program for inclusion. Then we will show how to create a new program to be included. In the Coding and Building page, we discuss the development cycle in more detail.

Existing Package

Redox has many programs that are available for inclusion. Each program has a recipe in the directory cookbook/recipes/recipe-name. Adding an existing program to your build is as simple as adding it to config/$ARCH/myfiles.toml, or whatever name you choose for your .toml configuration definition. Here we will add the games package, which contains several terminal games.

Setup the Redox Build Environment

  • Follow the steps in the Building Redox or Native Build pages to create the Redox Build Environment on your system.
  • Build the system as described. This will take quite a while the first time.
  • Run the system in QEMU.
cd ~/tryredox/redox
make qemu

Assuming you built the default configuration desktop for x86_64, none of the Redox games (e.g. /usr/bin/minesweeper) have been included yet.

  • On your Redox emulation, log into the system as user user with an empty password.
  • Open a Terminal window by clicking on the icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the Redox screen, and type ls /usr/bin. You will see that minesweeper is not listed.
  • Type Ctrl-Alt-G to regain control of your cursor, and click the upper right corner of the Redox window to exit QEMU.

Setup your Configuration

Read the Configuration Settings page and follow the commands below.

  • From your redox base directory, copy an existing configuration and edit it.
cd ~/tryredox/redox
cp config/x86_64/desktop.toml config/x86_64/myfiles.toml
nano config/x86_64/myfiles.toml
  • Look for the [packages] secion and add the package to the configuration. You can add the package anywhere in the [packages] section, but by convention, we add them to the end or to an existing related area of the section.
... [packages] # Add the item below under the "[packages]" section redox-games = {} ...
  • Add the CONFIG_NAME environment variable on your .config to use the myfiles.toml configuration.
nano .config
# Add the item below CONFIG_NAME?=myfiles
  • Save your changes with Ctrl+X and confirm with y

Build the System

  • In your base redox folder, e.g. ~/tryredox/redox, build the system and run it in QEMU.
cd ~/tryredox/redox
make all
make qemu


cd ~/tryredox/redox
make all qemu
  • On your Redox emulation, log into the system as user user with an empty password.
  • Open a Terminal window by clicking it on the icon in the toolbar at the bottom of the Redox screen, and type ls /usr/bin. You will see that minesweeper is listed.
  • In the terminal window, type minesweeper. Play the game using the arrow keys or WSAD,space to reveal a spot, f to flag a spot when you suspect a mine is present. When you type f, an F character will appear.

If you had a problem, use this command to log any possible errors on your terminal output:

make r.recipe-name 2>&1 | tee recipe-name.log

And that's it! Sort of.


Read the Dependencies section to learn how to handle recipe dependencies.

Update crates

Read the Update crates section to learn how to update crates on Rust programs.

Modifying an Existing Recipe

If you want to make changes to an existing recipe for your own purposes, you can do your work in the directory cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/source. The Cookbook process will not download sources if they are already present in that folder. However, if you intend to do significant work or to contribute changes to Redox, please read the Coding and Building page.

Create Your Own Hello World

To create your own program to be included, you will need to create the recipe. This example walks through adding the "Hello World" program that the cargo new command automatically generates to the folder of a Rust project.

This process is largely the same for other Rust programs.

Setting Up The Recipe

The Cookbook will only build programs that have a recipe defined in cookbook/recipes. To create a recipe for the Hello World program, first create the directory cookbook/recipes/hello-world. Inside this directory create the "recipe.toml" file and add these lines to it:

[build] template = "cargo"

The [build] section defines how Cookbook should build our project. There are several templates but "cargo" should be used for Rust projects.

The [source] section of the recipe tells Cookbook how to download the Git repository/tarball of the program.

This is done if cookbook/recipes/recipe-name/source does not exist, during make fetch or during the fetch step of make all. For this example, we will simply develop in the source directory, so no [source] section is necessary.

Writing the program

Since this is a Hello World example, we are going to have Cargo write the code for us. In cookbook/recipes/hello-world, do the following:

mkdir source
cd source
cargo init --name="hello-world"

This creates a Cargo.toml file and a src directory with the Hello World program.

Adding the program to the Redox image

To be able to run a program inside of Redox, it must be added to the filesystem. As above, create a filesystem config config/x86_64/myfiles.toml or similar by copying an existing configuration, and modify CONFIG_NAME in .config to be myfiles. Open config/x86_64/myfiles.toml and add hello-world = {} below the [packages] section.

During the creation of the Redox image, the build system installs those packages on the image filesystem.

[packages] # Add the item below hello-world = {}

To build the Redox image, including your program, run the following commands:

cd ~/tryredox/redox
make r.hello-world image

Running your program

Once the rebuild is finished, run make qemu, and when the GUI starts, log in to Redox, open the terminal, and run helloworld. It should print

Hello, world!

Note that the hello-world binary can be found in /usr/bin on Redox.

Coding and Building

(Before reading this page you must read the Build System page)

This page covers common development tasks on the Redox build system.

Working with Git

Before starting the development, read the Creating Proper Pull Requests page, which describes how the Redox team uses Git.

In this example, we will discuss how to create a fork of the games recipe, pretending you are going to create a Merge Request for your changes. Don't actually do this. Only create a fork when you have changes that you want to send to Redox upstream.

Anonymous commits

If you are new to Git, it request your username and email before the first commit on some offline repository, if you don't want to insert your personal information, run:

  • Repository
cd your-repository-folder
git config 'Anonymous'
git config '<>'

This command will make you anonymous only on this repository.

  • Global
git config --global 'Anonymous'
git config --global '<>'

This command will make you anonymous in all repositories of your user.

Using Multiple Windows

For clarity and easy of use, we will be using two terminal tabs on your system, each running a different GNU Bash shell instance.

  1. The Build shell, normally at ~/tryredox/redox or where your base redox directory is.
  2. The Coding shell, at cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/source.

Setup your Configuration

To get started, follow the steps in the Including Programs in Redox page to include the games package on your myfiles configuration file. In your terminal window, go to your redox base directory and run:

make qemu

On Redox, run minesweeper as described in the link above. Type the letter f and you will see F appear on your screen. Use Ctrl-Alt-G to regain control of your cursor, and click the upper right corner to exit QEMU.

Keep the terminal window open. That will be your Build shell.

The Recipe

Let's walk through contributing to the recipe redox-games, which is a collection of terminal games. We are going to modify minesweeper to display P instead of F on flagged spots.

The redox-games recipe is built in the folder cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games. When you download the redox base package, it includes a file cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/recipe.toml. The recipe tells the build system how to get the source and how to build it.

When you build the system and include the redox-games recipe, the toolchain does a git clone into the directory cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/source. Then it builds the recipe in the directory cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games/target.

Edit the recipe so it does not try to automatically download the sources.

  • Create a Terminal window running bash on your system, which we will call your Coding shell.
  • Change to the redox-games directory.
  • Open recipe.toml in a text editor.
cd ~/tryredox/redox/cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games
nano recipe.toml
  • Comment out the [source] section at the top of the file.
# [source] # git = ""
  • Save your changes.

Git Clone

To setup this recipe for contributing, do the following in your Coding shell.

  • Delete the source and target directories in cookbook/recipes/games/redox-games.
  • Clone the package into the source directory, either specifying it in the git clone or by moving it after clone.
rm -rf source target
git clone --origin upstream --recursive
mv games source
  • If you are making a change that you want to contribute, (you are not, don't actually do this) at this point you should follow the instructions in Creating Proper Pull Requests, replacing redox.git with games.git. Make sure you fork the correct repository, in this case redox-os/games. Remember to create a new branch before you make any changes.

  • If you want to Git Clone a remote repoitory (main repoitory/your fork), you can add these sections on your recipe.toml:

[source] git = your-git-link branch = your-branch # optional

Edit your Code

  • Using your favorite code editor, make your changes. We use nano in this example, from your Coding shell. You can also use VS Code.
cd source
nano src/minesweeper/
  • Search for the line containing the definition of the FLAGGED constant (around line 36), and change it to P.
const FLAGGED: &'static str = "P";

Verify Your Code on Linux

Most Redox programs are source-compatible with Linux without being modified. You can (and should) build and test your program on Linux.

  • From within the Coding shell, go to the source directory and use the Linux version of cargo to check for errors.
cargo check

(Since much of the code in redox-games is older (pre-2018 Rust), you will get several warnings. They can be ignored)

You could also use cargo clippy, but minesweeper is not clean enough to pass.

  • The redox-games recipe creates more than one executable, so to test minesweeper on Linux, you need to specify it to cargo. In the source directory, do:
cargo run --bin minesweeper

The Full Rebuild

After making changes to your recipe, you can use the make rebuild command, which will check for any changes to recipe and make a new Redox image. make all and make qemu do not check for recipes that need to be rebuilt, so if you use them, your changes may not be included in the system. Once you are comfortable with this process, you can try some tricks to save time.

  • Within your Build shell, in your redox directory, do:
make rebuild 2>&1 | tee build.log
  • You can now scan through build.log to check for errors. The file is large and contains many ANSI Escape Sequences, so it can be hard to read. However, if you encountered a fatal build error, it will be at the end of the log, so skip to the bottom and scan upwards.

Test Your Changes

In the Redox instance started by make qemu, test your changes to minesweeper.

  • Log in with user user and no password.
  • Open a Terminal window.
  • Type minesweeper.
  • Use your arrow keys or WSAD to move to a square and type f to set a flag. The character P will appear.

Congratulations! You have modified a program and built the system! Next, create a bootable image with your change.

  • If you are still running QEMU, type Ctrl-Alt-G and click the upper right corner of the Redox window to exit.
  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, do:
make live

In the directory build/x86_64/myfiles, you will find the file livedisk.iso. Follow the instructions on the Testing on Real Hardware section and test out your change.

Test Your Changes (out of the Redox build system)

Redoxer is the tool used to build and run Rust programs (and C/C++ programs with zero dependencies) for Redox, it download the Redox toolchain and use Cargo.


  • Install the tool
cargo install redoxer
  • Install the Redox toolchain
redoxer toolchain
  • Build the Rust program or library with Redoxer
redoxer build
  • Run the Rust program on Redox
redoxer run
  • Test the Rust program or library with Redoxer
redoxer test
  • Run arbitrary executable (echo hello) with Redoxer
redoxer exec echo hello

Testing On Real Hardware

You can use the make live command to create bootable images, it will be used instead of make image.

This command will create the file build/your-cpu-arch/your-config/livedisk.iso, you will burn this image on your USB device, CD or DVD disks (if you have an USB device, Popsicle is the recommended method to flash your device).

Full bootable image creation

  • Update your recipes and create a bootable image:
make rebuild live

Partial bootable image creation

  • Build your source changes on some recipe and create a bootable image (no QEMU image creation):
make cr.recipe-name live
  • Manually update multiple recipes and create a bootable image (more quick than make rebuild):
make r.recipe1 r.recipe2 live

Flash the bootable image on your USB device

If you can't use Popsicle, you can use the Unix tool dd, follow the steps below:

  • Go to the files of your Cookbook configuration:
cd build/your-cpu-arch/your-config
  • Flash your device with dd

First you need to find your USB device ID, use this command to show the IDs of all connected disks on your computer:

ls /dev/disk/by-id

Search for the items beginning with usb and find your USB device model, you will copy and paste this ID on the dd command below (don't use the IDs with part-x in the end).

sudo dd if=livedisk.iso of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-your-device-model oflag=sync bs=4M status=progress

In the /dev/disk/by-id/usb-your-device-model path you will replace the usb-your-device-model part with your USB device ID obtained before.

Double-check the "of=/dev/disk/by-id/usb-your-device-model" part to avoid data loss

Burn your CD/DVD with the bootable image

  • Go to the files of your Cookbook configuration:
cd build/your-cpu-arch/your-config
  • Verify if your optical disk device can write on CD/DVD
cat /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info

Check if the items "Can write" has 1 (Yes) or 0 (No), it also show the optical disk devices on the computer: /dev/srX.

xorriso -as cdrecord -v -sao dev=/dev/srX livedisk.iso

In the /dev/srX part, the x letter is your optical device number.

Update crates

Search Text On Files

To find which package contains a particular command, crate or function call, you can use the grep command.

This will speed up your development workflow.

  • Command examples
grep -rnw "redox-syscall" --include "Cargo.toml"

This command will find any "Cargo.toml" file that contains the phrase "redox-syscall". Helpful for finding which package contains a command or uses a crate.

grep -rni "physmap" --include "*.rs"

This command will find any ".rs" file that contains the string "physmap". Helpful for finding where a function is used or defined.

Options context:

  • -n - display the line number of the specified text on each file.

  • -r - Search directories recursively.

  • -w - Match only whole words.

  • -i - Ignore case distinctions in patterns and data.

  • grep explanation - GeeksforGeeks article explaining how to use the grep tool.

Checking In Your Changes

Don't do this now, but if you were to have permanent changes to contribute to a recipe, at this point, you would git push and create a Merge Request, as described in Creating Proper Pull Requests.

If you were contributing a new package, such as porting a Rust application to Redox, you would need to check in the recipe.toml file. It goes in the cookbook subproject. You may also need to modify a filesystem config file, such as config/your-cpu-arch/demo.toml. It goes in the redox project. You must fork and do a proper Pull Request for each of these projects. Please coordinate with the Redox team on the chat before doing this.

Shortening the Rebuild Time

To skip some of the steps in a full rebuild, here are some tricks.

Build your recipe for Redox

You can build just the redox-games recipe, rather than having make rebuild verifying each recipe for changes. This can help shorten the build time if you are trying to resolve issues such as compilation errors or linking to libraries.

  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, type:
make r.redox-games

Build system Makefiles have a rule for r.recipe-name, where recipe-name is the name of a Redox recipe. It will make that recipe, ready to load into the Redox filesystem.

Once your Redox recipe has been successfully built, you can use make rebuild to create the image, or, if you are confident you have made all packages successfully, you can skip a complete rebuild and just make a new image.

If you had a problem, use this command to log any possible errors on your terminal output:

make cr.recipe-name 2>&1 | tee recipe-name.log

Make a New QEMU Image

Now that all the packages are built, you can make a Redox image without the step of checking for modifications.

  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, do:
make image
  • make image skips building any packages (assuming the last full make succeeded), but it ensures a new image is created, which should include the recipe you built in the previous step.

Most Quick Trick To Test Changes


make cr.recipe-name image qemu

This command will build just your modified recipe, then update your QEMU image with your modified recipe and run QEMU with Orbital.

Insert Text Files On QEMU (quickest method)

If you need to move text files, such as shell scripts or command output, from or to your Redox instance running on QEMU, use your Terminal window that you used to start QEMU. To capture the output of a Redox command, run script before starting QEMU.

tee qemu.log
make qemu gpu=no
redox login: user # execute your commands, with output to the terminal # exit QEMU # exit the shell started by script

The command output will now be in the file qemu.log. Note that if you did not exit the script shell, the output may not be complete.

To transfer a text file, such as a shell script, onto Redox, use the Terminal window with copy/paste.

redox login: user
cat > << EOF # Copy the text to the clipboard and use the Terminal window paste EOF

If your file is large, or non-ASCII, or you have many files to copy, you can use the process described in the Insert Files On QEMU Image section. However, you do so at your own risk.

Files you create while running QEMU remain in the Redox image, so long as you do not rebuild the image. Similarly, files you add to the image will be present when you run QEMU, so long as you do not rebuild the image.

Make sure you are not running QEMU. Run make mount. You can now use your file browser to navigate to build/x86_64/myfiles/filesystem. Copy your files into or out of the Redox filesystem as required. Make sure to exit your file browser window, and use make unmount before running make qemu.

Note that in some circumstances, make qemu may trigger a rebuild (e.g. make detects an out of date file). If that happens, the files you copied into the Redox image will be lost.

Insert files on the QEMU image using a recipe

You can use a Redox package to put your files inside of the Redox filesystem, on this example we will use the recipe myfiles for this:

  • Create the source folder inside the myfiles recipe directory and move your files to it:
mkdir cookbook/recipes/other/myfiles/source
  • Add the myfiles recipe below the [packages] section on your Cookbook configuration at config/your-cpu-arch/your-config.toml:
[packages] ... myfiles = {} ...
  • Build the recipe and create a new QEMU image:
make r.myfiles image
  • Open QEMU to verify your files:
make qemu

This recipe will make the Cookbook package all the files on the source folder to be installed on the /home/user directory on your Redox filesystem.

(This is the only way keep your files after the make image command)

Insert Files On The QEMU Image

If you feel the need to skip creating a new image, and you want to directly add a file to the existing Redox image, it is possible to do so. However, this is not recommended. You should use a recipe to make the process repeatable. But here is how to access the Redox image as if it were a Linux filesystem.

  • NOTE: You must ensure that Redox is not running in QEMU when you do this.

  • In your Build shell, in the redox directory, type:

make mount

The Redox image is now mounted as a directory at build/x86_64/your-config/filesystem.

  • Unmount the filesystem and test your image. NOTE: You must unmount before you start QEMU.
cd ~/tryredox/redox
make unmount
make qemu

Working with an unpublished version of a crate

Some recipes use Cargo dependencies (Cargo.toml) with recipe dependencies (recipe.toml), if you are making a change to one of these Cargo dependencies, your merged changes will take a while to appear on as we publish to there instead of using our GitLab fork.

To test your changes quickly, follow these tutorials on Cargo documentation:

A Note about Drivers

The drivers and drivers-initfs recipes share the source folder, thus your changes on the drivers recipe source code will added on the drivers-initfs recipe automatically.

(The recipe.toml of the drivers-initfs recipe use the same_as data type to symlink the source, you can read the second line of the drivers-initfs recipe)

Development Tips

  • Make sure your build system is up-to-date, read the Update The Build System section in case of doubt.
  • If some program can't build or work properly, remember that something could be missing/hiding on relibc, some missing function or bug.
  • If you have some error on QEMU, remember to test different settings or verify your operating system (Pop_OS!, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora are the recommend Linux distributions to do testing/development for Redox).
  • Remember to log all errors, you can use this command as example:
your-command 2>&1 | tee file-name.log
  • If you have a problem that seems to not have a solution, think on simple/stupid things, sometimes you are very confident on your method and forget obvious things (it's very common).
  • If you want a more quick review of your Merge Request, make it small, Jeremy will read it more fast.
  • If your big Merge Request is taking too long to merge try to shrink it with other small MRs, make sure it don't break anything, if this method break your changes, don't shrink.

Visual Studio Code Configuration

Before you start the VS Code IDE to do Redox development, you need to run this command on your terminal:

rustup target add x86_64-unknown-redox

If the code that you are working on includes directives like #[cfg(target_os = "redox)], that code will be disabled by default. To enable live syntax and compiler warnings for that code, add the following line to your VS Code config file (.vscode/settings.json):

"": "x86_64-unknown-redox"

VS Code Tips and Tricks

Although not for every Rustacean, VS Code is helpful for those who are working with unfamiliar code. We don't get the benefit of all its features, but the Rust support in VS Code is very good.

If you have not used VS Code with Rust, here's an overview. VS Code installation instructions are here.

After installing the rust-analyzer extension as described in the overview, you get access to several useful features.

  • Inferred types and parameter names as inline hints.
  • Peeking at definitions and references.
  • Refactoring support.
  • Autoformat and clippy on Save (optional).
  • Visual Debugger (if your code can run on Linux).
  • Compare/Revert against the repository with the Git extension.

Using VS Code on individual packages works pretty well, although it sometimes take a couple of minutes to kick in. Here are some things to know.

Start in the "source" folder

In your Coding shell, start VS Code, specifying the source directory.

code ~/tryredox/redox/cookbook/recipes/games/source

Or if you are in the source directory, just code . with the period meaning the source dir.

Add it to your "Favorites" bar

VS Code remembers the last project you used it on, so typing code with no directory or starting it from your Applications window or Favorites bar will go back to that project.

After starting VS Code, right click on the icon and select Add to Favorites.

Wait a Couple of Minutes

You can start working right away, but after a minute or two, you will notice extra text appear in your Rust code with inferred types and parameter names filled in. This additional text is just hints, and is not permanently added to your code.

Save Often

If you have made significant changes, rust-analyzer can get confused, but this can usually be fixed by doing Save All.

Don't Use it for the whole of Redox

VS Code cannot grok the gestalt of Redox, so it doesn't work very well if you start it in your redox base directory. It can be handy for editing recipes, config and make files. And if you want to see what you have changed in the Redox project, click on the Source Control icon on the far left, then select the file you want to compare against the repository.

Don't Build the System in a VS Code Terminal

In general, it's not recommended to do a system build from within VS Code. Use your Build window. This gives you the flexibility to exit Code without terminating the build.

Porting Applications using Recipes

The Including Programs in Redox page gives an example to port/modify a pure Rust program, here we will explain the advanced way to port Rust programs, mixed Rust programs (Rust and C/C++ libraries, for example) and C/C++ programs.

(Before reading this page you must read the Build System page)


A recipe is how we call a software port on Redox, this section will explain the recipe configuration and things to consider.

Create a folder at cookbook/recipes/program-category with a file named as recipe.toml inside, we will edit this file to fit the program needs.

  • Commands example:
cd ~/tryredox/redox
mkdir cookbook/recipes/program-category/program-name
nano cookbook/recipes/program-category/program-name/recipe.toml

Recipe Configuration Example

The recipe configuration (recipe.toml) example below contain all supported recipe options. Adapt for your script, program, library or data files.

[source] git = "repository-link" upstream = "repository-link" branch = "branch-name" rev = "commit-hash" tar = "tarball-link.tar.gz" blake3 = "source-hash" patches = [ "patch1.patch", "patch2.patch", ] same_as = "../program-name" [build] template = "build-system" dependencies = [ "static-library1", "static-library2", ] script = """ # Uncomment the following if the package can be dynamically linked. DYNAMIC_INIT # Uncomment the following if you want the package to *always* statically link. #export COOKBOOK_PREFER_STATIC=1 insert your script here """ [package] dependencies = [ "runtime-dependency1", "runtime-dependency2", ] shared-deps = [ "dynamically-linked-library1", "dynamically-linked-library2", ]
  • [source] - Section for data types that manage the program source (only remove it if you have a source folder)
  • git = "repository-link" - Insert the Git repository of the program (can be removed if a Git repository is not used), you can comment out it to not allow Cookbook to force a git pull or change the active branch to master or main
  • upstream = "repository-link" - If you are using a fork of the program source with patches add the program upstream source here (can be removed if the upstream source is being used on the git data type)
  • branch = "branch-name" - Insert the program version or patched branch (can be removed if the master or main branch is being used)
  • rev = "commit-hash" - Insert the commit hash of the latest stable version of the program (can be removed if a stable version is not used)
  • tar = "tarball-link.tar.gz" - Insert the program source tarball (can be removed if a tarball is not used)
  • blake3 = "source-hash" - Insert the program source tarball BLAKE3 hash, can be generated using the b3sum tool, install with the cargo install b3sum command (can be removed if using a Git repository or under porting)
  • patches = [] - Data type to load patch files (can be removed if patch files aren't used)
  • "patch1.patch", (Under the patches data type) - The patch file name (can be removed if the patches data type above is not present)
  • same_as = "../program-name" - Insert the folder of other recipe to make a symbolic link to the source folder of other recipe, useful if you want modularity with synchronization
  • [build] - Section for data types that manage the program build process (don't remove it)
  • template = "build-system" - Insert the program build system (cargo for Rust programs, configure for programs using GNU Autotools and custom for advanced porting with custom commands)
  • dependencies = [] (Under the [build] section) - Data type to load the library dependencies for static linking, don't static link if the library is too big
  • "static-library1", - The statically-linked library name (can be removed if the dependencies data type above is not present)
  • script - Data type to load the custom commands for packaging
  • [package] - Section for data types that manage the program package
  • dependencies = [] (Under the [package] section) - Data type to load the dynamically-linked libraries or "data files" recipes to be installed by the package manager
  • "runtime-dependency1", - The name of the dynamically-linked library or data recipe (can be removed if the dependencies data type above is not present)

Quick Recipe Template

This is a recipe template for a quick porting workflow.

#TODO not compiled or tested [source] git = "repository-link" rev = "commit-hash" tar = "tarball-link" [build] template = "build-system" dependencies = [ "library1", ]

You can quickly copy and paste this template on each recipe.toml, that way you spent less time writting and has less chances for typos.

  • If your program use a tarball, you can quickly remove the git and rev data types.
  • If your program use a Git repository, you can quickly remove the tar data type.
  • If you don't need to pin a commit hash for the most recent stable release, you can quickly remove the rev data type.
  • If the program don't need dependencies, you can quickly remove the dependencies = [] section.

After the #TODO you will write your current porting status.


The GCC and LLVM compiler frontends on Linux use glibc (GNU C Library) by default on the library object linking process, it will create ELF binaries that don't work on Redox because glibc doesn't support the Redox system calls.

To make the compiler use relibc (Redox C Library), the Cookbook needs to tell the build system of the program or library to use it, it's done with environment variables.

The Cookbook have templates to avoid custom commands for cross-compilation, but it's not always possible because some build systems aren't adapted for cross-compilation.

(Some build systems have different methods to enable cross-compilation and pass a different C standard library to the compiler, you will need to figure this out)

Cross Compiler

Cookbook use Rust/GCC forks to do cross-compilation of recipes (programs) with relibc to any supported CPU architecture, you can check our cross-compilers on the build server.

Cross Compilation

The Cookbook default behavior is cross-compilation because it brings more flexiblity to the Redox build system, as it allow recipes to use relibc or build to a different CPU architecture.

By default Cookbook respect the architecture of your host system but you can change it easily on your .config file (ARCH?= field).

  • Don't use a CPU architecture on the script data type of your recipe.toml, it breaks cross-compilation.
  • All recipes must use our cross-compilers, a Cookbook template does this automatically but it's not always possible, study the build system of your program/library to find these options or patch the configuration files.

Environment Variables

If you want to apply changes on the program source/binary you can use these variables on your commands:

  • ${COOKBOOK_RECIPE} - Represents the recipe folder.
  • ${COOKBOOK_SOURCE} - Represents the source folder at recipe-name/source (program source).
  • ${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT} - Represents the sysroot folder at recipe-name/target/your-cpu-arch/sysroot (library sources).
  • ${COOKBOOK_BUILD} - Represents the build folder at recipe-name/target/your-cpu-arch/build (recipe build system).
  • ${COOKBOOK_STAGE} - Represents the stage folder at recipe-name/target/your-cpu-arch/stage (recipe binaries).

We recommend that you use these variables with the " symbol to clean any spaces on the path, spaces are interpreted as command separators and will break the path.



If you have a folder inside the variable folder you can call it with:




Quick Template

You can quickly copy these environment variables from this section.



The template is the build system of the program or library, programs using an GNU Autotools build system will have a configure file on the root of the source tarball, programs using CMake build system will have a CMakeLists.txt file with all available CMake flags and a cmake folder, programs using Meson build system will have a file, Rust programs will have a Cargo.toml file, etc.

  • template = "cargo" - Build with Cargo and cross-compilation variables (Rust programs with one package in the Cargo workspace, you can't use the script = field).
  • template = "configure" - Build with GNU Autotools and cross-compilation variables (you can't use the script = field).
  • template = "custom" - Run your commands on the script = field and build (Any build system or installation process).

The script = field runs any terminal command, it's important if the build system of the program don't support cross-compilation or need custom options that Cookbook don't support.

To find the supported Cookbook terminal commands, look the recipes using a script = field on their recipe.toml or read the source code.


Each template has a function in the Cookbook source code, these functions contain commands to trigger the build system with cross-compilation variables for the Redox triple.

  • cargo (cookbook_cargo) - This function run cargo build
  • configure (cookbook_configure) - This function run ./configure, make and make install

cookbook_cargo function script

You can see the commands of the cookbook_cargo function below:

  • Pre-script
# Common pre script # Add cookbook bins to path export PATH="${COOKBOOK_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}" # This puts cargo build artifacts in the build directory export CARGO_TARGET_DIR="${COOKBOOK_BUILD}/target" # This adds the sysroot includes for most C compilation #TODO: check paths for spaces! export CFLAGS="-I${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/include" export CPPFLAGS="-I${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/include" # This adds the sysroot libraries and compiles binaries statically for most C compilation #TODO: check paths for spaces! export LDFLAGS="-L${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/lib --static" # These ensure that pkg-config gets the right flags from the sysroot export PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH= export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/lib/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" # cargo template COOKBOOK_CARGO="${COOKBOOK_REDOXER}" function cookbook_cargo { "${COOKBOOK_CARGO}" install \ --path "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}" \ --root "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" \ --locked \ --no-track \ "$@" } # helper for installing binaries that are cargo examples function cookbook_cargo_examples { recipe="$(basename "${COOKBOOK_RECIPE}")" for example in "$@" do "${COOKBOOK_CARGO}" build \ --manifest-path "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}/Cargo.toml" \ --example "${example}" \ --release mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" cp -v \ "target/${TARGET}/release/examples/${example}" \ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin/${recipe}_${example}" done } # helper for installing binaries that are cargo packages function cookbook_cargo_packages { recipe="$(basename "${COOKBOOK_RECIPE}")" for package in "$@" do "${COOKBOOK_CARGO}" build \ --manifest-path "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}/Cargo.toml" \ --package "${package}" \ --release mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" cp -v \ "target/${TARGET}/release/${package}" \ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin/${recipe}_${package}" done }
  • Post-script
# Common post script # Strip binaries if [ -d "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" ] then find "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" -type f -exec "${TARGET}-strip" -v {} ';' fi # Remove cargo install files for file in .crates.toml .crates2.json do if [ -f "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/${file}" ] then rm -v "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/${file}" fi done

cookbook_configure function script

You can see the commands of the cookbook_configure function below:

  • Pre-script
# Common pre script # Add cookbook bins to path export PATH="${COOKBOOK_ROOT}/bin:${PATH}" # This adds the sysroot includes for most C compilation #TODO: check paths for spaces! export CFLAGS="-I${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/include" export CPPFLAGS="-I${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/include" # This adds the sysroot libraries and compiles binaries statically for most C compilation #TODO: check paths for spaces! export LDFLAGS="-L${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/lib --static" # These ensure that pkg-config gets the right flags from the sysroot export PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_CROSS=1 export PKG_CONFIG_PATH= export PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}/lib/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" # configure template COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE="${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}/configure" COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=( --host="${TARGET}" --prefix="" --disable-shared --enable-static ) COOKBOOK_MAKE="make" COOKBOOK_MAKE_JOBS="$(nproc)" function cookbook_configure { "${COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE}" "${COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS[@]}" "${COOKBOOK_MAKE}" -j "${COOKBOOK_MAKE_JOBS}" "${COOKBOOK_MAKE}" install DESTDIR="${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" }
  • Post-script
# Common post script # Strip binaries if [ -d "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" ] then find "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" -type f -exec "${TARGET}-strip" -v {} ';' fi # Remove libtool files if [ -d "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/lib" ] then find "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.la' -exec rm -fv {} ';' fi

Custom Template

The custom template enable the script = field to be used, this field will run any command supported by the GNU Bash shell.

The script section start at the location of the ${COOKBOOK_BUILD} environment variable (recipe-name/target/your-cpu/build)

  • Script example
script = """ first-command second-command """

Packaging Behavior

The Cookbook download the recipe sources on the source folder (recipe-name/source), copy the contents of this folder to the build folder (recipe-name/target/your-cpu-arch/build), build the sources and move the binaries to the stage folder (recipe-name/target/your-cpu-arch/stage).

If your recipe has library dependencies, it will copy the library sources to the sysroot folder to be used by the build folder.

  • Moving the program files to the Redox filesystem

The "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/ path is used to specify where the recipe files will go inside of Redox, in most cases /usr/bin and /usr/lib.

You can see path examples for most customized recipes below:

"${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/ # The root of the Redox build system "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin # The folder where all global Unix executables go "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/lib # The folder where all static and shared library objects go

Cargo script example

Use this script if you need to customize the cookbook_cargo function.

script = """ COOKBOOK_CARGO="${COOKBOOK_REDOXER}" COOKBOOK_CARGO_FLAGS=( --path "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}" --root "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}" --locked --no-track ) function cookbook_cargo { "${COOKBOOK_CARGO}" install "${COOKBOOK_CARGO_FLAGS[@]}" } """

GNU Autotools script example

Use this script if the program or library need flags, change or copy and paste the "--program-flag" according to your needs.

(Some programs and libraries need more configuration to work)

script = """ COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS+=( --program-flag ) cookbook_configure """

GNU Autotools script example (lacking a pre-configured tarball)

If you are using the repository of the program you will need to create a configuration file for GNU Autotools.

(Some programs and libraries need more configuration to work)

script = """ ./ cookbook_configure """

CMake script example

Use this script for programs using the CMake build system, more CMake options can be added with a -D before them, the customization of CMake compilation is very easy.

(Some programs and libraries need more configuration to work)


Analyze the source code of a Rust program

Rust programs and libraries use the Cargo.toml configuration file to configure the build system and source code.

While packaging Rust programs you need to know where the main executable is located in the Cargo project, to do this you need to verify the Cargo.toml files of the project.

A Rust program can have one or more Cargo packages to build, see some common assumptions below:

  • Most Rust programs with a src folder use one Cargo package, thus you can use the cargo template.
  • Most Rust programs with multiple Cargo packages name the main package with the name of the program.

Beyond these common source code organization, there are special cases.

  • In some Rust programs the Cargo.toml file contains one of these data types:
[[bin]] name = "executable-name" [[lib]] name = "library-object-name"

The [[bin]] is what you need, the program executable is built by this Cargo package.

(Ignore packages with the [[lib]] data type, Rust libraries don't need to be packaged because Rust does static compilation, except for backup purposes)

But some programs don't have the [[bin]] and [[lib]] data types, for these cases you need to see the source code files, in most cases at the src folder.

  • The file named contains the program executable code.
  • The file named contains the library object code (ignore it).

Cargo packages command example

This command is used for Rust programs that use folders inside the repository for compilation, you can use the folder name or program name.

Sometimes the folder name and program name doesn't work, it happens because the Cargo.toml of the package carry a different name, open the file and verify the true name on the name field below the [package] section.

(This will fix the "found virtual manifest instead of package manifest" error)

script = """ cookbook_cargo_packages program-name """

(You can use cookbook_cargo_packages program1 program2 if it's more than one package)

Cargo package with flags

If you need a script for a package with flags (customization), you can use this script:

script = """ package=package-name "${COOKBOOK_CARGO}" build \ --manifest-path "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}/Cargo.toml" \ --package "${package}" \ --release --add-your-flag-here mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" cp -v \ "target/${TARGET}/release/${package}" \ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin/${package}" """
  • The package-name after package= is where you will insert the Cargo package name of your program.
  • The --add-your-flag-here will be replaced by the program flag.

Cargo bins script example

Some Rust programs use bins instead of packages to build, to build them you can use this script:

script = """ binary=bin-name "${COOKBOOK_CARGO}" build \ --manifest-path "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}/Cargo.toml" \ --bin "${binary}" \ --release --add-your-flag-here mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin" cp -v \ "target/${TARGET}/release/${binary}" \ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin/${binary}" """
  • The bin-name after binary= is where you will insert the Cargo package name of your program.
  • The --add-your-flag-here will be replaced by the program flags.

Cargo flags command example

Some Rust softwares have Cargo flags for customization, search them to match your needs or make some program build.

script = """ cookbook_cargo --features flag-name """

Disable the default Cargo flags

It's common that some flag of the program doesn't work on Redox, if you don't want to spend much time testing flags that work and don't work, you can disable all of them to see if the most basic setting of the program works with this script:

script = """ cookbook_cargo --no-default-features """

Enable all Cargo flags

If you want to enable all flags of the program, use:

script = """ cookbook_cargo --all-features """

Cargo examples command example

This script is used for examples on Rust programs.

script = """ cookbook_cargo_examples example-name """

(You can use cookbook_cargo_examples example1 example2 if it's more than one example)

Rename binaries

Some programs or examples could use generic names for their binaries, thus they could bring file conflicts on the packaging process, to avoid it use this command after the compilation or installation commands:

mv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin/binary-name" "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}/usr/bin/new-binary-name"
  • Duplicated names

Some recipes for Rust programs can duplicate the program name on the binary (name_name), you can also use this command to fix these cases.

Change the active source code folder

Sometimes a program don't store the source code on the root of the Git repository, but in a subfolder.

For these cases you need to change the directory of the ${COOKBOOK_SOURCE} environment variable on the beginning of the script data type, to do this add the following command on your recipe script:

  • An example for a Rust program:
script = """ COOKBOOK_SOURCE="${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}/subfolder-name" cookbook_cargo """

Configuration Files

Some programs require to setup configuration files from the source code or tarball, to setup them use this recipe template:

[build] template = "custom" script = """ cookbook function or custom build system commands # It's recommended to insert the build system commands before the configuration files command mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/share # create the /usr/share folder inside the package cp -rv "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}"/configuration-file "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/share # copy the configuration file from the program source code to the package """

Edit the script above to your needs.

Script-based programs

Use the following scripts to package interpreted programs.

Adapted scripts

This script is for scripts adapted to be packaged, they have shebangs and rename the file to remove the script extension.

(Some programs and libraries need more configuration to work)

  • One script
script = """ mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin cp "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}"/script-name "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name chmod a+x "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name """

This script will move the script from the source folder to the stage folder and mark it as executable to be packaged.

(Probably you need to mark it as executable, we don't know if all scripts carry executable permission)

  • Multiple scripts
script = """ mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin cp "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}"/* "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin chmod a+x "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/* """

This script will move the scripts from the source folder to the stage folder and mark them as executable to be packaged.

Non-adapted scripts

You need to use these scripts for scripts not adapted for packaging, you need to add shebangs, rename the file to remove the script extension (.py) and mark as executable (chmod a+x).

(Some programs and libraries need more configuration to work)

  • One script
script = """ mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin cp "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}"/ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name chmod a+x "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name """

(Rename the "script-name" parts with your script name)

This script will rename your script name (remove the .py extension, for example), make it executable and package.

  • Multiple scripts
script = """ mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin for script in "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}"/* do shortname=`basename "$script" ".py"` cp -v "$script" "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/"$shortname" chmod a+x "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/"$shortname" done """

This script will rename all scripts to remove the .py extension, mark all scripts as executable and package.

  • Shebang

It's the magic behind executable scripts as it make the system interpret the script as an ELF binary, if your script doesn't have a shebang on the beginning it can't work as an executable program.

To fix this, use this script:

script = """ mkdir -pv "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin cp "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}"/ "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name sed -i '1 i\#!/usr/bin/env python3' "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name chmod a+x "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name """

The sed -i '1 i\#!/usr/bin/env python3' "${COOKBOOK_STAGE}"/usr/bin/script-name command will add the shebang on the beginning of your script.

The python3 is the script interpreter in this case, use bash or lua or whatever interpreter is appropriate for your case..

There are many combinations for these script templates, you can download scripts without the [source] section, make customized installations, etc.

Dynamically Linked Programs

The DYNAMIC_INIT acts as a marker that indicates the package can be dynamically linked. It automatically sets LDFLAGS and RUSTFLAGS based on the preferred linkage. A package is dynamically linked by default unless PREFER_STATIC is set. See the environment variables section under configuration settings for more information.

In most cases, if you want to use dynamic linking for a package, just prepend DYNAMIC_INIT in the recipe script. Depending on the package, this should suffice. However, sometimes you may need to regenerate the GNU Autotools configuration, which you can do by invoking the autotools_recursive_regenerate helper function after DYNAMIC_INIT (See the examples below). This is to make sure the build system uses our libtool fork. In other cases, more recipe-specific modification may be required.


# <...snip...> [build] template = "custom" script = """ +DYNAMIC_INIT cookbook_configure """
# <...snip...> [source] +script = """ +DYNAMIC_INIT +autotools_recursive_regenerate +""" [build] template = "custom" script = """ +DYNAMIC_INIT +cookbook_configure """

Dynamically linked programs depend on shared libraries at runtime. To include these libraries, you must add them to package.shared-deps. Note that if a library or program is compiled with GCC, then libgcc must be added as a runtime dependency (currently all C/C++ programs are built with GCC, although Clang could be used in the future).


# <...snip...> [package] shared-deps = [ "libgcc", # "libmpc", # "libgmp", # ... ]

Sometimes you may also require specific flags depending on the linkage. You can do this like:

if [[ -n "$COOKBOOK_PREFER_STATIC" ]]; then # This part is for static linking COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS+=( --enable-abc # ... ) else # This part is for dynamic linking COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS+=( --enable-def # ... ) fi

In the recipe script, you can manually set the COOKBOOK_PREFER_STATIC environment variable to ensure it always statically links, even in future when the need for the DYNAMIC_INIT marker has been phased out.


script = """ +export COOKBOOK_PREFER_STATIC=1


  • Why the dynamic linker ( is not finding my library?

Set LD_DEBUG=all and re-run the program. It will show you where objects are being found and loaded, as well as the library search paths. You probably forgot to add a library in the shared-deps list. You can also use patchelf on your host or on Redox to display all DT_NEEDED entries of an object (patchelf --print-needed <path>). It is available by default for the desktop configuration.



Tarballs are the most easy way to compile a software because the build system is already configured (GNU Autotools is the most used), while being more fast to download and process than Git repositories (the computer don't need to process Git deltas).

Your recipe.toml will have this content:

[source] tar = "tarball-link"

Copy the tarball link and paste on the tarball-link field.

Only use official tarballs, GitHub auto-generate tarballs for each new release or tag of the program, but they aren't static (break the checksum) and don't verify the archive integrity.

You can find the official tarballs on the release announcement assets with the program name and ending with tar.gz or tar.xz (their URLs contain "releases" instead of "archive"), while unstable tarballs can be found on the "Source code" buttons (their URLs contain "archive").

  • In most cases they are created using the GNU Tar tool.
  • Avoid files containing the names "linux" and "x86_64" on GitHub, they are pre-built binaries for some operating system and CPU architecture, not source code.
  • Some programs require Git submodules to work, you can't use tarballs if the official tarball don't bundle the Git submodules.
  • Archives with tar.xz and tar.bz2 tend to have a higher compression level, thus smaller file size.

Build System

In most cases the tarballs use GNU Autotools to build, it's common that the tarball method of compilation is not well documented, causing confusion on new packagers.

To investigate, you can do these things:

  • Build with the configure template and see if it works (sometimes you need to use some flag or customize)
  • Search the Git repository of the program or library for and files, it means that support for GNU Autotools is available, when some tarball is created, it comes with a configure file inside, this file doesn't exist on the Git repository and you need to create it by running the script.
  • Sometimes these files are available but GNU Autotools is deprecated (because it's old), we recommend that you use the supported build system (in most cases CMake or Meson).

Sometimes it's hard to find the official tarball of some software, as each project website organization is different.

To help on this process, the Arch Linux packages and AUR are the most easy repositories to find tarball links on the configuration of the packages.

  • Arch Linux packages - Search for your program, open the program page, see the "Package Actions" category on the top right position and click on the "Source Files" button, a GitLab page will open, open the .SRCINFO and search for the tarball link on the "source" fields of the file.

See the linux package example.

  • AUR - Search for your program, open the program page, go to the "Sources" section on the end of the package details.

Git Repositories

Some programs don't offer official tarballs for releases, thus you need to use their Git repository and pin the commit hash of the most recent release.

Your recipe.toml will have this content:

[source] git = "repository-link" rev = "commit-hash"

GitHub release commit hash

Each GitHub release has a commit hash, you will use it to pin the last version of the program to keep code stability.

Open the release item and copy the second code below the version number.


GitLab release commit hash

Each GitLab release has a commit hash, you will use it to pin the last version of the program to keep code stability.

Open the "Releases" button and copy the first code on the end of the release announcement.



A program dependency can be a library (a program that offer functions to some program), a runtime (a program that satisfy some program when it's executed) or a build tool (a program to build/configure some program).

Most C, C++ and Rust softwares place build tools/runtime together with development libraries (packages with -dev suffix) in their "Build Instructions".


sudo apt-get install cmake libssl-dev

The cmake package is the build system while the libssl-dev package is the linker objects (.a and .so files) of OpenSSL.

The Debian package system bundle shared/static objects on their -dev packages (other Linux distributions just bundle dynamic objects), while Redox will use the source code of the libraries.

You would need to create a recipe of the libssl-dev and add on your recipe.toml, while the cmake package would need to be installed on your system.

Library dependencies will be added below the [build] to keep the "static linking" policy, while some libraries/runtimes doesn't make sense to add on this section because they would make the program binary too big.

Runtimes will be added below the [package] section (it will install the runtime during the package installation).

Mixed Rust programs have crates ending with -sys to use C/C++ libraries of the system, sometimes they bundle them.

If you have questions about program dependencies, feel free to ask us on the Chat.

If you want an easy way to find dependencies, see the Debian testing packages list.

You can search them with Ctrl+F, all package names are clickable and their homepage is available on the right-side of the package description/details.

  • Debian packages are the most easy to find dependencies because they are the most used by software developers to describe "Build Instructions".
  • Don't use the .deb packages to create recipes, they are adapted for the Debian environment.
  • The recipe PATH environment variable only read the build tools at /usr/bin, it don't read the /usr/lib and /include folders (this avoid automagic dependencies).
  • Don't add build tools on recipe dependencies, check the Debian and Arch Linux meta-packages for reference.
  • The compiler will build the development libraries as .a files (objects for static linking) or .so files (objects for dynamic linking), the .a files will be mixed in the final binary while the .so files will be installed out of the binary (stored on the /lib directory of the system).
  • Linux distributions add a number after the .so files to avoid conflicts on the /usr/lib folder when packages use different ABI versions of the same library, for example:
  • You need to do this because each software is different, the major reason is "Build Instructions" organization.

Bundled Libraries

Some programs have bundled libraries, using CMake or a Python script, the most common case is using CMake (emulators do this in most cases).

The reason for this can be more portability or a patched library with optimizations for a specific task of the program.

In some cases some bundled library needs a Redox patch, if not it will give a compilation error.

Most programs using CMake will try to detect the system libraries on the build environment, if not they will use the bundled libraries.

The "system libraries" on this case is the recipes specified on the dependencies = [] section of your recipe.toml.

If you are using a recipe from the master branch as dependency, check if you find a .patch file on the recipe folder or if the recipe.toml has a git = field pointing to the Redox GitLab.

If you find one of these (or if you patched the recipe), you should specify it on the dependencies = [] section, if not you can use the bundled libraries without problems.

Generally programs with CMake use a -DUSE_SYSTEM flag to control this behavior.

Environment Variables

Sometimes specify the library recipe on the dependencies = [] section is not enough, some build systems have environment variables to receive a custom path for external libraries.

When you add a library on your recipe.toml the Cookbook will copy the library source code to the sysroot folder at cookbook/recipes/your-category/recipe-name/target/your-target, this folder has an environment variable that can be used inside the script = field on your recipe.toml.


script = """ export OPENSSL_DIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" cookbook_cargo """ The `export` will active the `OPENSSL_DIR` variable on the environment, this variable is implemented by the program, it's a way to specify the custom OpenSSL path to the program's build system, as you can see, when the `òpenssl` recipe is added to the `dependencies = []` section its sources go to the `sysroot` folder. Now the program build system is satisfied with the OpenSSL sources, the `cookbook_cargo` function calls Cargo to build it. Programs using CMake don't use environment variables but a option, see this example: ```toml script = """ COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE="cmake" COOKBOOK_CONFIGURE_FLAGS=( -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING=True -DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS="-static" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Generic -DCMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR="$(echo "${TARGET}" | cut -d - -f1)" -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=On -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" "${COOKBOOK_SOURCE}" ) cookbook_configure """

On this example the -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR option will have the custom OpenSSL path.


In some programs or libraries you can't use tarballs because they don't carry the necessary Git submodules of the program (most common in GitHub generated tarballs), on these cases you will need to use the Git repository or the commit of the last stable release (Cookbook download the submodules automatically).

To identify if the program use Git submodules, check if it have external folders to other repository (they appear with a commit hash on the right side) or the existence of a .gitmodules file.

Follow these steps to use the last stable version of the program when Git submodules are necessary:

  • Open the program/library Git repository.
  • Check the "Releases" or "Tags" buttons, in most cases the program have a stable release at "Releases".
  • In both pages the commit hash of the stable release will be the first item of the announcement below the version number.
  • Copy the repository link/release commit and paste on your recipe.toml, for example:
git = "your-repository-link" rev = "your-release-commit"

If the last stable release is years behind, we recommend that you ignore it and use the Git repository to download/build bug fixes sent after this old version, if you are concerned about the program upstream breaking the recipe, you can use the commit of the last successful CI test.


The determine the program dependencies you can use Arch Linux and Gentoo as reference.

  • The build instructions of C/C++ programs tend to mix necessary and optional dependencies together.
  • Most Rust programs have build instructions focused on Linux and force some dependencies, some crates could not need them to work, investigate which crates the program is using.
  • Some programs and libraries have bad documentation, lack build instructions or explain the dependencies, for these cases you will need to read third-party sources or examine the build system.

Arch Linux and AUR are the most simple references because they separate the build tools from runtimes and build dependencies, thus you make less mistakes.

They also have less expanded packages, while on Debian is common to have highly expanded programs and libraries, sometimes causing confusion.

(An expanded package is when most or all optional dependencies are enabled)

But Arch Linux is not clear about the optional feature flags and minimum dependencies to build and execute a program.

Using Gentoo as reference you can learn how to make the most minimum Redox port and increase your chances to make it work on Redox.

But Gentoo modify the feature flags of their packages to be used by their package system, thus you should use the FreeBSD Ports.

Arch Linux and AUR

Each package page of some program has a "Dependencies" section on the package details, see the items below:

  • dependency-name - Build or runtime dependencies, they lack the () symbol (required to make the program build and execute)
  • dependency-name (make) - Build tools (required to build the program)
  • dependency-name (optional) - Programs or libraries to expand the program functionality

See the firefox package, for example.


The Gentoo distribution does a wonderful job to document many programs and libraries, like source code location, dependencies, feature flags, cross-compilation and context.

It's the most complete reference for advanced packaging of programs, you can search the Gentoo packages on the Gentoo Packages website.

To start you need to read the Gentoo documentation page to learn advanced packaging and some problems.

The "Dependencies" section of a Gentoo package will show a table with the following categories:

  • BDEPEND - Host build tools (don't add them on the dependencies = [] section of your recipe.toml)
  • DEPEND - These dependencies are necessary to build the program
  • RDEPEND - These dependencies are necessary to execute the program, can be mandatory or optional
  • PDEPEND - Optional dependencies (customization)

The complex classification of Gentoo allow the packager to easily make a minimum build of a program on Redox, it's important because some optional dependencies can use APIs from the Linux kernel not present on Redox.

Thus the best approach is to know the minimum necessary to make the program work on Redox and expand from that.


FreeBSD Ports is an important reference to find feature flags for C/C++ programs and libraries, you can see all feature flags of the software by reading the Makefile of the port.

Use the "Go to file" button to search for the software name.


  • Install the packages for your Linux distribution on the "Build Instructions" of the software, see if it builds on your system first (if packages for your distribution is not available, search for Debian/Ubuntu equivalents).

  • Create the dependency recipe and run make r.dependency-name and see if it don't give errors, if you get an error it can be a dependency that require patches, missing C library functions or build tools, try to investigate both methods until the recipe finish the build process successfully.

If you run make r.recipe-name and it builds successfully, feel free to add the build tools on the redox-base-containerfile configuration file (for Podman builds) or the script (for native builds).

The redox-base-containerfile and script covers the build tools required by recipes on the demo.toml filesystem configuration.

Building/Testing The Program

(Build on your Linux distribution before this step to see if all build system tools and development libraries are correct)

To build your recipe, run:

make r.recipe-name

To test your recipe, run:

make qemu

If you want to test from terminal, run:

make qemu gpu=no

If the build process was successful the recipe will be packaged and don't give errors.

If you want to insert this recipe permanently in your QEMU image, add your recipe name below the last item in [packages] on your TOML config (config/x86_64/your-config.toml, for example).

  • Example - recipe-name = {} or recipe-name = "recipe" (if you have REPO_BINARY=1 in your .config).

To install your compiled recipe on QEMU image, run make image.

If you had a problem, use this command to log any possible errors on your terminal output:

make r.recipe-name 2>&1 | tee recipe-name.log

The recipe sources will be extracted/cloned on the source folder inside of your recipe folder, the binaries go to target folder.

Update crates

Sometimes the Cargo.toml and Cargo.lock of some Rust programs can hold a crate versions lacking Redox support or broken Redox code path (changes on code that make the target OS fail), this will give you an error during the recipe compilation.

  • The reason of fixed crate versions is explained on the Cargo FAQ.

To fix this you will need to update the crates of your recipe after the first compilation and build it again, see the ways to do it below.

(Bump a crate version on Cargo.toml can break some part of the source code, on this case the program needs a source code patch to use the updated API of the crate)

One or more crates

In maintained Rust programs you just need to update some crates to have Redox support (because they frequently update the crate versions), this will avoid random breaks on the dependency chain of the program (due to ABI changes) thus you can update one or more crates to reduce the chance of breaks.

We recommend that you do this based on the errors you get during the compilation, this method is recommended for maintained programs.

  • Expose the Redox build system environment variables to the current shell, go to the source folder of your recipe and update the crates, example:
make env
cd cookbook/recipes/your-category/recipe-name/source
cargo update -p crate1 crate2
cd -
make r.recipe-name

If you still get the error, run:

make cr.recipe-name

All crates

Most unmaintained Rust programs carry very old crate versions lacking Redox support, this method will update all crates of the dependency chain to the latest possible version based on the Cargo.toml configuration.

Be aware that some crates break the ABI frequently and make the program stop to work, that's why you must try the "One crate" method first.

  • This method can fix locked crate versions on the dependency tree, if these locked crate versions don't change you need to bump the version of the crates locking the crate version, you will edit them in the Cargo.toml and run cargo update again (API breaks are expected).

(Also good to test the latest improvements of the libraries)

  • Expose the Redox build system environment variables to the current shell, go to the source folder of your recipe and update the crates, example:
make env
cd cookbook/recipes/your-category/recipe-name/source
cargo update
cd -
make r.recipe-name

If you still get the error, run:

make cr.recipe-name

Verify the dependency tree

If you use the above methods but the program is still using old crate versions, see this section:

Patch crates

Redox forks

It's possible that some not ported crate have a Redox fork with patches, you can search the crate name on the Redox GitLab, generally the Redox patches stay in the redox branch or redox-version branch that follow the crate version.

To use this Redox fork on your Rust program, add this text on the end of the Cargo.toml in the program source code:

[patch.crates-io] crate-name = { git = "repository-link", branch = "redox" }

It will make Cargo replace the patched crate in the entire dependency chain, after that, run:

make r.recipe-name

Or (if the above doesn't work)

make cr.recipe-name


make env
cd cookbook/recipes/your-category/recipe-name/source
cargo update -p crate-name
cd -
make r.recipe-name

If you still get the error, run:

make cr.recipe-name

Local patches

If you want to patch some crate offline with your patches, add this text on the Cargo.toml of the program:

[patch.crates-io] crate-name = { path = "patched-crate-folder" }

It will make Cargo replace the crate based on this folder in the program source code - cookbook/recipes/your-category/your-recipe/source/patched-crate-folder (you don't need to manually create this folder if you git clone the crate source code on the program source directory)

Inside this folder you will apply the patches on the crate source and rebuild the recipe.


If you have some problems (outdated recipe), try to run these commands:

  • This command will delete your old recipe binary/source.
make c.recipe-name u.recipe-name
  • This command will delete your recipe binary/source and build (fresh build).
make ucr.recipe-name

Search Text on Recipes

To speed up your porting workflow you can use the grep tool to search the recipe configuration:

cd cookbook/recipes
grep -rnwi "text" --include "recipe.toml"

This command will search all match texts in the recipe.toml files of each recipe folder.

Search for functions on relibc

Sometimes your program is not building because relibc lack the necessary functions, to verify if they are implemented, run these commands:

cd relibc
grep -nrw "function-name" --include "*.rs"

You will insert the function name in function-name.

Create a BLAKE3 hash for your recipe

You need to create a BLAKE3 hash of your recipe tarball if you want to merge it on upstream, for this you can use the b3sum tool, it can be installed from with cargo install b3sum.

After the first run of the make r.recipe-name command, run these commands:

b3sum cookbook/recipes/your-category/recipe-name/source.tar

It will print the generated BLAKE3 hash, copy and paste on the blake3 = field of your recipe.toml.

Verify the size of your package

If the static linking of your recipe make the package bigger than 100MB, you need to reduce it with dynamic linking, to verify your package size use this command:

ls -1sh cookbook/recipes/your-category/recipe-name/target/your-target

See the size of the stage.pkgar and stage.tar.gz files.

Submitting MRs

If you want to add your recipe on Cookbook to become a Redox package on the build server, read the package policy.

After this you can submit your merge request with proper category, dependencies and comments.

Porting Case Study

As a non-trivial example of porting a Rust app, let's look at what was done to port gitoxide. This port was already done, so it is now much simpler, but perhaps some of these steps will apply to you.

The goal when porting is to capture all the necessary configuration in recipes and scripts, and to avoid requiring a fork of the repo or upstreaming changes. This is not always feasible, but forking/upstreaming should be avoided when it can be.

We are using full pathnames for clarity, you don't need to.

Build on Linux

Before we start, we need to build the software for our Linux system and make sure it works. This is not part of the porting, it's just to make sure our problems are not coming from the Linux version of the software. We follow the normal build instructions for the software we are porting.

cd ~
git clone
cd gitoxide
cargo run --bin ein

Set up the working tree

We start with a fresh clone of the Redox repository. In a Terminal/Console/Command window:

mkdir -p ~/redox-gitoxide
cd ~/redox-gitoxide
git clone --origin upstream --recursive

The new recipe will be part of the cookbook repository, so we need to fork then branch it. To fork the cookbook repository:

  • In the browser, go to Cookbook
  • Click the Fork button in the upper right part of the page
  • Create a public fork under your gitlab user name (it's the only option that's enabled)

Then we need to set up our local cookbook repository and create the branch. cookbook was cloned when we cloned redox, so we will just tweak that. In the Terminal window:

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook
git remote rename origin upstream
git rebase upstream master
git remote add origin
git checkout -b gitoxide-port

Create a Recipe

To create a recipe, we need to make a new directory in cookbook/recipes with the name the package will have, in this case gitoxide, and create a recipe.toml file with a first-draft recipe.

mkdir -p ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide
cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide
nano recipe.toml

Start with the following content in the recipe.toml file.

[source] git = "" [build] template = "cargo"

First Attempt

Next we attempt to build the recipe. Note that the first attempt may require the Redox toolchain to be updated, so we run make prefix, which may take quite a while.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox
make prefix
make r.gitoxide |& tee gitoxide.log

We get our first round of errors (among other messages):

error[E0425]: cannot find value `POLLRDNORM` in crate `libc` error[E0425]: cannot find value `POLLWRBAND` in crate `libc`

Make a Local Copy of libc

We suspect the problem is that these items have not been defined in the Redox edition of libc. libc is not a Redox crate, it is a rust-lang crate, but it has parts that are Redox-specific. We need to work with a local copy of libc, and then later ask someone with authority to upstream the required changes.

First, clone libc into our gitoxide directory.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide
git clone

Try to find the missing constants.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide/libc
grep -nrw "POLLRDNORM" --include "*.rs"
grep -nrw "POLLWRBAND" --include "*.rs"

Looks like the value is not defined for the Redox version of libc. Let's see if it's in relibc.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/relibc
grep -nrw "POLLRDNORM" --include "*.rs"
grep -nrw "POLLWRBAND" --include "*.rs"

Yes, both are already defined in relibc, and after a bit of poking around, it looks like they have an implementation. They just need to get published in libc. Let's do that.

Make Changes to libc

Let's add our constants to our local libc. We are not going to bother with git because these changes are just for debugging purposes. Copy the constant declarations from relibc, and paste them in the appropriate sections of libc/src/unix/redox/ In addition to copying the constants, we have to change the type c_short to ::c_short to conform to libc style.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide
nano libc/src/unix/redox/

We add the following lines to

#![allow(unused)] fn main() { pub const POLLRDNORM: ::c_short = 0x040; pub const POLLRDBAND: ::c_short = 0x080; pub const POLLWRNORM: ::c_short = 0x100; pub const POLLWRBAND: ::c_short = 0x200; }

In order to test our changes, we will have to modify our gitoxide clone for now. Once the changes to libc are upstreamed, we won't need a modified gitoxide clone. To avoid overwriting our work, we want to turn off future fetches of the gitoxide source during build, so change recipe.toml to comment out the source section: nano recipe.toml.

#[source] #git = "" [build] template = "cargo"

We edit gitoxide's Cargo.toml so we use our libc.

nano ~/redox-gitoxide/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide/source/Cargo.toml

After the [dependencies] section, but before the [profile] sections, add the following to Cargo.toml:

[patch.crates-io] libc = { path = "../libc" }

Bump the version number on our libc, so it will take priority.

nano ~/redox-gitoxide/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide/libc/Cargo.toml
version = "0.2.143"

Update gitoxide's Cargo.lock.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide/source
cargo update

Make sure we have saved all the files we just edited, and let's try building.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox
make r.gitoxide

Our libc errors are solved! Remember, these changes will need to upstreamed by someone with the authority to make changes to libc. Post a request on the chat's Redox OS/MRs room to add the constants to libc.

Creating a Custom Recipe

In looking at what is included in gitoxide, we see that it uses OpenSSL, which has some custom build instructions described in the docs. There is already a Redox fork of openssl to add Redox as a target, so we will set up our environment to use that.

In order to do this, we are going to need a custom recipe. Let's start with a simple custom recipe, just to get us going. Edit our previously created recipe, cookbook/recipes/gitoxide/recipe.toml, changing it to look like this.

#[source] #git = "" [build] template = "custom" script = """ printenv """

In this version of our recipe, we are just going to print the environment variables during cook, so we can see what we might make use of in our custom script. We are not actually attempting to build gitoxide. Now, when we run make r.gitoxide in ~/redox-gitoxide/redox, we see some useful variables such as TARGET and COOKBOOK_ROOT.

Two key shell functions are provided by the custom script mechanism, cookbook_cargo and cookbook_configure. If you need a custom script for building a Rust program, your script should set up the environment, then call cookbook_cargo, which calls Redox's version of cargo. If you need a custom script for using a Makefile, your script should set up the environment, then call cookbook_configure. If you have a custom build process, or you have a patch-and-build script, you can just include that in the script section and not use either of the above functions. If you are interested in looking at the code that runs custom scripts, see the function build() in cookbook's

Adding a dependency on openssl ensures that the build of openssl will happen before attempting to build gitoxide, so we can trust that the library contents are in the target directory of the ssl package. And we need to set the environment variables as described in the OpenSSL bindings crate docs.

Our recipe now looks like this:

#[source] #git = "" [build] dependencies = [ "openssl", ] template = "custom" script = """ export OPENSSL_DIR="${COOKBOOK_SYSROOT}" export OPENSSL_STATIC="true" cookbook_cargo """

Linker Errors

Now we get to the point where the linker is trying to statically link the program and libraries into the executable. This program, called ld, will report errors if there are any undefined functions or missing static variable definitions.

undefined reference to `tzset' undefined reference to `cfmakeraw'

In our case we find we are missing tzset, which is a timezone function. We are also missing cfmakeraw from termios. Both of these functions are normally part of libc. In our case, they are defined in the libc crate, but they are not implemented by Redox's version of libc, which is called relibc. We need to add these functions.

Add Missing Functions to relibc

Let's set up to modify relibc. As with cookbook, we need a fork of relibc. Click on the Fork button and add a public fork. Then update our local relibc repo and branch.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/relibc
git remote rename origin upstream
git rebase upstream master
git remote add origin
git checkout -b gitoxide-port

Now we need to make our changes to relibc...

After a fair bit of work, which we omit here, the functions tzset and cfmakeraw are implemented in relibc. An important note is that in order to publish the functions, they need to be preceded with:

#[no_mangle] extern "C" fn tzset() ...

Now let's build the system. The command touch relibc changes the timestamp on the relibc directory, which will cause the library to be updated. We then clean and rebuild gitoxide.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox
cd relibc
cargo update
cd ..
touch relibc
make prefix
make cr.gitoxide

Testing in QEMU

Now we need to build a full Redox image and run it in QEMU. Let's make a configuration file.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/config/x86_64
cp desktop.toml my_desktop.toml
nano my_desktop.toml

Note that the prefix "my_" at the beginning of the config file name means that it is gitignore'd, so it is preferred that you prefix your config name with "my_".

In my_desktop.toml, at the end of the list of packages, after uutils = {}, add

gitoxide = {}

Now let's tell make about our new config definition, build the system, and test our new command.

cd ~/redox-gitoxide/redox
echo "CONFIG_NAME?=my_desktop" >> .config
make rebuild
make qemu

Log in to Redox as user with no password, and type:

gix clone

We get some errors, but we are making progress.

Submitting the MRs

  • Before committing our new recipe, we need to uncomment the [source] section. Edit ~/redox-gitoxide/redox/cookbook/recipes/gitoxide/recipe.toml to remove the # from the start of the first two lines.
  • We commit our changes to cookbook to include the new gitoxide recipe and submit an MR, following the instructions Creating Proper Pull Requests.
  • We commit our changes to relibc. We need to rebuild the system and test it thoroughly in QEMU, checking anything that might be affected by our changes. Once we are confident in our changes, we can submit the MR.
  • We post links to both MRs on the Redox OS/MRs room to ensure they get reviewed.
  • After making our changes to libc and testing them, we need to request to have those changes upstreamed by posting a message on the Redox OS/MRs room. If the changes are complex, please create an issue on the build system repository and include a link to it in your post.

Quick Workflow

This page will describe the most quick testing/development workflow for people that want an unified list to do things.

You need to fully understand the build system to use this workflow, as it don't give detailed explanation of each command to save time and space

Install Rust Nightly

curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly

Use Case: Configure the host system without the script.

Update Rust

rustup update

Use Case: Try to fix Rust problems.

Download a new build system copy

git clone --origin upstream --recursive

Use Case: Commonly used when breaking changes on upstream require a new build system copy.

Install the required packages for the build system

curl -sf -o
bash -e -d

Use Case: Install new build tools for recipes or configure the host system without the script.

Download and run the "" script

curl -sf -o
bash -e

Use Case: Commonly used when breaking changes on upstream require a new build system copy.

Download and build the toolchain and recipes

cd redox
make all

Use Case: Create a new build system copy after a breaking change on upstream.

Update the build system and its submodules

make pull

Use Case: Keep the build system up-to-date.

Update the toolchain and relibc

touch relibc
make prefix

Use Case: Keep the toolchain up-to-date.

Update recipes and the QEMU image

make rebuild

Use Case: Keep the build system up-to-date.

Update everything

Install the topgrade tool to update your system packages (you can install it with cargo install topgrade)

rustup update
make pull
touch relibc
make prefix rebuild

Use Case: Try to fix any problem caused by outdated programs, toolchain and build system sources.

Wipe the toolchain and build again

rm -rf prefix
make prefix

Use Case: Commonly used to fix problems.

Wipe the toolchain/recipe binaries and build them again

make clean all

Use Case: Commonly used to fix unknown problems or update the build system after breaking changes on upstream.

Wipe all sources/binaries of the build system and download/build them again

make distclean all

Use Case: Commonly used to fix unknown problems or update the build system after breaking changes.

Use the "myfiles" recipe to insert your files on the QEMU image

mkdir cookbook/recipes/other/myfiles/source
nano config/your-cpu-arch/your-config.toml
[packages] myfiles = {}
make myfiles image

Use Case: Quickly insert files on the QEMU image or keep files between rebuilds.

Comment out a recipe from the build configuration

nano config/your-cpu-arch/your-config.toml
#recipe-name = {}

Use Case: Mostly used if some default recipe is broken.

Create logs

make some-command 2>&1 | tee file-name.log

Use Case: Report errors.

Enable a source-based toolchain

echo "PREFIX_BINARY?=0" >> .config
make prefix

Use Case: Build the latest toolchain sources or fix toolchain errors.

Build the toolchain from source

make prefix PREFIX_BINARY=0

Use Case: Test the toolchain sources.

Build some filesystem configuration for some CPU architecture

make all CONFIG_NAME=your-config ARCH=your-cpu-arch

Use Case: Quickly build Redox variants without manual intervention on configuration files.

Build some filesystem configuration for some CPU architecture (using pre-built packages from the build server)

(Much faster than the option above)

make all REPO_BINARY=1 CONFIG_NAME=your-config ARCH=your-cpu-arch

Use Case: Quickly build Redox variants without system compilation and manual intervention on configuration files.

Boot Redox on QEMU from a NVMe device

make qemu disk=nvme

Boot Redox on QEMU from a NVMe device with more CPU cores

make qemu disk=nvme QEMU_SMP=number

Boot Redox on QEMU from a NVMe device, more CPU cores and memory

make qemu disk=nvme QEMU_SMP=number QEMU_MEM=number-in-mb

Libraries and APIs

This page will cover the context of the libraries and APIs on Redox.


  • API - The interface of the library source code (the programs use the API to obtain the library functions).
  • ABI - The interface between the program binary and the system services (normally the system call interface).


The Redox crates follow the SemVer model from Cargo ofr version numbers (except redox_syscall), you can read more about it below:


This section covers the versioning system of Redox and important components.

  • Redox OS - x.y.z

x is ABI version, y is API updates with backward compatibility and z is fixes with backward compatiblity.

  • libredox - Currently it don't follow the SemVer model but will in the future.

  • redox_syscall - x.y.z

x is the ABI version (it will remain 0 for a while), y is the API updates and z is fixes (no backward compatibility).

Providing a Stable ABI

The implementation of a stable ABI is important to avoid frequent recompilation when an operating system is under heavy development, thus improving the development speed.

A stable ABI typically reduces development speed for the ABI provider (because it needs to uphold backward compatibility), whereas it improves development speed for the ABI user. Because relibc will be smaller than the rest of Redox, this is a good tradeoff, and improves development speed in general

It also offer backward compatibility for binaries compiled with old API versions.

Currently, only libredox will have a stable ABI, relibc will be unstable only as long as it's under heavy development and redox_syscall will remain unstable even after the 1.0 version of Redox.

Our final goal is to keep the Redox ABI stable in all 1.x versions, if an ABI break happens, the next versions will be 2.x

A program compiled with an old API version will continue to work with a new API version, in most cases statically linked library updates or program updates will require recompilation, while in others a new ABI version will add performance and security improvements that would recommend a recompilation of the program.


Redox uses different mechanisms, compared to Linux, to implement system capabilities.


relibc is an implementation of the C Standard Library (libc) in Rust.

relibc knows if it's compiled for Linux or Redox ahead-of-time, if the target is Redox, relibc calls functions in libredox, the goal is to organize platform-specific functionality into clean modules.

The current dynamic linking support is under development, thus relibc is statically linked, once it's working, the programs will access relibc using dynamic linking, thus the functions used by the program will be linked during runtime (executable launch).

This will allow Redox to evolve and improve relibc without requiring programs to be recompiled after each source code change in most cases, if the dynamic linker can't resolve the references of the program binary, a recompilation is required.

Since Redox and Linux executables look so similar and can accidentally be executed on the other platform, it checks that it's running on the same platform it was compiled for, at runtime.

(C/C++ programs and libraries will use this library)


libredox is a system library for Redox components and Rust programs/libraries, it will allow Rust programs to limit their need to use C-style APIs (the relibc API and ABI).

It's both a crate (calling the ABI functions) and an ABI, the ABI is provided from relibc while the crate (library) is a wrapper above the libredox ABI.

(Redox components, Rust programs and libraries will use this library)

An ongoing migration from redox_syscall to libredox is in progress, you can follow the current status on this link.

You can see Rust crates using it on the Reverse Dependencies category.


redox_syscall is a system call wrapper with a Rust API for low-level components and libraries.

(redox_syscall should not be used directly by programs, use libredox instead)

Code Porting

Rust std crate

Most Rust programs include the std crate, In addition to implementing standard Rust abstractions, this crate provides a safe Rust interface to system functionality in libc, which it invokes via a FFI to libc.

std has mechanisms to enable operating system variants of certain parts of the library, the file sys/ selects the appropriate variant to include, programs use the std:: prefix to call this crate.

To ensure portability of programs, Redox supports the Rust std crate, for Redox, std::sys refers to std::sys::unix.

Redox-specific code can be found on the libstd source tree.

For most functionality, Redox uses #[cfg(unix)] and sys/unix.

Some Redox-specific functionality is enabled by #[cfg(target_os = "redox")].

Compiling for Redox

The Redox toolchain automatically links programs with relibc in place of the libc you would find on Linux.

Porting Method

You can use #[cfg(unix)] and #[cfg(target_os = "redox")] to guard platform specific code.

Developer FAQ

The website FAQ have questions and answers of newcomers and end-users, while this FAQ will cover organization, technical questions and answers of developers and testers, feel free to suggest new questions.

(If all else fails, join us on Chat)

General Questions

What is the correct way to update the build system?

How can I verify if my build system is up-to-date?

  • After the make pull command, run the git rev-parse HEAD command on the build system folders to see if they match the latest commit hash on GitLab.

When I should rebuild the build system or recipes from scratch?

Sometimes run the make pull rebuild command is not enough to update the build system and recipes because of breaking changes, learn what to do on the following changes:

  • New relibc functions and fixes (run the make prefix clean all command after the touch relibc command)
  • Dependency changes on recipes (run the make cr.recipe-name command)
  • Configuration changes on recipes (run the make cr.recipe-name command)
  • Source code changes on recipes (run the make ucr.recipe-name command)
  • Changes on the location of the build system artifacts (if the previous location of the build artifacts had contents, you need to download the build system again to avoid confusion or conflicts)

How can I test my changes on real hardware?

How can I write a driver?

How can I port a program?

How can I debug?

How can I insert files to the QEMU image?

  • If you use a recipe your changes will persist after a make image but you can also mount the Redox filesystem.

How can I change my build variant?

  • Insert the CONFIG_NAME?=your-config-name environment variable to your .config file, read the config section for more details.

How can I increase the filesystem size of my QEMU image?

  • Change the filesystem_size field of your build configuration (config/ARCH/your-config.toml) and run make image, read the Filesystem Size section for more details.

How can I change the CPU architecture of my build system?

  • Insert the ARCH?=your-arch-code environment variable on your .config file and run make all, read the config section for more details.

I only made a small change to my program. What's the quickest way to test it in QEMU?

  • If you already added the program recipe to your Cookbook configuration file, run:
make r.recipe-name image qemu

How can I install the packages needed by recipes without a new download of the build system?

  • Download the script and run:
./ -d

How can I use the packages from the CI server on my build system?

  • Go to your Cookbook configuration and add the binary variant of the recipe.
nano config/your-cpu-arch/your-config.toml
[packages] ... recipe-name = "binary" ...
  • Run make rebuild to download/install the package.

How can I cross-compile to ARM from a x86-64 computer?

  • Insert the ARCH?=aarch64 environment variable on your .config file and run make all.

How can I build the toolchain from source?

  • Disable the PREFIX_BINARY environment variable inside of your .config file.
nano .config
  • Wipe the old toolchain binaries and build a new one.
rm -rf prefix
make prefix
  • Wipe the old recipe binaries and build again with the new toolchain.
make clean all

Why does Redox have unsafe Rust code?

It is an important goal for Redox to minimize the amount of unsafe Rust code.

In some cases we must use unsafe, for example at certain points in the kernel and drivers, these unsafe parts are generally wrapped with a safe interface.

These are the cases where unsafe Rust is mandatory:

  • Implementing a foreign function interface (FFI) (for example the relibc API)
  • Working with system calls directly (You should use Rust std:: library or relibc instead)
  • Creating or managing processes and threads
  • Working with memory mapping and stack allocation
  • Working with hardware devices

If you want to use unsafe Rust code on Redox anywhere other than interfacing with system calls, ask for Jeremy Soller's approval before.

Why does Redox have Assembly code?

Assembly is the core of low-level because it's a CPU-specific language and deal with things that aren't possible or feasible to do in high-level languages like Rust.

Sometimes required or preferred for accessing hardware, or for carefully optimized hot spots.

Reasons to use Assembly instead of Rust:

  • Deal with low-level things (those that can't be handled by Rust)
  • Writing constant time algorithms for cryptography
  • Optimizations

Places where Assembly is used:

  • kernel - Interrupt and system call entry routines, context switching, special CPU instructions and registers.
  • drivers - Port IO need special instructions (x86_64).
  • relibc - Some parts of the C runtime.

Why does Redox do cross-compilation?

Read some of the reasons below:

  • When developing a new operating system you can't build programs inside of it because the system interfaces are premature. Thus you build the programs on your host system and transfer the binaries to the filesystem of the new OS
  • Cross-compilation reduces the porting requirements because you don't need to support the compiler of the program's programming language, the program's build system and build tools. You just need to port the programming language standard library, program libraries or the program source code (dependency-free)
  • Some developers prefer to develop from other operating systems like Linux or MacOSX, the same applies for Linux where some developers write code on MacOSX and test their kernel builds in a virtual machine (mostly QEMU) or real hardware

(Interpreted programs and scripts require the programming language interpreter to work on Redox)

Does Redox support OpenGL and Vulkan?

  • Read the GPUs section.

Porting Questions

What is a recipe?

  • A recipe is a software port on Redox, it does cross-compilation by default if you use Cookbook templates.

How to determine if some program is portable to Redox?

  • The source code of the program must be available
  • The program should use cross-platform libraries (if not, more porting effort is required)
  • The program's build system should support cross-compilation (if not, more porting effort is required)
  • The program shouldn't directly use the APIs from the Linux kernel on its code (if not, more porting effort is required)
  • The program shoudn't use X11 or Wayland directly on its code (if not, more porting effort is required)

Some APIs of the Linux kernel can be ported, while others not because they require a complete Linux kernel (thus the drivers and filesystems code require reverse-engineering to be ported to Redox).

How to determine the dependencies of some program?

How can I configure the build system of the recipe?

How can I search for functions on relibc?

Which are the upstream requirements to accept my recipe?

Scheme Questions

What is a scheme?

When does a regular program need to use a scheme?

  • Most schemes are used internally by the system or by relibc, you don't need to access them directly. One exception is the pseudoterminal for your command window, which is accessed using the value of $TTY, which might have a value of e.g. "pty:18". Some low-level graphics programming might require you to access your display, which might have a value of e.g. "display:3".

When would I write a program to implement a scheme?

  • If you are implementing a service daemon or a device driver, you will need to implement a scheme.

How do I use a scheme for sandboxing a program?

  • The contain program provides a partial implementation of sandboxing using schemes and namespaces.

How can I see all user-space schemes?

How can I see all kernel schemes?

What is the difference between kernel and user-space schemes?

User-Space Questions

How does a user-space daemon provide file-like services?

  • When a regular program calls open, read, write, etc. on a file-like resource, the kernel translates that to a message of type syscall::data::Packet, describing the file operation, and makes it available for reading on the appropriate daemon's scheme file descriptor. See the Providing A Scheme section for more information.

Kernel Questions

Which CPU architectures the kernel support?

  • i686 with limitations
  • x86_64
  • ARM64 with limitations

How the system calls are used by user-space daemons?

  • All user-space daemons use the system calls through relibc like any normal program.

GitLab Questions

I have a project/program with breaking changes but my merge request was not accepted, can I maintain the project in a separated repository on the Redox GitLab?

  • Yes.

I have a merge request with many commits, should I squash them after merge?

  • Yes.

Should I delete my branch after merge?

  • Yes.

How can I have an anonymous account?

  • During the account creation process you should add a fake name on the "First Name" and "Last Name" fields and change it later after your account approval (single name field is supported).

Troubleshooting Questions


I can't download the bootstrap scripts, how can I fix this?

  • Verify if you have curl installed or download the script from your web browser.

I tried to run the "" and "" scripts but got an error, how to fix this?

  • Verify if you have the GNU Bash shell installed on your system.
  • Verify if Podman is supported on your operating system.
  • Verify if your operating system is supported on the script

Build System

I called "make all" but it show a "rustup can't be found" message, how can I fix this?

  • Run this command:
source ~/.cargo/env

(If you installed Rustup before the first run, this error doesn't happen)

I tried all troubleshooting methods but my build system is still broken, how can I fix that?

  • If make clean pull all doesn't work, run the again to download a fresh build system.


I had a compilation error with a recipe, how can I fix that?

I tried all methods of the "Troubleshooting the Build" page and my recipe doesn't build, what can I do?

  • It happens because your system has an environment problem or missing packages, remove the recipe from your build configuration file to workaround this.

All recipes follow this syntax recipe = {} below the [packages] section, the configuration files is placed at config/your-cpu-arch.

When I run "make r.recipe" I get a syntax error, how can I fix that?

  • Verify if your recipe.toml has some typo.

When I run "cargo update" on some recipe source it call Rustup to install other Rust toolchain version, how can I fix that?

It happens because Cargo is not using the Redox fork of the Rust compiler, to fix that run make env from the Redox build system root.

It will import the Redox Makefile environment variables to your active shell (it already does that when you run other make commands from the Redox build system root).

I added the dependency of my program on the "recipe.toml" but the program build system doesn't detect it, then I installed the program dependency on my Linux distribution and it detected, why?

Read the Environment Leakage section.


How can I kill the QEMU process if Redox freezes or get a kernel panic?

Real Hardware

I got a kernel panic, what can I do?

Read the Kernel Panic section.

Some driver is not working with my hardware, what can I do?

Read the Debug Methods section and ask us for instructions in the Matrix chat.


This page contain a list of references for Rust programming, OS development, ideas, porting and computer science to help developers.



If you don't know how to port some program or library, you can see the build system documentation or software ports of other operating systems.

OS development

  • OSDev wiki - The best wiki about OS development of the world.
  • Writing an OS in Rust - Blog series to write an operating system in Rust.
  • Rust OSDev - Monthly reports with updates on the Rust low-level ecosystem libraries and operating systems.


  • Linux - The Linux kernel contain lots of ideas that improved the Unix design (POSIX) and system engineering.
  • Android - Android created many ideas to improve the system security and power efficiency.
  • FreeBSD - Ideas - The future ideas of FreeBSD.
  • FreeBSD - Documentation
  • Fedora - Change Proposals - For years the Fedora Linux distribution tested and implemented new technologies for the Linux ecosystem.

Manual Pages

Source Code

If you want to implement something (drivers, hardware interfaces, fix bugs, etc) but the documentation is not good or not available, you can verify the implementation of other operating systems.

Computer Science

Continuous Integration

The continuous integration helps developers to automated the program testing as the code evolves, it detects broken things or regressions.

The developer add a configuration file on the Git repository root with the commands to test the things.

Most known as "CI", it's provided by a Git service (like GitHub and GitLab) in most cases.

In Redox we use the Redoxer program to setup our GitLab CI configuration file, it downloads our toolchain, build the program to the Redox target using Cargo and run the program inside a Redox virtual machine.

Configure Your Repository

To setup your CI runner with Redoxer you need to add these commands to your CI configuration file:

  • Install Redoxer
cargo install redoxer
  • Install the Redox toolchain on Redoxer
redoxer toolchain
  • Build your program or library to Redox
redoxer build

You need to customize Redoxer for your needs (test types of your CI jobs)


Kernel Profiling

You can create a flamegraph showing the kernel's most frequent operations, using time-based sampling.

One CPU core is allocated for capturing the profiling data. The instruction pointers of the other cores are copied at regular intervals. If the sampled core is in supervisor mode, the instruction address is added to the profile data. If it is in user mode, it is ignored. The profiled daemon copies the captured profile data to a file.

This is an example flamegraph. If you open the image in a new tab, there is useful mouse-over behavior.

Kernel Flamegraph

The steps below are for profiling on x86_64, running in QEMU. It is possible to run the tests on real hardware, although retrieving the data may be challenging.


  1. Open a terminal window in the redox directory.

  2. Install tools:

cargo install redox-kprofiling
cargo install inferno
  1. Make sure you have the kernel source by running make f.kernel.

  2. Open a second terminal window in the directory cookbook/recipes/core/kernel.

  3. Edit recipe.toml in the kernel directory. First, comment out the [source] section so the build process does not try to fetch the source again.

# [source] # git = ""
  1. You need to enable the profiling feature for the kernel. This can be done two ways, either in recipe.toml or in source/Cargo.toml. For recipe.toml, add the line --features profiling \ to the cargo command. (The backslash is needed to continue the command.)
cargo rustc \ --bin kernel \ --features profiling \ <- Add this line ...

If you prefer to modify source/Cargo.toml, then you can add profiling to the default features. (This also helps if you are using an IDE.)

[features] default = ["profiling", ...]
  1. (Optional) In the kernel directory, edit source/src/ set HARDCODED_CPU_COUNT to the number of CPU cores on the machine that will be profiled, minus one (one core is dedicated to profiling). Also consider changing the size of the buffers used for recording profile data, const N: usize, depending on how much RAM is available. 64MiB is a reasonable minimum, but if you have the memory available, you can increase it to 256MiB.

  2. The profiling code is written primarily for QEMU, but for real hardware, consider commenting out the serio_command code in, which is to enable or disable profiling.

  3. In your first terminal window, from the redox directory, create the filesystem config config/x86_64/my_profiler.toml with the following content.

include = [ "minimal.toml" ] # General settings [general] # Filesystem size in MiB filesystem_size = 1024 # Package settings [packages] # This is the profiling daemon profiled = {} # Add any other packages you need for testing here # Init script to start the profile daemon # The sequence number "01" ensures it will be started right after the drivers [[files]] path = "/usr/lib/init.d/01_profile" data = """ profiled """ [[files]] path = "/usr/bin/" data = """ dd bs=4k count=100000 < /scheme/zero > /scheme/null """ # Script to perform performance tests - add your tests here # If you will be testing manually, you don't need this section [[files]] path = "/usr/lib/init.d/99_tests" data = """ echo Waiting for startup to complete... sleep 5 echo echo Running tests... ion -x /usr/bin/ echo Shutting down... shutdown """
  1. In the redox directory, create the file .config with the following content.
# This needs to match the name of your filesystem config file CONFIG_NAME=my_profiler # Core count; this needs to be HARDCODED_CPU_COUNT+1 QEMU_SMP=5 # Memory size in MiB; 8GiB is the minimum, larger is better QEMU_MEM=8192 # Don't use the display gpu=no
  1. In the redox terminal window, make r.kernel image (or make rebuild if needed).


  1. In your redox terminal window, run make qemu or your preferred VM command, and perform your testing. You will see console messages indicating that profile data is being logged. Exit QEMU or your VM before proceeding, if it did not exit automatically.

  2. In the redox directory, run the following commands.

# Create a directory for your data mkdir my_profiler_data
# Make the Redox filesystem accessible at the path based on CONFIG_NAME make mount
# Copy the profiling data from the Redox image to your directory cp build/x86_64/my_profiler/filesystem/root/profiling.txt my_profiler_data
# Important - unmount the Redox filesystem make unmount
  1. cd into the new directory and generate a symbol table for the kernel.
cd my_profiler_data
nm -CS ../cookbook/recipes/core/kernel/target/x86_64-unknown-redox/build/kernel > kernel_syms.txt
  1. The next step is to determine the TSC frequency. tl;dr - just use your CPU clock rate in GHz. The TSC is a counter that tracks the clock cycles since the system was powered on. The TSC frequency can vary based when power saving is enabled, but Redox does not implement this yet, so CPU GHz should work fine.

  2. Determine what formatting options you want for your flamegraph - 'i' for relaxed checking of function length, 'o' for reporting function plus offset rather than just function, 'x' for both grouping by function and with offset.

  3. In the directory my_profiler_data, generate the flamegraph.

redox-kprofiling profiling.txt kernel_syms.txt x 2.2 | inferno-collapse-perf | inferno-flamegraph > kernel_flamegraph.svg

Replace the x with your preferred formatting options. Replace the 2.2 with your TSC/CPU Clock frequency in GHz.

Then view your flamegraph in a browser.

firefox kernel_flamegraph.svg

Real Hardware (untested)

  • You need to set HARDCODED_CPU_COUNT to the number of actual CPU cores - 1, and there must be at least 512 MiB reserved per core.

  • Boot the system, and when you're done profiling, kill profiled and extract /root/profiling.txt (Details TBD)


This section give some commands to benchmark Redox.

  • RAM benchmark
dd bs=1M count=1024 if=/scheme/zero of=/scheme/null
  • Filesystem read speed benchmark

(Add the neverball recipe on your filesystem image, you can also install it with the sudo pkg install neverball command)

dd bs=1M count=256 if=/usr/games/neverball/neverball of=/scheme/null conv=fdatasync
  • Filesystem write speed benchmark

(Add the neverball recipe on your filesystem image, you can also install it with the sudo pkg install neverball command)

dd bs=1M count=256 if=/usr/games/neverball/neverball of=fs_write_speed_bench conv=fdatasync

System Call Tracing

If you want to monitor what system calls are being made by a program, to investigate behavior, bugs or performance, there is a mechanism set up to do this.

You will learn how to configure the kernel to print a trace of system calls.

Modifying the Kernel

You will be modifying the kernel, but you won't be making extensive changes, so you don't need to bother with GitLab stuff, unless you intend to do this frequently. This description assumes you will look after that yourself.

  • The kernel source is in the directory cookbook/recipes/core/kernel/source
  • If the directory is missing, go to your redox directory and run make f.kernel

Once you have fetched the kernel source into its "source" directory, you should disable the [source] section of the kernel recipe, so the build system doesn't try to update the kernel code.

  • In the file cookbook/recipes/core/kernel/source/recipe.toml, comment out the lines in the source section:
# [source] # git = ""

feature "syscall_debug"

In order to configure printing out of system calls, you will need to enable the feature "syscall_debug" for the kernel.

  • In the file cookbook/recipes/core/kernel/source/Cargo.toml, scroll down to the default features list (maybe around line 50), and add the feature "syscall_debug":
default = [ "acpi", "multi_core", "graphical_debug", "serial_debug", "self_modifying", "x86_kvm_pv", "syscall_debug", <---- Like this ]

Modify the "" file

The file src/syscall/ contains the code to print out the system calls that match a particular set of conditions.

In the function debug_start (maybe around line 228), the boolean do_debug determines if the system calls should be printed.

It looks like this right now:

pub fn debug_start([a, b, c, d, e, f]: [usize; 6]) { let do_debug = if false && crate::context::current().read().name.contains("acpid") { if a == SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME || a == SYS_YIELD || a == SYS_FUTEX { false } else if (a == SYS_WRITE || a == SYS_FSYNC) && (b == 1 || b == 2) { false } else { true } } else { false };

Obviously, the condition false && whatever will evaluate to false, so remove the first bit (it's to prevent accidentally turning tracing on)

The program name is read from the context, and compared with the string you specify. The name from the context normally has the full path, so we just use the contains({name}) test.

But if your program is called "ls" for example, you will get a system call trace for any program that contains the letters "ls", so you could try something like ends_with("/ls").

You can modify the boolean expression however you want, assuming you are not publishing the code. You will need something a little fancier if you want messages for more than one program, for example.

If you want to hold onto the lock for the context a little longer, you will have to rework the expression a bit.

Next, there are some system calls that we skip because they are very frequent and not usually interesting. But if you want to get that level of detail, feel free to modify which system calls are filtered, gettime, yield and futex are typically ignored.

Also, writes to file descriptors 1 and 2 (stdout and stderr) are typically not reported so it doesn't interfere with output and debug code from your program as much.

A message will be printed at the start of the system call, and a message will be printed when the system call completes.

(A flag is set so the kernel knows to print the result.)

Building The Changes

To include these changes in your Redox image, run the following command:

make r.kernel image

Where Do The Messages Go

The kernel will print the messages on the console, if you are running make qemu the messages will appear in that terminal.

  • Consider to run the following command to capture the output:
make qemu |& tee my_log.txt

If you are doing the testing on real hardware you should probably use the server variant and run commands from the console.


Now that you are ready to contribute to Redox, read our CONTRIBUTING document to guide you.

Please follow our guidelines for Using Redox GitLab and our Best Practices.

If you are contributing to Redox, it's important to join us on Chat. Merge Requests are only reviewed if you post a link in the MRs room on Chat. It's also important to join so you can align with our current efforts and avoid unnecessary work.


The best way to communicate with the Redox team is on Matrix Chat, to join our chat, you must request an invitation in the Join Requests room (this room acts as a guard against spam and bots)

When your invitation is sent, you will receive a notification on Matrix.

After you accept the invitation, you can open the Redox Matrix space and see the rooms that are available.

These rooms are English-only, we cannot offer support in other languages because the maintainers will not be able to verify the correctness of your responses. But if you post translator-generated messages, we will do our best to understand them.

About Matrix

Matrix is an open chat protocol and has several different clients. Element is a commonly used choice, it works on web browsers, Linux, MacOSX, Windows, Android and iOS.

If you have problems with Element, read the Troubleshooting Element section or try Fractal.

Redox Use of Matrix

We follow the Rust Code Of Conduct as rules of the chat rooms.


  • If you want to have a big discussion in our Matrix space you should use a thread.
  • A thread is a list of messages, like a forum topic.
  • A thread is linked to the original message, but displayed to the side to help improve the visibility of new questions in the main message area.

Not all Matrix clients support threads, so if you are not able to see threads in your client, try a different client.

If you are unable to use a client that supports threads, let us know when you ask a question, and we will try to accommodate you as best we can.

  • To start a thread on Element, hover your mouse cursor over the desired message and click on the button with the message icon (a rectangular speech bubble).
  • To see all threads in a room click on the top-right button with a message icon.

We mostly use Element threads but there are other Matrix clients with threads support, like nheko.

The Redox Space

All rooms available on the Redox space:

Troubleshooting Element

  • Threads on Element have some bugs, typically marking messages as still unread, even after you have read them.

  • Element in the web browser does not show new messages in a thread as part of its new message count. It only shows a green or red dot over the Threads icon on the lower left of the display. A red dot means that the message is a reply to you. Click the Threads icon to see which rooms have new thread messages.

  • To display all threads in a room on Element in the web browser, click on the Threads icon on the top right of the display.

  • If the Threads button on the top right has a dot, you may have unread messages on some thread, but this could be wrong.

  • If a thread has a dot to the right, you have unread messages in that thread. Click on the thread to read it.

  • When entering a room where you have previously received replies in a thread, you may hear a notification bell, even though there is no new message.

  • Due to bugs, a thread you have previously read can show a dot and possibly count as unread messages. Click on the thread and make sure you have read it, and to clear it. If it is still not cleared, click on the "Thread options" ... button on the top right and select "Show in room". This will often clear it.

You can also mark an entire room as "Read" by mousing over the room name and selecting "Mark as read" from the "Room options" ... button.

  • After doing the steps above, if you still have problems, try reloading the page.

  • Element uses a cache, but clearing the cache sometimes causes problems, if you have encrypted rooms, like DM rooms, save your encryption keys before clearing your cache or you may lose the room history.

Read the Element documentation to learn more about encryption keys.

Best Practices and Guidelines

These are a set of best practices to keep in mind when making a contribution to Redox. As always, rules are made to be broken, but these rules in particular play a part in deciding whether to merge your contribution (or not). So do try to follow them.

Literate programming

Literate programming is an approach to programming where the source code serves equally as:

  • The complete description of the program, that a computer can understand
  • The program's manual for the human, that an average human can understand

Literate programs are written in such a way that humans can read them from front to back, and understand the entire purpose and operation of the program without preexisting knowledge about the programming language used, the architecture of the program's components, or the intended use of the program. As such, literate programs tend to have lots of clear and well-written comments. In extreme cases of literate programming, the lines of "code" intended for humans far outnumbers the lines of code that actually gets compiled!

Tools can be used to generate documentation for human use only based on the original source code of a program. The rustdoc tool is a good example of such a tool. In particular, rustdoc uses comments with three slashes ///, with special sections like # Examples and code blocks bounded by three backticks. The code blocks can be used to writeout examples or unit tests inside of comments. You can read more about rustdoc on the Rust documentation.

Writing Documentation Correctly (TM)

Documentation for Redox appears in two places:

  • In the source code
  • On the website (the Redox Book and online API documentation)

Redox functions and modules should use rustdoc annotations where possible, as they can be used to generate online API documentation - this ensures uniform documentation between those two halves. In particular, this is more strictly required for public APIs; internal functions can generally eschew them (though having explanations for any code can still help newcomers to understand the codebase). When in doubt, making code more literate is better, so long as it doesn't negatively affect the functionality. Run rustdoc against any added documentation of this type before submitting them to check for correctness, errors, or odd formatting.

Documentation for the Redox Book generally should not include API documentation directly, but rather cover higher-level overviews of the entire codebase, project, and community. It is better to have information in the Book than not to have it, so long as it is accurate, relevant, and well-written. When writing documentation for the Book, be sure to run mdbook against any changes to test the results before submitting them.

Rust Style

Since Rust is a relatively small and new language compared to others like C, there's really only one standard. Just follow the official Rust standards for formatting, and maybe run rustfmt on your changes, until we setup the CI system to do it automatically.

Rusting Properly

Some general guidelines:

  • Use std::mem::replace and std::mem::swap when you can.
  • Use .into() and .to_owned() over .to_string().
  • Prefer passing references to the data over owned data. (Don't take String, take &str. Don't take Vec<T> take &[T]).
  • Use generics, traits, and other abstractions Rust provides.
  • Avoid using lossy conversions (for example: don't do my_u32 as u16 == my_u16, prefer my_u32 == my_u16 as u32).
  • Prefer in place (box keyword) when doing heap allocations.
  • Prefer platform independently sized integer over pointer sized integer (u32 over usize, for example).
  • Follow the usual idioms of programming, such as "composition over inheritance", "let your program be divided in smaller pieces", and "resource acquisition is initialization".
  • When unsafe is unnecessary, don't use it. 10 lines longer safe code is better than more compact unsafe code!
  • Be sure to mark parts that need work with TODO, FIXME, BUG, UNOPTIMIZED, REWRITEME, DOCME, and PRETTYFYME.
  • Use the compiler hint attributes, such as #[inline], #[cold], etc. when it makes sense to do so.
  • Try to banish unwrap() and expect() from your code in order to manage errors properly. Panicking must indicate a bug in the program (not an error you didn't want to manage). If you cannot recover from an error, print a nice error to stderr and exit. Check Rust's book about Error Handling.

Avoiding Panics

Panics should be avoided in kernel, and should only occur in drivers and other services when correct operation is not possible, in which case it should be a call to panic!().

Please also read the kernel README for kernel-specific suggestions.

Testing Practices

  • It's always better to test boot (make qemu) every time you make a change, because it is important to see how the OS boots and works after it compiles.

  • Even though Rust is a safety-oriented language, something as unstable and low-level as a work-in-progress operating system will almost certainly have problems in many cases and may completely break on even the slightest critical change.

  • Also, make sure you verified how the unmodified version runs on your machine before making any changes. Else, you won't have anything to compare to, and it will generally just lead to confusion. TLDR: Rebuild and test boot often.

Using Redox GitLab

The Redox project is hosted here: Redox GitLab. You can download or clone the Redox source from there. However, if you wish to contribute, you will need a Redox Gitlab account.

This chapter provides an overview of Redox GitLab, how to get access, and how to use it as a Redox contributor.

Signing in to GitLab

Joining Redox GitLab

You don't need to join our GitLab to build Redox, but you will if you want to contribute. Obtaining a Redox account requires approval from a GitLab administrator, because of the high number of spam accounts (bots) that are created on this type of project. To join, first, go to Redox GitLab and click the Sign In/Register button. Create your User ID and Password. Then, send an message to the GitLab Approvals room indicating your GitLab User ID and requesting that your account be approved. Please give a brief statement about what you intend to use the account for. This is mainly to ensure that you are a genuine user.

The approval of your GitLab account may take some minutes or hours, in the meantime, join us on the chat and let us know what you are working on.

Setting up 2FA

Your new GitLab account will not require 2 Factor Authentication at the beginning, but it will eventually insist. Some details and options are described in detail below.

Using SSH for your Repo

When using git commands such as git push, git may ask you to provide a password. Because this happens frequently, you might wish to use SSH authentication, which will bypass the password step. Please follow the instructions for using SSH on the GitLab documentation. ED25519 is a good choice. Once SSH is set up, always use the SSH version of the URL for your origin and remote. e.g.

  • HTTPS:
git clone --origin upstream --recursive
  • SSH:
git clone --origin upstream --recursive

2FA Apps

Requirements Before Logging Into GitLab

Before logging-in, you'll need:

  • your web browser open at Redox GitLab
  • your phone
  • your 2FA App installed on your phone.
  • to add as a site in your 2FA App. Once added and the site listed, underneath you'll see 2 sets of 3 digits, 6 digits in all. i.e. 258 687. That's the 2FA Verification Code. It changes every so often around every minute.

Available 2FA Apps for Android

On Android, you may use:

Available 2FA Apps for iPhone

On iPhone iOS, you may use:

Logging-In With An Android Phone

Here are the steps:

  • From your computer web browser, open the Redox GitLab
  • Click the Sign In button
  • Enter your username/email
  • Enter your password
  • Click the Submit button
  • Finally you will be prompted for a 2FA verification code from your phone. Go to your Android phone, go to Google/Aegis Authenticator, find the site gitlab redox and underneith those 6 digits in looking something like 258 687 that's your 2FA code. Enter those 6 digits into the prompt on your computer. Click Verify. Done. You're logged into Gitlab.

Logging-In With An iPhone

Here are the steps:

  • From your computer web browser, open the Redox GitLab
  • Click the Sign In button
  • Enter your username/email
  • Enter your password
  • Click the Submit button
  • Finally you will be prompted for a 2FA verification code from your phone. Go to your iPhone, go to 2stable/Tofu Authenticator or to your Settings->Passwords for iOS Authenticator, find the site gitlab redox and underneath those 6 digits in looking something like 258 687 that's your 2FA code. Enter those 6 digits into the prompt on your computer. Click Verify. Done. You're logged into Gitlab.

Repository Structure

Redox GitLab consists of a large number of Projects and Subprojects. The difference between a Project and a Subproject is somewhat blurred in Redox GitLab, so we generally refer to the redox project as the main project and the others as subprojects. On the Redox GitLab website, you will find the projects organized as a very large, flat alphabetical list. This is not indicative of the role or importance of the various projects.

The Redox Project

The redox project is actually just the root of the build system. It does not contain any of the code that the final Redox image will include. It includes the Makefiles, configuration files, and a few scripts to simplify setup and building. The redox project can be found on the GitLab repository.

Doing a git clone of redox.git with --recursive fetches the full build system, as described in the .gitmodules file. The submodules are referred to using a SHA hash to identify what commit to use, so it's possible that your fetched subprojects do not have the latest from their master branch. Once the latest SHA reference is merged into redox, you can update to get the latest version of the subproject.


The many recipes that are added into the Redox image are built from the corresponding subprojects. The name of a Redox package almost always matches the name of its subproject, although this is not enforced.

The recipe contains the instructions to download and build a program, for its inclusion in the Redox image. The recipe is stored with the Cookbook.


The cookbook subproject contains the mechanism for building the Redox recipes. If a recipe is modified, it is updated in the cookbook subproject. In order for the updated recipe to get included in your downloaded cookbook, the redox project needs to be updated with the new cookbook SHA commit hash. Connect with us on the chat if a recipe is not getting updated.


Some subprojects are built as Rust crates, and included in Redox recipes using Cargo's dependency management system. Updates to a crate subproject must be pushed to the crate repository in order for it to be included in your build.

Forks, Tarballs and Other Sources

Some recipes obtain their source code from places other than Redox GitLab. The Cookbook mechanism can pull in source from any Git repository URL. It can also obtain tarballs which is most used by C/C++ programs.

In some cases, the Redox GitLab has a fork of another repository, in order to add Redox-specific patches. Where possible, we try to push these changes upstream, but there are many reasons why this might not be feasible.

Personal Forks

When you are contributing to Redox, you are expected to make your changes in a Personal Fork of the relevant project, then create a Merge Request (PR) to have your changes pulled from your fork into the master. Note that your personal fork is required to have public visibility.

In some rare situations, e.g. for experimental features or projects with licensing that is not compatible with Redox, a recipe may pull in sources located in a personal repository. Before using one of these recipes, please check with us on the chat to understand why the project is set up this way, and do not commit a Redox config file containing such a recipe without permission.

Creating Proper Bug Reports

If you identify a problem with the system that has not been identified previously, please create a GitLab Issue. In general, we prefer that you are able to reproduce your problem with the latest build of the system.

  • Make sure the code you are seeing the issue with is up to date with upstream/master. This helps to weed out reports for bugs that have already been addressed.
  • Search Redox Issues to see if a similar problem has been reported before. Then search outstanding merge requests to see if a fix is pending.
  • Make sure the issue is reproducible (trigger it several times). Try to identify the minimum number of steps to reproduce it. If the issue happens inconsistently, it may still be worth filing a bug report for it, but indicate approximately how often the bug occurs.
  • Explain if your problem happens in a virtual machine, real hardware or both. Also say your configuration (default options or customized), if you had the problem on real hardware say your computer model.
  • If it is a significant problem, join us on the chat and ask if it is a known problem, or if someone plans to address it in the short term.
  • Identify the recipe that is causing the issue. If a particular command is the source of the problem, look for a repository on Redox GitLab with the same name. Or, for certain programs such as games or command line utilities, you can search for the package containing the command with grep -rnw COMMAND --include Cargo.toml, where COMMAND is the name of the command causing the problem. The location of the Cargo.toml file can help indicate which recipe contains the command. This is where you should expect to report the issue.
  • If the problem involves multiple recipes, kernel interactions with other programs, or general build problems, then you should plan to log the issue against the redox repository.
  • If the problem occurs during build, record the build log using script or tee, e.g.
make r.recipe-name 2>&1 | tee recipe-name.log

If the problem occurs while using the Redox command line, use script in combination with your Terminal window.

tee qemu.log
make qemu
  • Wait for Redox to start, then in this window:
redox login: user
  • Execute the commands to demonstrate the bug
  • Terminate QEMU
sudo shutdown
  • If shutdown does not work (there are known bugs) then
  • Use the QEMU menu to quit
  • Then exit the shell created by script
  • Join us in the chat.

  • Record build information like:

    • The rust toolchain you used to build Redox
      • rustc -V and/or rustup show from your Redox project folder
    • The commit hash of the code you used
      • git rev-parse HEAD
    • The environment you are running Redox in (the "target")
      • qemu-system-x86_64 -version or your current hardware configuration, if applicable
    • The operating system you used to build Redox
      • uname -a or an alternative format
  • Format your log on the message in Markdown syntax to avoid a flood on the chat, you can see how to do it on the GitHub documentation.

  • Make sure that your bug doesn't already have an issue on GitLab. Feel free to ask in the Redox Chat if you're uncertain as to whether your issue is new.

  • Create a GitLab issue following the template. Non-bug report issues may ignore this template.

  • Once you create the issue don't forget to post the link on the Dev or Support rooms of the chat, because the GitLab email notifications have distractions (service messages or spam) and most developers don't left their GitLab pages open to receive desktop notifications from the web browser (which require a custom setting to receive issue notifications).

By doing this you help us to pay attention to your issues and avoid them to be accidentally forgotten.

  • Watch the issue and be available for questions.

Creating Proper Pull Requests

In order for changes you have made to be added to redox, or other related projects, it is necessary to have someone review your changes, and merge them into the official repository.

This is done by preparing a feature branch, and submitting a merge request.

For small changes, it is sufficient to just submit a pull request. For larger changes, which may require planning or more extensive review, it is better to start by creating an issue. This provides a shared reference for proposed changes, and a place to collect discussion and feedback related to it.

The steps given below are for the main Redox project repository - submodules and other projects may vary, though most of the approach is the same.

Please note:

  • Once you have marked your MR as ready, don't add new commits.
  • If you need to add new commits mark the MR as draft again.

Preparing your branch

  1. In an appropriate directory, e.g. ~/tryredox, clone the Redox repository to your computer using one of the following commands:
  • HTTPS:

    git clone --origin upstream --recursive
  • SSH:

    git clone --origin upstream --recursive
  • Use HTTPS if you don't know which one to use. (Recommended: learn about SSH if you don't want to have to login every time you push/pull!)

  • If you used (see the Building Redox page), the git clone was done for you and you can skip this step.

  1. Change to the newly created redox directory and rebase to ensure you're using the latest changes:

    cd redox
    git rebase upstream master
  2. You should have a fork of the repository on GitLab and a local copy on your computer. The local copy should have two remotes; upstream and origin, upstream should be set to the main repository and origin should be your fork. Log into Redox Gitlab and fork the Repository - look for the button in the upper right.

  3. Add your fork to your list of git remotes with

  • HTTPS:

    git remote add origin
  • SSH:

    git remote add origin
  • Note: If you made an error in your git remote command, use git remote remove origin and try again.

  1. Alternatively, if you already have a fork and copy of the repo, you can simply check to make sure you're up-to-date. Fetch the upstream, rebase with local commits, and update the submodules:

    git fetch upstream master
    git rebase upstream/master
    git submodule update --recursive --init

    Usually, when syncing your local copy with the master branch, you will want to rebase instead of merge. This is because it will create duplicate commits that don't actually do anything when merged into the master branch.

  2. Before you start to make changes, you will want to create a separate branch, and keep the master branch of your fork identical to the main repository, so that you can compare your changes with the main branch and test out a more stable build if you need to. Create a separate branch:

    git checkout -b MY_BRANCH
  3. Make your changes and test them.

  4. Commit:

    git add . --all
    git commit -m "COMMIT MESSAGE"

    Commit messages should describe their changes in present-tense, e.g. "Add stuff to file.ext" instead of "added stuff to file.ext". Try to remove duplicate/merge commits from PRs as these clutter up history, and may make it hard to read.

  5. Optionally run rustfmt on the files you changed and commit again if it did anything (check with git diff first).

  6. Test your changes with make qemu or make virtualbox.

  7. Pull from upstream:

    git fetch upstream
    git rebase upstream/master
  • Note: try not to use git pull, it is equivalent to doing git fetch upstream; git merge master upstream/master.
  1. Repeat step 10 to make sure the rebase still builds and starts.

  2. Push your changes to your fork:

    git push origin MY_BRANCH

Submitting a merge request

  1. On Redox GitLab, create a Merge Request, following the template. Describe your changes. Submit!
  2. Once your merge request is ready, notify reviewers by sending the link to the Redox Merge Requests room.

Incorporating feedback

Sometimes a reviewer will request modifications. If changes are required:

  1. Reply or add a thread to the original merge request notification in the Redox Merge Requests room indicating that you intend to make additional changes.

    Note: It's best to avoid making large changes or additions to a merge request branch, but if necessary, please indicate in chat that you will be making significant changes.

  2. Mark the merge request as "Draft" before pushing any changes to the branch being reviewed.

  3. Make any necessary changes.

  4. Reply on the same thread in the Redox Merge Requests room that your merge request is now ready.

  5. Mark the merge request as "Ready"

This process communicates that the branch may be changing, and prevents reviewers from expending time and effort reviewing changes that are still in progress.

Using GitLab web interface

  1. Open the repository that you want and click in "Web IDE".
  2. Make your changes on repository files and click on "Source Control" button on the left side.
  3. Name your commits and apply them to specific branches (each new branch will be based on the current master branch, that way you don't need to create forks and update them, just send the proper commits to the proper branches, it's recommended that each new branch is a different change, more easy to review and merge).
  4. After the new branch creation a pop-up window will appear suggesting to create a MR, if you are ready, click on the "Create MR" button.
  5. If you want to make more changes, finish them, return to the repository page and click on the "Branches" link.
  6. Each branch will have a "Create merge request" button, click on the branches that you want to merge.
  7. Name your MR and create (you can squash your commits after merge to not flood the upstream with commits)
  8. If your merge request is ready, send the link on Redox Merge Requests room.
  • Remember that if you use forks on GitLab web interface you will need to update your forks manually in web interface (delete the fork/create a new fork if the upstream repository push commits from other contributors, if you don't do this, there's a chance that your merged commits will come in the next MR).

GitLab Issues

GitLab issues are a formal way to communicate with Redox developers. They are best used to document and discuss specific features or to provide detailed bug reports. This communication is preserved and available for later reference.

For problems that can be quickly resolved, or require a quick response, using the chat is probably better.

Once you create an issue don't forget to post the link on the Dev or Support rooms of the chat, because the GitLab email notifications have distractions (service messages or spam) and most developers don't left their GitLab pages open to receive desktop notifications from the web browser (which require a custom setting to receive issue notifications).

By doing this you help us to pay attention to your issues and avoid them to be accidentally forgotten.

If you haven't joined the chat yet, you should (if at all interested in contributing)!

Please follow the Guidelines for your issues, if applicable. You will need a Redox GitLab account. See Signing in to GitLab.