Why Rust?

Why we wrote an operating system in Rust? Why even write in Rust?

Rust has enormous advantages, because for operating systems, security and stability matters a lot.

Since operating systems are such an integrated part of computing, they are the most important piece of software.

There have been numerous bugs and vulnerabilities in Linux, BSD, glibc, Bash, X11, etc. throughout time, simply due to the lack of memory allocation and type safety. Rust does this right, by enforcing memory safety statically.

Design does matter, but so does implementation. Rust attempts to avoid these unexpected memory unsafe conditions (which are a major source of security critical bugs). Design is a very transparent source of issues. You know what is going on, you know what was intended and what was not.

The basic design of the kernel/user-space separation is fairly similar to Unix-like systems, at this point. The idea is roughly the same: you separate kernel and user-space, through strict enforcement by the kernel, which manages system resources.

However, we have an advantage: enforced memory and type safety. This is Rust's strong side, a large number of "unexpected bugs" (for example, undefined behavior) are eliminated at compile-time.

The design of Linux and BSD is secure. The implementation is not. Many bugs in Linux originate in unsafe conditions (which Rust effectively eliminates) like buffer overflows, not the overall design.

We hope that using Rust we will produce a more secure and stable operating system in the end.


unsafe is a way to tell Rust that "I know what I'm doing!", which is often necessary when writing low-level code, providing safe abstractions. You cannot write a kernel without unsafe.

In that light, a kernel cannot be 100% verified by the Rust compiler, however the unsafe parts have to be marked with an unsafe, which keeps the unsafe parts segregated from the safe code. We seek to eliminate the unsafes where we can, and when we use unsafes, we are extremely careful.

This contrasts with kernels written in C, which cannot make guarantees about security without costly formal analysis.

You can find out more about how unsafe works in the relevant section of the Rust book.


The following sections explain the Rust benefits.

Less likely to have bugs

The restrictive syntax and compiler requirements to build the code reduce the probability of bugs a lot.

Less vulnerable to data corruption

The Rust compiler helps the programmer to avoid memory errors and race conditions, which reduces the probability of data corruption bugs.

No need for C/C++ exploit mitigations

The microkernel design written in Rust protects against memory defects that one might see in software written in C/C++.

By isolating the system components from the kernel, the attack surface is very limited.

Improved security and reliability without significant performance impact

As the kernel is small, it uses less memory to do its work. The limited kernel code size helps us work towards a bug-free status (KISS).

Rust's safe and fast language design, combined with the small kernel code size, helps ensure a reliable, performant and easy to maintain core.


The C/C++ support for thread-safety is quite fragile. As such, it is very easy to write a program that looks safe to run across multiple threads, but which introduces subtle bugs or security holes. If one thread accesses a piece of state at the same time that another thread is changing it, the whole program can exhibit some truly confusing and bizarre bugs.

You can see this example of a serious class of security bugs that thread-safety fixes.

In Rust, this kind of bug is easy to avoid: the same type system that keeps us from writing memory unsafety prevents us from writing dangerous concurrent access patterns

Rust-written Drivers

Drivers written in Rust are likely to have fewer bugs and are therefore more stable and secure.