
This page covers the commands used for common and specific tasks on Redox.


Show CPU information

cat /scheme/sys/cpu


Show system information

uname -a

Show memory (RAM) usage

free -h

Show the storage usage

df -h

Shutdown the computer

sudo shutdown

Show all running processes


Show system-wide common programs

ls /bin

Show all schemes

ls /scheme

Show the system log

cat /scheme/sys/log




Show system DNS name


Show all network addresses of your system

hostname -I

Ping a website or IP

ping (website-link/ip-address)

Show website information

whois https://website-name.com

Download a GitHub repository on the current directory

git clone https://github.com/user-name/repository-name.git

Download a Git repository

git clone https://website-name.com/repository-name

Download a Git repository to the specified directory

git clone https://website-name.com/repository-name folder-name

Download a file with wget

wget https://website-name.com/file-name

Resume an incomplete download

wget -c https://website-name.com/file-name
wget -i file.txt

Download an entire website and convert it to work locally (offline)

wget --recursive --page-requisites --html-extension --convert-links --no-parent https://website-name.com

Download a file with curl

curl -O https://website-name.com

Download files from multiple websites at once

curl -O https://website-name.com/file-name -O https://website2-name.com/file-name

Host a website with Simple HTTP Server

  • Point the program to the website folder
  • The Home page of the website should be available on the root of the folder
  • The Home page should be named as index.html
simple-http-server -i -p 80 folder-name

This command will use the port 80 (the certified port for HTTP servers), you can change as you wish.


Clean the terminal content


Exit the terminal session, current shell or root privileges


Current user on the shell


Show the default terminal shell

echo $SHELL

Show your current terminal shell

echo $0

Show your installed terminal shells (active on $PATH)

cat /etc/shells

Change your default terminal shell permanently (common path is /usr/bin)

chsh -s /path/of/your/shell

Add an abbreviation for a command on the Ion shell

alias name='command'

Change the user password

passwd user-name

Show the commands history


Show the commands with the name specified in history

history name

Change the ownership of a file, folder, device and mounted-partition (recursively)

sudo chown -R user-name:group-name directory-name


chown user-name file-name

Show system-wide configuration files

ls /etc

Show the user configuration files of programs

ls ~/.local/share ~/.config
echo text

Show the directories in the $PATH environment variable

echo $PATH

Show the dependencies (shared libraries) used by a program

ldd program-name

Add a new directory on the $PATH environment variable of the Ion shell


Restore the shell variables to default values


Measure the time spent by a program to run a command

time command

Run a executable file on the current directory


Run a non-executable shell script

sh script-name


bash script-name

Files and Folders

Show files and folders in the current directory

cat file-name

Edit a text file

kibi file-name

Save your changes by pressing Ctrl+S

Show the current directory


Change the active directory to the specified folder

cd folder-name

Change to the previous directory

cd -

Change to the upper directory

cd ..

Change the current directory to the user folder

cd ~

Show files and folders (including the hidden ones)

ls -A

Show the files, folders and subfolders

ls *

Show advanced information about the files/folders of the directory

ls -l

Create a new folder

mkdir folder-name

Copy a file

cp -v file-name destination-folder

Copy a folder

cp -v folder-name destination-folder

Move a folder

mv folder-name destination-folder

Remove a file

rm file-name

Remove a folder

(Use with caution if you called the command with su, sudo or doas)

rm -rf folder-name

Add text in a text file

echo "text" >> directory/file

Search for files

find . -type f -name file-name

(Run with sudo or su if these directories are under root permissions)

Search for folders

find . -type d -name folder-name

(Run with sudo or su if the directories are under root permissions)

Show files/folders in a tree



Play a video

ffplay video-name

Play a music

ffplay music-name

Show an image

image-viewer image-name


Show the OpenGL driver information

glxinfo | grep OpenGL