Scheme-rooted Paths

Scheme-rooted paths are the way that resources are identified on Redox.

What is a Resource

A resource is anything that a program might wish to access, usually referenced by some name.

What is a Scheme

A scheme identifies the starting point for finding a resource.

What is a Scheme-rooted Path

A scheme-rooted path takes the following form, with text in bold being literal.


scheme-name is the name of the kind of resource, and it also identifies the name used by the manager daemon for that kind.

resource-name is the specific resource of that kind. Typically in Redox, the resource-name is a path with elements separated by slashes, but the resource manager is free to interpret the resource-name how it chooses, allowing other formats to be used if required.

Differences from Unix

Unix systems have some special file types, such as "block special file" or "character special file". These special files use major/minor numbers to identify the driver and the specific resource within the driver. There are also pseudo-filesystems, for example procfs that provide access to resources using paths.

Redox's scheme-rooted paths provide a consistent approach to resource naming, compared with Unix.

Regular Files

For Redox, a path that does not begin with /scheme/ is a reference to the the root filesystem, which is managed by the file scheme. Thus /home/user/.bashrc is interpreted as /scheme/file/home/user/.bashrc.

In this case, the scheme is file and the resource is home/user/.bashrc within that scheme.

This makes paths for regular files feel as natural as Unix file paths.